Photoplay (Jan - Jun 1919)

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128 Photoplay Magazine — Advertising Section ASincle Prop Tho moat concentrated and exquiHite rjcrfumo over made. Produced without alcohol. A single drop lasts a week. Bottle like picture, with lon« clnflsptopper, ItoBoor Lilac. 51.50; Lily of the Valley or Violet. $1.75. Jjjond 20 ctH. silver or stamps for miniature bottlo. PER ^Sj^E tc TOOJT-'WATER flbwcrtrops The above comes in less concentrated (usual perfume) form at $1.23 an ounce at druggisto or bv mail, with two new odors, "'Hon Amour," "GardenQueen," both very fine. Send $1.00 for souvenir box, five 25c bottlessamo size as picture, different odors. Ask your druggipt — he knows there Is nobetterperfameninde. Send for Miniature pasQl Bottle 204 V.^E33a^|::PAULRIEiiER::: 272 FIRST ST., . SAH FRANCISCO MARK YOUrFTTl CAMPJIND ^CATION CLOTHES WITH Cash's Woven Names Prevent loss. They are neat and durable. Made in many styles in fast colors of Red, Blue, Black, Navy, Yellow or Green. U. S. Can. YOUR FULL < 3doz....$ .ss $1.00 M»»/ri rnn ) 6doz..., 1.2S l.SO NAME FOR fl2doz..„ 2.00 2.25 Samples of various styles sent free, J. & J. CASH, ttd. ' N. Chestnut St., So. Norwallf, Conn, e> Fail to buy these Real Photos of Movie Stars VOU admirersofthe A clever screen stars, just (dance through this selected list of tho BIG ONES. Wouldn't you like to receive by return mail, penuino photos of your Movie Favorites, si-e 8x10. in oriKinal poses by the Stars ? They are boautiful and life-like. Wonderful value for the money. 35c Each. Special Offer — 7 for $2 Make Your Selection From This List: Tbeda Bara C.a.lylc blackwull Beverly Hayne Francis X. Bushman AM :e Joyce Jack Kerrigan Mary Miles Minter Mabel Normand Olga Petrova Mary Pickford Blanche Sweet Marguerite Snow Anita Stewart Norma Talmadffe Pearl White Ben. F. Wilson Earlo \\ ilhanis Crane Wilbur Lillian Walker Clara K. : and 100 others off Ch, ck those you want nnd cnclos id t mother with this advertisement, with your 1 written plainly thereon and mail TODAY to S. Bram, Dept. A51, 209 W.48th St., New York Monty refunded if you are not satisfied "Don't Shout " I hear you. 1 can hear ' now as well as anybody. 'How'? With the M0RLEY PHONE. I've a pair in my ei now, but they are invisible. would not know I had them in, myself, only that 1 hear all right. "ThcMORLEY PHONE for the PEAeT is to the ears what glasses are to the eyes. Invisible, comfortable, weightless and harmless. Anyone can adjust it." Over 100,000 sold. Write for booklet and testimonials. THE MORLEY CO.. Dept. 789. Perry Bldg.. Phila. mUolu In Your Home iHtt By tho Oldest and Most School of Music in America — Establiahod 1895 Piano, Organ, Violin, Mandolin, Guitar, Banjo, Etc. $ X^UM-i-US ^ou can Mad TUluxc WU IfUl quiifc^ Beginners or advanced players. One lemon wookly. Illustrations moko everything plain. Only expense about 2a Ml ilny to rover coat of pOflt&tt And music nsod. Write tor Fr«o booklet which explains everything la full, American School of Muftic, 68 Lak«»ld« Bids-, Chicago Questions and Answers (Concluded) Glenn, Denver. — We cannot send you a picture of Elmo Lincoln as "Tarzan of the Apes" because we don't send out pictures. You may write to .Mr. Lincoln care of the National Film Corporation in Los Angeles. H. B. Warner, Robertson-Cole company. There is a little Joan Warner — she's about six months old now. By the way, Texas Guinan, an old friend of Mrs. Warner (Rita Stanwood; — in sending a wire of congratulation wrote — thinking it was a boy — ''My best to the future President of the United States." Mrs. Warner replied: '"If universal suffrage goes into effect, then maybe Joan will be President." M. H., Peoria.— Irene Fenwick isn't in pictures at present. Dustin Farnum is his real name. He's Bill's brother. Wanda Hawley is Mrs. J. Burton Hawley — nee Pettit. Elliott Dexter is Mr. Marie Doro; Herbert Rawlinson married to Roberta Arnold, now on the stage in New York; while it's Edith Roberts' real name unless she's changed it recently — and she promised once to notify us if she contemplated taking unto herself a husband. Alice Brady isn't married and she's "considered quite pretty" and if you look like her it's nothing to get real mad about, I assure you. Olga Petrova may have been married three times but I only know that she is now the wife of a Dr. Stuart, an Indianapolis physician. Theda isn't married, or dead, or under a new contract. Will let vou know. Lila Harvey, Toronto. — What a pretty name. Are you a blonde with deep blue eyes ? You see I read about one once and I never did get over it. Ruth Roland, George Chesbro, and George Larkin were all Pathe serialistes last. Ruth is working on a new one now; her vaudeville tour was of short duration, as she much prefers the pictures. She has not yet named her bungalow. "Happy Home" has been suggested