Photoplay (Jul - Dec 1921)

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Home Study BusinessCourses The urgent need of business today is for high-splaned executives, managers and departmental specialists. Under the LaSalle Problem Method you can get, in your spare time at home by mail, under expert guidance, training which parallels actual business practice. The University's staff of 1750 people includes 450 business authorities, educators and assistants ready at all times to give prompt counsel and advice to enrolled members on any business question or problem. This is a service not obtainable from any other educational institution. Write your name and address at the bottom and mail today. We will send fall information and book of remarkable records of advancement made by LaSalle trained men; also our interesting book, "Ten Years' Promotion in One." Low cost and convenient monthly terms which anyone can afford. Money refunded if dissatisfied upon completion of course. Nearly 300,000 have enrolled. Find out what LaSalle training can do for you. Check and mail the coupon NOW. L^ALLEEXTEN^oTTUNIVERs7fY The Largest Business Training Institution in the World Dept. 11302-R, Chicago, III. Gentlemen: Send without obligation to meinformation regarding course indicated below, also a copy of your interesting book, "Ten Years' Promotion in One." D Business Management D Banking and Finance OHigher Accountancy DC. P A. Coaching for D Traffic Management— Advanced Accountants Foreign and Domestic D Modern Foremanship D Railway Accounting and DPersonnel and EmployStation Management ment Management □ Law— Degree of LL.B. D Business English □ Commercial Law □ Commercial Spanish □ Industrial Management □ Effective Speaking Efficiency □ Expert Bookkeeping □ Business LetterWriting Name Present Position Address Photoplay Magazine — Advertising Section Questions and Answers (Continued) Clay De Lano, New Rochelle. — You live in the same town as the Gish girls. Don't ask me where, for I won't tell you. Jack Pickford is not playing now: he's working — directing sister Mary. They have just finished "Little Lord Fauntleroy." Mary and Doug are in Manhattan now, and from my office window I can look out on the hotel they're living in: the Ritz-Carlton. The other day I glanced out and who should I see but Doug doing stunts on the roof, with Mary posing for some pictures. They're great folks. Come again. ^reextook; "Success in Music How To Win It" •Sg^ T ETSousa.Pryor „,55S i^-vstm -^andeightother yjwA world-famous mu: mxli cians tell you secrets of their success; how to discover and cultivate your musical "bump"; double your income and pleasure playing la band or orchestra. FREE TRIAL Any Instrument Conn Instruments are used by world-famous artists. Known everywhere as easiest of all to play. Try any instrument FREE. No obligation; easy payments when you buy. Send coupon for free book and details of free trial plan. 1128 Conn Bldg. Elkhart. Ind, Agencies in all large cities JJF C. G. Conn, Ltd. 1128 Conn Bldg., Elkhart, Indiana. Gentlemen: — Please send me "Success in Music" and details of your free trial plan. (Mention instrument.) Name Street or Rural RouteCity, County State Instrument Pansy. — I spent my lunch hour looking at the Pilgrim exhibition in the publiclibrary. Wonderful collection of manuscripts, some from Queen Elizabeth's time. Then I went out into the humming street again, and watched and wondered at the people passing on the Avenue. The Pilgrims made it all possible — but I doubt if they would be much pleased. Women on stilts; fat men* riding in fat motors; haughty little dogs looking out of the windows of limousines — bah! But perhaps it is only because I have to go home to a hall-bedroom that I sneer at them. What think? Ann Little recently completed a serial called "The Blue Fox." Now if it were called "The Silver Fox," you'd see some sense to it, wouldn't you? For Ben Wilson Miss Little is working on another chapterdrama, "Nanette of the North." Address her Berwilla Studios, Hollywood. Bucky, Mexico City. — Bless your heart — your letter was