Photoplay (Jan - Jun 1924)

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i44 Photoplay Magazine — Advertising Section CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING Rate 35ctn. per word* FORMS FOR JULY ISSUE CLOSE MAY TENTH AGENTS AND SALESMEN *60-$200 A WEEK. GENUINE GOLD LETTERS for store windows. Easily applied. Free samplesLiberal offer to general agents. Metallic Letter Co., 180-4 North Clark, Chicago. WE START YOU WITHOUT A DOLLAR. SOAPS. Extracts, Perfumes. Toilet Goods. Experience unnecessary. Carnation Co., Dept. 20S. St. Louis. WE START YOU IN BUSINESS. FURNISHING everything: men and women. $:!0.00 to $100.00 weekly, operating our "New System Specialty Candy Factories" anywhere. Opportunity lifetime: valuable booklet free. W. Hillyer Ragsdale, Drawer 90, East Orange, New Jersey. MAKE MONET " SILVERING MIRRORS. ALL kinds plating, knives, spoons, auto headlights. Outfits furnished. International Laboratories, 3011 Fifth Ave., Dept. RE, New York. USE OUR HANDSOME CATALOG: GET ORDERS from every home for Dr. Blair's famous home products. Liberal pay. Dr. Blair Laboratories, Dept. 522, Lynchburg, Va. NEW AUTO ACCESSORY. COSTS 6c. RETAILS $1.50. "Free Sample." Box 40 IK, Hartford, Connecticut. BIG MONEY AND FAST SALES. EVERY OWNER buys Gold initials for ills auto. You charge $1.50; make $1.35. Ten orders daily easy. Write for particulars and free samples. American Monogram Co., Dept. 160, East Orange, N. J. AUTO OWNERS! GET YOUR TIRES FREE! BE our Factory Agent! Big spare time moneymaker! Sample tires furnished. No capital or experience needed. Write today. Armour Tire & Rubber Co., Desk 271. Dayton, Ohio. AGENTS— $15 DAILY EASY— YOUR PAY IN ADvanco introducing New Insured Hosiery. Must wear or replaced free. No capital or experience required. Just show samples — write orders. Elegant outfit furnished. All colors — grades including silks. Macochee Hosiery Company, Room 2445, Cincinnati, Ohio. SELL COAL IN CARLOAD LOTS. SIDE OR MAIN line. Experience unnecessary. Earn week's pay in an hour. Washington Coal Company, 742 Coal Exchange Building, Armour Station, Chicago. AGENTS WANTED TO ADVERTISE OUR GOODS and distribute free samples to consumers: 90c an hour; write for full particulars. American Products Co., 1782 American Bldg., Cincinnati, Ohio. PATENTS INVENTORS DESIRING TO SECURE PATENTS Should write for our book, "How To Get Your Patent." Send model or sketch of Invention for free opinion of patentable nature. Randolph & Co., Dept. 462, Washington. P. C. PATENTS. WRITE FOR FREE GUIDE BOOKS and "Record of Invention Blank" before disclosing inventions. Send model or sketch for Examination and instructions. No chaige for above information. Victor J. Evans & Co., 763 Ninth, Washington, D. C. MOTION PICTURE BUSINESS GREATEST FORTUNES MADE IN THIS Business. No experience and Small Capital starts you. Easy payments. Free Catalog. Monarch Theatre Supply Co., Dept. B, Memphis. Tenn. ENTERTAINMENTS PLAYS, MUSICAL COMEDIES AND REVUES, minstrel music, blackface skits, vaudeville acts, monologs, dialogs, recitations, entertainments, musical readings, stage handbooks, make-up goods. Big catalog freo. T. S. Denisun & Co.. 623 So. Wabash, Dept. 76, Chicago. HELP WANTED BE A DETECTIVE: EXCELLENT OPPORTUNITY: good pay: travel. Write C. T. Ludwlg, 367 Westover Bldg., Kansas City. Mo. ALL MEN. WOMEN, BOYS. GIRLS. 17 TO 65, willing to accept Government Positions, $1 17 -$250, traveling ox stationary, write Mr. O/.ment, 265, St. Louis, Mo., Immediately, $6-18 A DOZEN DECORATING PILLOW TOPS AT Borne, Expci ience unnecessary; particulars for stamp. Tapestry Paint Co., 131. LaGrange, liul. HELP WANTED U. S. GOVERNMENT WANTS MEN-WOMEN. 