Photoplay (Jan - Jun 1924)

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Photoplay Magazine — Advertising Section Gray Hair Handicaps— Don't Have It Let me tell you the quick, easy way to get back original color "Why let gray hairspoil your chances?" is agueation I so often want to ask. It is such an unnecessary handicap when restoration is so simple and easy. And— it costs nothing to learn how. I invite everyone with gray hair to send for my free trial outfit, which contains a trial bottle of my lamous hair color restorer. Test as directed— learn for yourself that you needn't have gray hair at any age! A scientific laboratory preparation Mary T. Goldman's Hair Color Restorer is a scientific, reliable preparation which always does the work. It brings back the natural, youthful colorof your hair so perfectly that no one will suspect you once were gray. There is no streaking, artificial dyed look. Just the even natural, exact shade of early youth. Apply it with a comb My restorer is very easily applied — you M do it yourself, without help. You simply comb it through the hair and watch the gray disappear. No interference with shampooing — nothing to wash or rub off. My restorer is a clear, colorless liquid, clean and dainty as water. It leaves the hair soft and fluffy — lovely when waved and dressed. Absolutely free trial — mail coupon Remember the trial ofTer is absolutely free — we even prepay postage. Just mail the coupon — you will receive by return mail my special patented free trial outfit with full directions. Then when you know what Mary T. Goldman's Hair Color Restorer is and just what it will do, get a full sized bottle from your druggist. If you prefer it, you may order direct from me. Fill out coupon carefully, stating exactly natural colorof hair. If possible enclose a lock with your letter. When the trial outfit comes, make the famous "singlelock" test. You will be overjoyed by results. Over 10,000,000 bottles sold Gray Hair Restorer — — — — ^— —Please print your name and address— — — — — MARY T. GOLDMAN, 176-D Goldman Bids:., St. Paul, Minn. Please sendme your FREE trial bottle of Mary T. Goldman's Hair Color Restorer. natural color of my hair is: Black dark brown medium brown. . . auburn (dark red)... light brown... light auburn (light red). .. blonde... The '•••. 7 y <Delica \ Kissproof £ipstick\ — adds just that touch of color— so delicate— so alluring—of nature's own blending. It is the original "won't come off" lip rouge. Wateror "kisses" have no effect. It stays on, vivifies — yet so softly as to (rive only theshadethatnature intended. oAt Tour Dealer or Direct • 50c FREE Easy to PLAY Easy to ,RAY feSi Dklica Laboratories Inc.; Dopt. 132, 3933 Broadway, Chicago Send mo a generous sample of Delfca Kissproof Lipstick together with sample bottle of DelicaBrow, the original liquid dressing; for darkening t he lashes and brows. I ei moiling. Warns ^ Address enclose 10c for parking and © $11-50 7f,e BOOK OF kTE Whatr is Goii*6 to_ Happen to Yoit? Arc yon constantly worried thi\t someLoarn what the stars predict. The Do yon fear what the farnr© has in store for y BUnS ilrc iid fill I:* ffOtUB t.> bsppOOl Stop won aiicwnt ucionco of astrology r.vivihi nil. VIRGO WILL TELL YOU FREE Simply nrnti In your name an. I :uMr. ..t ami 1 will interpret the Zodtw cfim yon W0M bon ninl.T. Ho iar« to Mtato the Mttcl ii;tl< »f y.uir birth in > our own han.hvnlmj; BnclOM lOc to corar coal of malUns ami posUjro. Yout utrotoaicaJ roadfoe will ba .-<-nt von written in plain lanK'nacr. mail,-,! rt.-iiUM, p.