but there are twenty "Happy Homes" in the film colony. (I never thought there were so many.) Send the usual twenty-five cents. You're welcome. And I hope, from the bottom of my heart, that you are a blonde. Let me know, won't you? Reeta H., Guelph. — You start off, "Dear Friend of the People." What do you think this is, a political banquet? I suppose you meant it for a bouquet, anyway. I don't skate, I'm afraid. That is I'm afraid I don't skate. If you sent Wallie Reid one dollar for a photograph you surely should hear from him, as he usually sends them gratis. That's irony. Or rather — extravagance— with apologies to Dorothy Dalton. Write to him again — care Lasky's, Hollywood. Ethel Clayton is with the same company now ; there was a story about her last month which told you all you wanted to know. Johnny Hines is with World, Fort Lee, N. J. I'll tell you, Reeta, many of the players send photographs gladly, but you can't expect them to answer letters too. However, maybe Johnny will. Susan and Sue, Houston. — I transposed your names to make it euphonious. It seems we must be euphonious ; all the molion picture magazines are doing it. Yes, you're right — if it weren't for some of these news-weeklies several kings and queenwould be out of a job. Why, Charles Ray is very much oil the job. He is making releases regularly for Paramount under Tom Lice's direction. A late one is "Hayfoot Strawfoot," from the pen of Julian Josephson who Julian Johnson calls "the new write hope." Charles is married. Shirley, Toronto. — You're the first Shirley I ever met, excepting the lady in •The Lion and the Mouse." Yes : what used to be naughty is now merely "piquant." That word may be applied with equal ease to an A. H. Woods farce or a new ingenue. I like Lew Cody; he's our very best male vampire. No. I am so sorry, but I have never spoken to Lew Cody. And he has never spoken to me. But sometimes, girls, sometimes in those close-ups on the screen — it looks as if he is really about to speak to us — you know? Cody was born in Waterville, Maine, in 1885 — the same year as F. X. B., 'pon my word! He was educated in Canada — McGill University, at Montreal. He began his screen career with the New York Motion Picture Corporation. Married to Dorothy Dalton, once. Now with Maurice Tourneur's company. Harron is still with Griffith. Not married. Yirginia, Rolla, Mo. — What perfectly fascinating names some of these towns have ! Rolla supersedes Guelph, now, in my esteem. Please write to me every month. One can concoct such perfectly charming wheezes on Rolla. If you say you are sweet sixteen you needn't add you are crazy about Wallie Reid; Reid is the leading cause of heart disease among most of the young ladies of my acquaintance. Never mind; don't hesitate about writing to Wallie on account of his wife, Dorothy Davenport. She helps him with his correspondence and so far a fan letter hasn't broken up their happy home. Mary Miles Minter isn't a dream, but a very delightful reality. She isn't married to Alan Forrest — she isn't married to anyone no matter what you heard because she's pretty young and besides she has enough to do to keep herself in new limousines and fur capes without supporting a husband. Rumors are she will go with the Zukor organization. Alan Forrest is suing Ann Little for divorce. Marguerite Clark is Mrs. H. Palmerson Williams; Marguer'te is to make a film of "Come Out of the Kitchen." Shirley Mason, Mrs. Bernard Durning. Shirley is playing opposite Robert Warwick in "Secret Service" at present. Augusta, Clarksburg. — You say you need my picture to complete your rogue's gallery. My photographs are among the luxuries not the necessities of life and so far I have existed without one. So you want a story on Billie Rhodes, who reminds vou of a college campus and feminine flippery. Billie will undoubtedly be pleased. She's married to Smiling Bill Parsons and I believe they are abroad now, or in Bermuda, I'm not sure which. Cullen Landis has played opposite Billie in almost everything; from her two-reel comedies to her live-reel comedy-dramas for her own company. Cullen is in his twenties somewhere. I'm not sure whether or not he is married. Write to him care National Film Corporation, Los Angeles, Cal. Address Barthelmess at the Griffith studios in Hollywood, and it will reach him. surely. There is an Ashton Dearholt who was with American and last with Universal. He is married to Helene Rosson, also a former Frying A player. Dick Rosson is Helene's brother; he was with Lila Lee in "The Secret Garden." A. E. F., Islo, Minn.— Please don't say I am snappy. It reminds me of a turtle. You aren't the only one who is puzzled at the varying ages of some actresses — eighteen two years ago and sixteen now. It often happens. Don't desert me— I am true to all of vou. Ev.-ry advertisement Id PH0TOPLAT MAGAZINE Is guaranteed,