18 hi . Steady work. Life job. $100 to $250 month. Paid vacation. Influence unnecessary. List positions free. Franklin Institute, Dept. .1-132, Rochester, N. Y. WOMEN TO SEW. GOODS SUNT PREPAID TO your door; plain sewing; steady work. No canvassing; send stamped envelope for prices paid. I'm. Company, Dept. 21. Philadelphia. Pa. DETECTIVES NEEDED EVERYWHERE; CITIES. towns. Large salaries. Write National llead.iuaiteis, 183 East 7'Jth, New York. EARN MONEY AT HOME DURING SPARE TIME painting lamp shades, pillow tops for us. No canvassing. Easy and interesting work. Experience unnecessary. NUeart Company. 2220, Ft. Wayne, Indiana. DETECT1 VES NEEDED EVERYWHERE. EXCELlent opportunity. Experience unnecessary. Write. Gcorgo Wagner, former Government Detective, 1968 Broadway, N. Y. $1 HOUR. WRITE SHOW CARDS FOR US AT home. Particulars free. Kwik Showeard System, 6-1-0 Bond, Toronto, Canada. WOMEN— GIRLS— WANTED. LEARN GOWN MAKIng at borne. Sample lessons free. Franklin Institute, Dept. J-507, Rochester. N. Y. PHOTOPLAY TEXT BOOKS i -^ ___^____ J "HOW TO WRITE A PHOTOPLAY." BY C. G. Wiukopp, Tribune Building, New York, 50 cents. Contains model scenario, "Where to Sell," "How to Build Plots, " "Where tu get Plots," BIG MONEY WRITING PHOTOPLAYS, STORIES, DOems. Send for free copy America's greatest magazine for writers. Tells you how to write and sell. Writer's Digest. 611 Butler Bldg., Cincinnati, Ohio. OF INTEREST TO WOMEN STAMPING NAMES MAKE $10.50 per 100 stamping names on key checks. Send 25c tor sample and particulars. R. Keytag Co., Cohoes, N. Y. MANUSCRIPTS— TYPING MISCELLANEOUS "Don't Shout" "*1 heat you. 1 con hear now as well as anybody. 'How'? Willi the M0RLEY PHONE. I've a pair in my cars now, but they are invisible. I woultl not know 1 had ihem in myself, only thai I hear al The M0RLEY PHONE lot the DEAF , is to the ears what glasses j ore to the eyes. Invisible, comfortable, wciahtj __. less and harmless. Anyone an adjust il. Over 100.000 sold. Wiile for booklet and testimonials THEMORLEYCO..Dept.789.10S.18lhSt.Phil«. M has finally solved the problem of removing hair without slightest danger to the skin or coni. -xlon. This with NEET, n claim v cream, harmless and mild. You merelv spread It on and then rln>o oft with clear water. That's all; the hair will lie gone and the skin let! refreshingly cool, smooth and white! Old met hods, the unwonianlv ra.-or and severe chemical preparations, have given way to this remarkable proparat ion which Is already thcaecoptcd method ot well-groomed women everywhere from New York to San Francisco. Used by physicians. Money hack tflt falls to please. 50c at Drug and DeDt. stores. Trial tube 10c by mall, Hannibal Phar. Co. .659 Olive, St. Louis. Mo. SWITCHES MADE FROM COMBINGS. THE NEW way. Write for style booklet. Mrs. E. Yandervoort, DaventJort. imva. MAKE CHOCOLATES AT HOME FOR PLEASURE or profit. Complete chocolate dipping directions, $1.00. Veruer Morris, 1475 South Rebecca, Pomona, California. OLD COINS AND STAMPS OLD MONEY WANTED. DO YOTJ KNOW THAT Coin Collectors pay up to $100.00 for certain V. S. Cents? And high premiums for all rare coins'; We buy all kinds. Send 4c for large Coin Circular. May mean much profit to you. Numismatic Bank, Dept. 7"). Fort Worth. Texas. "PHOTOPLAY AND SHORT STORY WRITING." Free book of valuable information on above subject. Typewriter Service Co., 920 Grand Ave., Des Moines, la. HEMSTITCHING AND PICOTING HEMSTITCHING AND PICOTING ATTACHMENT. S2 with Instructions and Emu-needle. Works on all sewing machines. Name machine. P. P. Rebus Co., Cohoes, N. Y. GROW TALLER. DEVELOP YOl'R PHYSICAL beauty and appearance. Natural. Easy method. Results guaranteed. Price S-. The Natural Method Bureau, Dept, C. Atlantic City. N. J. YOUR HOROSCOPE. BUSINESS. HEALTH. ClIAltiicter, friends, enemies, changes. Send birth date and ten cents (stamps) for remarkable test reading. Zanva. 