Photoplay (Jan - Jun 1924)

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I 12 Photoplay Magazine — Advertising Section WLDouqlas'Qmrip1 for Women Made of a fine grade of Brown Kid. also Black Kid, in Blucher Oxford pattern. A very neat model of the corrective type with splendid fitting qualities. The corset effect gives COMFORT and SUPPORT to the ARCH. Exceptional service at a low price. $7.00. £ampus A bright tan Russia Calf Oxford for Men on a wide brogue last. New. attractive pattern with black stitching and eyelets Patent Leather Cork Welt and trimming around top; rolled heel. A smart, up-tothe-minute style for Spring and a wonderful value. $8.00. W. L. DOUGLAS name and the retail price are stamped on the soles of every pair at the factory. The value is guaranteed and the wearer protected against unreasonable prices. W. L. DOUGLAS shoes are demanded by more people than any other shoes in this country. They are put into all of our 1 16 stores at factory cost. We do not make one cent of profit until the shoes are sold to you. It is worth dollars for you to know that when you buy shoes at our stores You Pay Only One Profit. NEVER have you had the opportunity to buy such wonderful shoe values as you will find in W. L. Douglas shoes in our retail stores in the principal cities and in good shoe stores everywhere. If you do not live near one of our stores, ask your shoe dealer for W. L. Douglas shoes. If he cannot supply you. write for catalog showing how to order shoes by mail, postage free. W. L. DOUGLAS SHOE COMPANY 126 Spark Street, Brockton, Mass. " Pepful" and powerful tono quality, scientifically accurate scale. stronK durablo construction with exclusive Gibson "cosy-to-play" features, mako this Gibson Junior banjo a wonderful value. A full sized instrument with solid ebony finiterboard and genuine Gibson const ruction throughout. Send now for compll I. information. FKEE, about this or any other Gibson instrument: New Mnstertone Tenor Banjo, Mandolin Banjo, Guitar Banjo. Cello Banjo. Mnndolin Uandola, Mando-Ccllo. Mando Bass, Guitar, HarpGuitar. Gibson, Inc. I 408 Parsons St. Kalamazoo, Mich. Corns © B&B 1924 Don't risk blood poisoning by paring a corn. Apply Blue-jay, the scientific corn ender. The pain will vanish instantly. Then the corn loosens and comes out. Get Blue-jay today at your druggist. Blue=jay adore the things he does, lib strength, his being better than other men, his daring, his achievement. They love the man who wins. Wallace Keid combined ever} quality that I have mentioned, in the highest degree. He had sweetness, romance, passion, charm, a hint of wickedness at times, strength, knowledge. He could do anything and do it well. And he had the greatest measure of good looks ever accorded to any man who has appeared upon the screen. But all the men who are successful with the motion picture women fans have certain essential qualities. Every one of them possesses the things in some degree which stand out in the others. And those qualities are passion, romance, either physical beauty or physical strength, and the element of danger, either icily controlled or running rampant. Have You a Dressing Table? [ COXTLNUZD FROM PAGE 65 ] there because of the utilitarian purposes to which it is set, but because from it can come the inspiration that builds pleasure and charm into your toilette. Beauty reflects beauty. Perhaps that is why so many screen celebrities pay particular attention to their dressing tables. Very often the dressing tables they use in their settings are but duplications of the tables they have in their own homes. They know only too well the charm and foil of this properly worked out unit of the decorative scheme. It is not money, necessarily, that will create the beautiful thing you want. H you study your personality closely and carefully select the scheme of your dressing table, you can have one just as charming as those of Mile. Negri, or Mi>s Murray, or Miss Swanson. In the following paragraphs we are giving, as suggestions, a series of dressing tables that can be worked out easily in your own home. The materials, in fabric or design, may be varied to suit the needs of your present decorative scheme. The first drawing shows the most elaborate and expensive dressing table in this article. If a plain pine table is used lor the foundation, a curve must be cut in the middle, and it would be best to have a glass top made to tit the top, although a padded silk top would do. The material used lor this table is taffeta, with two lines of cording half way between the top and bottom. A straight length of taffeta is required. Allow twice the amount of cloth for fullness. An effective combination is found here by using rose taffeta shot with silver, and decorating the cords with nosegays of orchid, silver and deep rose. The silver candlesticks should have corresponding rose taffeta shades. with an overlay of silver georgette trimmed with tlower buds. The mirror frame is a silver finish, and hung with silver silk cords. Toilet articles should be crystal ami silver. VT TE find in the second sketch a clever arW rangement to make an unused door part of your room, and turn an eyesore into a thing of usefulness and beauty. The door is fitted with a mirror, and treated like a window, with side draperies and a valance hung on the customary window rods. Two tables, with drawers, furnish a good deal of room for toilet articles, gloves, handkerchiefs, and accessories. Columbia cretonne, in the Crofton pattern, has been used for the side draperies and a valance is made of a straight length of corresponding blue rep, or monk's cloth. Squares of this cloth, finished on the edge with a narrow galloon, would make suitable covers for the two tables. Venetian glass in yellow and wine color are correct color notes in the accessories for this table. In the third illustration the space between two windows is utilized for the placement of a modest dressing table. And treated with the same material as the window hangings, it be Bvery advertisement in moron. ay MAGAZINE is guaranteed.