Photoplay (Jul - Dec 1921)

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Ua oJodette K^ompiete dune la) ENTER Madame, Mademoiselle — in Paris — le Cafe de la Paix, L'Hotel Crillon, le Cafe des Ambassadeurs! Regardez.! Assuredly one sees here the most fashionable women of all the world. And what is the secret of the dressing hour which lends to these demoiselles a charm so individuel? Paris whispers this magic of beauty to the ladies of America: In the toilette one shall use in each spicialite the same delicate fragrance. In the very words of Paris — "On emploie une seule bonne odeur." Thus does Madame choose DjerKiss — si frangais, si chic, si complet! For does not Djer-Kiss, in its specialites so varied, add the charme supreme from the very beginning of the toilette to the final touch of beauty. Thus is Madame, and Mademoiselle also, assured of the same enchanting fragrance in each bewitching toiletry. Thus does the French charm of Djer-Kiss help to realize I'ensemble si charmant. If already you do not use them all, these specialites de Djer-Kiss, will you not add them all at once, tout d'un coup, or little by little as you may desire, to your toilet table and your dressing hour? The charm of the Parisienne will then be yours. arisienne Par exemple, Talc Djer-Kiss: Soft as star-mist, fragrant as breezes from Fairyland, is this pure French talc. Madame, Mademoiselle will discover for Djer-Kiss Talc so many, many uses. With the other specialites de Djer-Kiss, Face Powder, Perfume, Rouge, Sachet, Toilet Water and les Cr'emes, it adds youthful freshness and fragrance and so helps to achieve that "unity of parfum" which the fashion of Paris so requires! Special Sample Offer: Send 20c and receive the dainty "Week-end Specialty Box" containing serviceable samples of Djer-Kiss extract, face powder, cold cream and vanishing cream with dainty satin sachet. Address Alfred H. Smith Co., 26 West 34th Street, New York City. EXTRACT • FACE POWDER • TALC • TOILET WATER • VEGETALE • SACHET • SOAP • ROUGE • COLD CREAM • VANISHING CREAM These specialties. Rouge, Soap, Compacts and Creams temporarily blended here with pure cDjcr-Kits concentre imported from France 1 mU^My^