200-X, W. 70th St.. New York. ASTROLOGY. NO BLUFF-NO GUESSWORK— but scientific analysis of your personal affairs by ■ proficient Astrologer. One dollar. Send time and place of birth. Albert Byron, Box 10S0. Providenco. R. I. PRINTED FOLDER GIVING CORRECT WEIGHT according to ago and height. Both sexes. Reducing and gaining outlined. A valuable health guide. Two Dimes. Christensen, 615 Otis Place. N. W.. Washington, D. C icv hack Charley C, Dighton, Mass. — Glad to be a "jolly fellow" to you. Mr. Chaplin should be much amused by a picture of a girl dressed in imitation of him. He is not married. He was married to Mildred HarrL-, from whom he has been divorced. His age is thirty-four. Helen Holmes keeps on screening. Milton Sills is six feet tall and weighs one hundred and eighty pounds. His eyes are gray, his hair light brown. He is about thirty-eight. Recina, Montclair, X. J. — Since you think Betty Compson has the "sweetest eyes on the screen," why not write her in care of W. W. Hodkinson. 469 Fifth Ave., New York ; City, for a photograph that you may have ; those eyes always before you? She is not married but is engaged to Director James Cruze, of "The Covered Wagon" fame. The source of George Walsh's photograph supply is the Goldwyn Studios, Culver City, Cat Theodore Koslott is married and forty-five. June of Minnesota. — Your name is suggestive of sweet things. "O what is so rare" you know the rest. What an encomium of Lillian Gish and all those adjectives deserved. She was born in Springfield, Ohio, Oct. 14th, 1896. She has not married. Says she won't. But women's minds are oft as the winds. She made "The White Sister" in Italy last summer, and "Romola" is nearing completion. Address her at the Inspiration Pictures, 565 Fifth Ave., New York City. La Clara Bow, Chicago, III. — Naturally you are elated that your schoolmates think you are so like Clara Bow in "Black Oxen" that they have rechristened her by your name. You "can see that she has transferred your actions and eye-rollings" to the screen. Do you think she may have watched the eighth grade one afternoon as it filed out of school? She is five years older than you. Miss Thirteen. Why not write her that you adore her? Her address is Preferred Pictures, 6642 Santa Monica Blvd., Hollywood, Cal. Dot, New York, N. Y. — Your requests for information are as brief and direct as your girlish name. Miss Dot. and as modest as your handwriting. Richard Barthelmess is twentyeight. At the time I write, he has completed "The Enchanted Cottage." Colleen Moore is twenty-three. S. C. G., New York. X. Y. — Have I "more courage than other critics who won't tell whom they consider the five best actors and five best actresses on the screen?" I have the courage, S. C. G., but I would not risk offering with you and giving you a sleepless night. Even one is his own critic. Decide for yourself and be happy. Marine. LaBelle. Mo.— If you write Conwax Tearle. First National Productions, United Studios. Hollywood, Cal.. you should receive his photograph. It is customary to send twenty-live cents for likenesses. J. L. P., New York. N. Y— The actor whose work you so admired in "Fashion Row " with Mae Murray, is F.arle Fox of the Fox Studios. No relation, I believe. MAMIE, St. Paul. Minn.— I endeavor to gratify your wish for "everything that is to be known about Ivor Xovello." He appeared in several pictures in England before coming to America. He is appearing on the stage in England His age is thirty-one. He is a composer. He wrote "Keep the Home Fifes Burning." Before he left America there A. L. S.. AlBANY, N. Y. — It has been rumored for months that Kenneth Harlan is engaged to Marie Prevost. He is of the sufficiently marriageable age of twenty-eight. Every advertisement In PHOTOPLAY MAGAZINE is guaranteed.