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AGENTS. $60 TO $200 A WEEK, FREE 8 AMples. Gold Sign Letters for Store and Office windows. Anyone can do it. Big demand. Liberal offer to general agents. Metallic Letter Co.. 431-K, No. Clark St.. Chicago.
BIG MONEY AND FAST SALES. EVERY OWNER buys gold initials for his auto. You charge $1.50; make $1.35. Ten orders daily easy. Write for particulars and free samples. American Monogram Co.. Dept. 169, East Orange, N. J.
WE START YOU IN BUSINESS. FURNISHING everything; men and women, $30.00 to $100.00 weekly, operating our "New System Specialty Candy Factories" anywhere. Opportunity lifetime ; valuable booklet free. W. HILLYER RAGSDALE, Drawer 90. East Orange, New Jersey.
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AGENTS. MEN AND WOMEN WANTED TO SELL our guaranteed indestrueuble Oriental Pearl Necklaces, direct from importer. Sells on sight, at a saving of 100% on retail price. Easy work, large profits and no stock to carry. Remarkable opportunity for members of Clubs, Colleges, Societies, Churches and Business Offices. Write for descriptive booklet. Patterson Importing Company, 512-P Flatiron BUlg., New York.
Whirlwind seller. "Repeat" Washing Powder. Washes clothes without rubbing. Women throw washboards. Big profits. Exclusive territory. Write today free package. Kittredge Co.. 79 Putnam St.. Tunkhannock. Pa.
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PLAYS, MUSICAL COMEDIES AND REVUES, minstrel choruses, blackface skits, vaudeville acts, monologs, dialogs, recitations, entertainments, musical readings, stage handbooks, make-up goods. Big catalog free. T. S. Denison & Co., 623 So. Wabash, Dept. 76, Chicago.
HUNDREDS U. S. GOVERNMENT POSITIONS now open. Men, women, over 17. Steady. $95-$190 month. Vacation. Common education sufficient. List positions free. Write immediately. Franklin Institute, Dept. S141. Rochester, N. Y.
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suspected, when there was a crowd awaiting me in front. But I wanted to be alone. I had to be alone. I came over here to get away from myself.
I went back to Kennington, where I was born and lived as a boy. I wished again that my mother could be with me.
I stood and looked at it a while. Then I went up some stairs and knocked. A voice on the other side of the door called, "Who's there?" and I answered, "Friend." An old lady opened the door. "It's only me — Charlie Chaplin," I said. Mrs. Reynolds said if she had known I was coming she would have fixed the place up a bit. There was a crowd outside when I came out. A woman came up and shook hands with me, saying she was sorry she had shouted "Hello, Charlie," as she knew I was on a holiday and didn't want to be bothered; but she just couldn't help it!
1WENT along Oxford Street. I saw a Jackie Coogan doll in a shop window. You know Jackie was my little pal in "The Kid." I went in and asked to buy the doll. The clerks and the other people in the shop began to get excited, so I bolted without the doll.
1HAD a corking time the evening I went to dinner at Simpson's. I had stewed eels. I hadn't tasted them for ten years. There was only one thing lacking: the vinegar. Then I roamed around a bit. I stopped at a coffee-stall near Hyde Park corner and pulled my cap down over my eyes. This proved successful. Nobody recognized me. I saw a wagon coming along loaded with apples. The horse was in difficulties and I got behind and pushed. The carter thanked me and went off. It's nice to know that people like you because of yourself and not a strip of celluloid.
Bruce Bairnsfather did two cartoons of me. The caption on one of them is, "Charlie, all alone and incog., goes to see some of our dear old bits of country." It shows me in my screen makeup on a country road with hundreds of people's heads peeking out at me. I have always admired Bairnsfather's work. The other is most flattering. I am shaking hands with John Bull, who is waving away 'Bother' with a list of grievances. On the picture is: "Kings of England: Charles I, 1625. Charles II, 1660. Charles III, 1921."
1AM grateful to the little boy who sent me a letter on the envelope of which was pasted a picture of my feet. This was the only address except "London, England."
THERE'S not much more to say. I'm having the time of my life, except that I am dead tired. I'm going to bed for twelve hours' sleep as soon as I put this in the post. One thing more: I am not forgetting you. I wouldn't be writing this for Photoplay if I were. I haven't any plans; I don't know when I'll be movingon. I'm goingto France and Italy and Germany and Russia and Turkey and I'll write my impressions of all of them for you. Right now all I can think of is:
A little boy who stood looking up at the Ritz-Carlton Hotel in London, wondering what it would be like to live there.
I was that little boy. A few days ago I stood on the balcony of that same hotel, smiling at a large part of London, standing there below me. Somehow, London is not as mysterious and romantic to me now as it was then. Realization never is. But I have not changed much. London is what has changed.
I'm off for Paris in a day or two. I'll write to you from there.
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