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Is your beauty marred?
Photoplay Magazine — Advertising Section
Close'Ups and Longshots
[continued from page 56 ] was sound asleep by the time he arrived on the bottom step. Hut I was not really awed until I visited the Louvre and caught him snoring in front of Mona Lisa.
I'm so firmly convinced Ramon is a genius that I've revised my idea of genius. Genius is the infinite capacity for taking naps.
V\ 7HEN Metro decided to star Ramon ** Samanicgos, now known as Ramon Nbvarro, one of the officials shook his head dubiously, "That's an awful name, Samaniegos."
"Ya," replied another, "so is Apocalypse, but look what it made for us."
Every well equipped dressing table should include Del'a'tone, the antiseptic hair 'remover. This old reliable preparation has been in use for fourteen years; many modish women consider it their chief aid to beauty.
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The Depilatory for Delicate Skin
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At drug and department stores or sent prepaid in plain wrapper for one dollar. Generous sample in plain wrapper, ten cents, coin or stamps.
THE SHEFFIELD COMPANY Dept. 84, 536 Lake Shore Drive Chicago 71 Front St. . East, Toronto.
Throat irritations quickly disappear when you take Brown's Bronchial Troches. A dependable remedy— not a candy. Used for more than 70 years by singers and public speakers. Promptly relieves hoarseness, loss of voice, coughing. At all druggists. IOHN I. BROWN & SON. BOSTON. MASS.
neral Sales Areata: HAROLD F. RITCHIE & Co.. loc.
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Instructions in attractivo box, sent postpaid
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Self-Instruotlon Oonne far Advanced Pianist*, Learn 67 styles of Bnss, L80 Syncopated Effects Bine Harmony, Oriental. Online, UoTie and date Jois, Trtok Bndlnno, Olever Breaks, Space Kiliors. nm Rlnrs, Triple i!"-«. W loked Harmony, lilnoObl imilo and -47 other Snnjecti. InrliidliiK Bar PIm> Ihh. 1 HI |.iik<'s of 1SF.AI, .lass. 26,00(1 words. A l'ostnl liriiiRR our I'lil'.K Special Offer,
Waterman Piano School "VfiSS&XSgg.'?*'
T'VE often secretly yearned to be a star solely -*-to receive those letters from thousands of admirers the world over, but after observing Alice Terry in the anguish of reading her Yuletide mail I can testify that I'm completely cured. Most of the admirers wanted to know if she had any old fur coats or diamonds she was going to throw away; if so would she mind bundling them up and mailing them to the undersigned. One read, "Honored Madam, I am taking this liberty to ask you if you would help a poor widow with family to tide over this season of the year having seen much better times than am now seeing and may God's blessing rest on you and your husband and all your other undertakings."
After a week of secretarial assistance to Miss Terry I no longer have any desire for thousands of admirers the world over. And as for touching fan letters, I'd rather write than read 'em.
"D EX INGRAM, although a mere director, ■J-Mias his share of admiration. I found him terrified the other morning with the following letter trembling in his hand:
Mr. Rex Ingram. Dear Sir:
I notise you have dramatised Napoleon Bonaparte in the french revolution. May I know if the Bonapartes have ben given compensation or ave given their permission for it. I do not believe a movie concern has a right to do that without consulting the descedants of Napoleon Bonaparte. And I believe legal action can be taken against producing Napoleon without Authorization. As my name is Napoleon Bonaparte I cant help being vitally interested. Kindly let me hear from you in regard to the above as soon as possible.
Napoleon Bonaparte
% Gen Delivery
Mamie, Kan.
•"THE above recalls a remark Lewis Stone ■*■ once made concerning a pompous actor who was always thrusting himself grandiloquently into the foreground.
"He once played Napoleon," said Lew. "And once they've played Napoleon they never get over it."
TXGRAM with typical Gallic enthusiasm de■*-clases he wants to live the rest of hi life in Tunis. To this end he took Alice Terry to see an old Moorish house situated on a lonely eminence overlooking the sea. The rooms wore bare and bleak with iron beds that looked as though they'd done service in the Palace hotel of Mamie. Kan.
"What do you think of the house and grounds?" exclaimed Res rapturously.
"Grounds I "sniffed Alice, looking at the dead palm in the sand, "Ground for divorce!"
Rex will be back in America in April.
REX: Did vou go to the opera last night. Alice? Alice: No. Rex: How was it? Alice: Fine!
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That never-empty place in medicine cabinets belongs to Absorbine, Jr.
As a mouthwash it is germ destroying, cleansing and refreshing.
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With a dentifrice it gets at crevicehidden germs; keeps brush clean.
With a shampoo it destroys dandruff germs and stimulates the scalp.
It is delightful after shaving and a first aid for cuts and scratches.
At all druggists', $1.25, or postpaid. Liberal trial bottle, 10c. , postpaid.
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For shore uses dilute Absorbine, Jr. with venter. Use I .ill streofth
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Seven brilliant, blue white, perfectly cut diamonds are set in platinum. Looks like 2 ct solitaire worth $600. Fully guaranteed to stand anv test.
are set in the shanks of this IS kt. solid white gold engraved and | pierced ring to add beauty and style.
Just send $2.00 deposit to show your pood faith (or pay postman $2.00 on delivery) and we will send this handsome diamond ring. The balance you can pay in tan small monthly Installments of S6.70 each — total price, $69.00. Former price, $100.00. Give finger size.
No one knows you are buying on our dignified credit system unless you tell them yourself. A written guarantee accompanies each ring. You can return the ring within ten days if not satisfied. Send order today.
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Every advertisement In PHOTOPLAY MAGAZINE is guaranteed.