great! So was the snapshot. You want to know what I think of you. Well, I think you're a mighty sweet kid, and Fd like to hear from you often. (Now don't sue me for breach of promise). I think the sketch you made is very good, but don't take my word for it. I don't understand art. Now, now! Is it of Dorothy Gish or Theda Bara? I will surely put your picture in my scrapbook. I wouldn't write to John Barrymore now, because he is in Europe with his wife who was Blanche Oelrichs Thomas and their baby girl. Barrymore was born in 1892. William Desmond's latest is "Fighting Mad." T. G., Denver. — Irene Castle's latest is "French Heels," which is most appropriate, since she always wears them. Ward Crane is her leading man. Wanda Hawley is Mrs. Burton Hawley. Mighty nice of you to send me your poems. I can't tell you how much I appreciate your thoughtlessness. Millsville Fan. — You may be able to get a photograph of the late Olive Thomas by writing to Selznick, 729 Seventh Ave., N. Y. C. and enclosing twenty-five cents. Yes, I knew Olive Thomas. She was one of the most beautiful women in the world, and one of the most lovable and kindhearted. Dolores. — There is a Dolores Cassinelli in pictures; and there is a Dolores in the Ziegfeld entertainments. Shirley Mason is married to Bernard Durning; they have no children. No, I don't know all of the moving picture people. I only know three hundred and eighty-six of them. And I cannot introduce you to Shirley Mason because she doesn't happen to be one of the 386. I wish she were. Miss Rachel. — I was sorry that I wasn't in when you called to tell me that you liked me. But don't you think you can write me a letter and tell me again? HAIRNET (^fitting CmwnprtheQueen of Hearts Packed in Dainty Blue Envelopes Containing One Net -./or 1 5* Containing Two Nets -£*■ 25* Containing Four Nets-/5r 50* At all Good Stores JdrJgtiqestlVear<^WUhout a Oear American Pacific Co., inc. 44-46 East25«iSt.NewYotkCity ELASTICITY' STRENGTHINVISIBILITY PARKER'S HAIR BALSAM Removes Dandruff— Stops Hair Falling: Restores Color and Beauty to Gray and Faded Hair 6v)e. and £1.00 at druggists. Hiscox Chem. Works. Patchogue. N. Y. 5521 Failii STRONGFORT The Perfect Man The man who marries a good, pure woman, knowing that he is not phyfically fit commits the worst Crime known to civilization. Where do you stand? Are you fit to marry? Some sweet,, innocent girl is trusting in your honor. You must not deceive her. You dare not marry until you are physically fit. The way looks hopeless to you but cheer up — I can help you. STRONGFORTISM— The Modern Science of Health Promotion will aid Nature in restoring your Flagging Powers and Manhood and Fit you for Marriage and Parenthood. I guarantee it. Mention the ailments on which you want confidential information and send with 10c to help pay postage etc., on my free book, " Promotion and Conservation of Health, Strength and Mental Energy." It's a man-builcct and a lite-saver. Send for it Right Now. LIONEL STRONGFORT Physiol and Health Specialist Dept. 536 Newark, New Jersey .....CUT OUT AND MAIL THIS COUPON—.— FREE CONSULTATION COUPON Mr. Lionel Strongfort. Dept. 536. Newark, N. J.— Please send me your oolc, "Promotion and Conservation of Health. Strength and Mental Energy." for postage of which 1 enclose a 10c piece (one dime). I have marked (X) before the subject in which I am interested. . Colds . .Catarrh asthma . . Ilav Fever . .Obesity . . Headache , . Thinness . . II ii e . . I nmhago . Neuritis . . Neuralgia . . Flat Chest . . Deformity ( Describe) . . Sncressfnl Marriage . Manhood Restored , Increased Height . Pimples . ItlarMieads , Insomnia Short Wind .Flat Peel . Stomach Disorders Constipation . Biliousness . Torpid Liver . Indigestion , Nervousness . Poor Memory . Ubenmntism .Yonthffll Errors . Vital Losses liiipoteiiev Palling Hair Weak Eyes (.'aslritis Heart Weakness . Poor Circulation Skin Disorders . Despondency . Km. ml Shoulders .Long Troubles Stoop Shoulders . Muscular Development .Great Strength Name Age Occupation , Street City Every advertisement in PHOTOPLAY MAGAZINE is guaranteed.