*stpaiil > on will b overjoy,-,) with thr t^sl nrwr>. EVn't wait, send birth date and 10c NOW. VIRGO STUDIO, 38 Howard Street. New York City 434 The Saxophone 13 the easiest of all wind instruments to play and the sweetest in tone. In an hour you can learn to play the scale and soon plav popular airs. Nothing can take its place for Home. Lodge, Church or School Entertainment. /SSI SAXOPHONE Is a marvelous instrument — the only one with convenient "snap-on pads." Easy payment terms can he arranged if desired, making it very easy to pay. Six days' free trial allowed. Write for Free Book about the Saxophone and Complete Catalog. (80) BUESCHER BAND INSTRUMENT CO. Everything in Band and Orchestra Instruments 22SO BUESCHER BLOCK ELKHART, INDIANA mm dWnew cara/6<*ue It describes and pictures .i large numb of beautiful wrist watches — the late styles worn by people of Fashion. Srnt Free This month's Special— Rctutlfnl R.cbsntulu watch, l-l K. wh.te m.lj tillod. uphlrc crown. rnrrared dial. EMPIRE WATCH MANUFACTURING CO 296 Bro.dw.y New York. N. Y and no more. She's dumb, but she"> pleasantly dumb." With her ascent, Fritzi's home life began to irritate her. She had her own friends, jolly people, who adored parties, and were always giving parties, or attending them. Fritzi reflected upon the desirabilitv of giving parties, feeling that somehow .^ued to one's artistic -tature. There fanned in her mind the perfectly definite conclusion that she and May Sosey had come to the breaking point, because May was no longer her kind, and couldn't be. May was out of sympathy, didn't fit in. hadn't the clothes, the looks, the spirit or the manner. Furthermore, the rooms in which they lived were shabby-genteel, and not worthy of a brisk extra girl drawing fifty per. She wanted a regular, swell flat somewhere — a place where her new associates could dance all night, if they felt like it, and nobody to bawl them out or summon the janitor. George Darling said he knew of such a flat, southern exposure and all sunny rooms. Fritzi broke the news with her characteristic directness. May was cooking bacon and eggs over a gas jet. and Fritzi turned her key in the door and entered. She looked querulously at May for a moment and tossed her handbag upon a table. "May." she said abruptly. "I've been thinking it all over and the best thing for us is to quit.'' May slowly reversed a piece of bacon, and answered without looking up. "I've been expecting it." "You and I don't hit it off any longer." continued Fritzi. '"Anyhow. I need more room. You don't like my friends and they — " "They don't like me — I knew that." "Darling's going to find me a flat uptown. You'll get along all right without me. May. I want to see you. now and then, of course. We won't lose track of each other and we're always going to be friends." "Of course," said May. Fritzi packed her things the same night and moved the fallowing morning, after May had left. One of the things that slipped into her trunk by accident was May's lucky cat. a -taring china feline of brilliant yellow with ) lack spots for eyes. It was a silly looking object, but it had been with May -ince she was a little girl. Intrinsically, the lucky cat had no value. but May had always been pleasantly superstitious over it. One ear was almost gore. The yellow glaze had been chipped on", and the end of the tail was mi-sing. It urually adorned May's dresser, sitting up Stiffly, itfour legs sprawled and its empty eyes staring with an expression of mingled amazement at d asininity. When she desired a day to 1 i particularly fortunate. May kissed the china cat on its nose. That evening, she noticed her luck piece was gone. " Fritzi must have taken it." she said. "I'll have to ask her for it." It was another month before May ever found out where Frit/i had gore. No word came From the extra lady, because she was row wrapped up in her career and very busy. I She moved several times within the next few months, hunting the ideal flat. and. presumably, May's lucky cat went with her. Meanwhile a streak of genuine business depression engulfed New York. You may recall it. The ice cream soda makers dismissed half their people ami May Sosey went with the other-. There ensued, not week of idleness, but months of it. FRITZI'S star mounted ever upwards, and May slipped back — back into cheaper lodgings and -till cheaper. There sometimes come a time in the battle against New York when the exhausted swimmer ceases to swim, and the sea rolls over him unheeded. Maxreached it. She gave up the struggle, mainly because her spirit had fled, beaten out of her by ill nourishment and frail health. Once or twice, it occurred to her that she was having Eu-ty advertisement In PHOTOPLAY magazine is guaranteed.