Photoplay (Jul - Dec 1916)

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Photoplay Magazine — Advertising Section 155 17c a Day Yes, 17 cents a day now buys the newest and greatest Oliver the world has ever seen. No interest, no extras. In less than a year this new-day typewriter has won world leadership. It brings the amazing DUPLEX SHIFT that multiplies speed and makes touch-writing 100 per cent easier! It brings the SELECTIVE COLOR ATTACHMENT now prized by writers of photo-plots, short stories, songs and verse because it enables them to write explanatory notes, etc., in a different color from dialogue, conversation or text. This attachment does the work of a costly Check Protector besides. Yet remember, we include it FREE on the Oliver " Nine. " The Final Triumph No other typewriter on earth has the battery of advances that come alone on this new "Nine." Even our own previous models — famous in their day — were only a step toward this final triumph. No Price Advance Hundreds now using the Oliver" Nine" would pay us an increased price if necessary. Butwedon'task it. We ask no more for this great leader than you would pay for lesser makes. So why be content with an out-of-date typewriter when you can own the Oliver "Nine" for 17 cents a day? Will you like thousands seize this offer? Will you resolve right now to own this masterful machine that has touch a third lighter than the average typewriter? FILM EXHIBITORS! Accept This Extra Money Write at once for our plan that links your screen to a bigger bank book ; enables you with Printype Slide Films to typewrite and show on your screen instantly any announcement or paid advertisement without loss of time or expense for special slides. We start you out with $30 advertising contract. Write today for full details of Printype Slide Offer. Write lor FREE Book Don't run the risk of buying any model until you have read the inside facts about typewriter values. Our book tells alL It's free. Write today! THE OLIVER TYPEWRITER CO. 1285 Oliver Typewriter Building CHICAGO Lightest Standard Touch Printype FREE Automatic Spacer New Optional Duplex Shift New Selective Color Attachmentand Check Protector feature Universal Keyboard U Shaped Typebar that prevents disalignment and permits 20 manifolds at once Standard Visible Writer Writer Agents Wanted! Top Pay For All Or Part Time Apply today and learn how you can acquire a brand new Oliver "Nine" sample and make the profit from every one sold in your community. Let us show you how 15,000 others to whom we have awarded Oliver agencies are making money like this. Storekeepers, telegraphers, lawyers, clerks, salesmen, bankers, doctors, film exhibitors,— nearly every occupation is represented among Oliver's crack agency men. Open To All No experience is necessary, for we send you the "Oliver School of Practical Salesmanship," FREE. You can soon master the same methods that are winning big incomes for others. Four of our high officials began like this. Our inspiring book "Opportunity" gives full details. Sent FREE. Mail the coupon NOW — before some other ambitions person gets the agency ivhere yon live. I Mail This for Agency Offer OLIVER TYPEWRITER CO., 1285 Oliver Typewriter Bldg., Chicago * Send "Opportunity" Book free, and I tell me how I can get a sample Oliver ™ "Nine." This places me under no I obligation. Name . • ■■#!■■«■■■■■"■■■■ •■■* •!■•••■, ■■!!"■■ :::::::::::: Address. When you write to advertisers please mention PHOTOPLAY MAGAZINE.