Photoplay (Jul - Dec 1916)

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Photoplay Magazine — Advertising Section [69 M !•". 1! , I >o i ii w . \i \ l \ .hi Overton played the role of young V and *r griff, brother >>i I it i/iin,i V and tr griff (Norma Talmadge) in "The Battle Cry ol Peace." He in still playing with Vitagraph .it the Brooklyn studio: former news paper man, born in Ohio in 1887. E. S., Dftkoit. — "Although 1 like Sessue Hayakawa very much, 1 went to see 'Alien Souls,' because 1 like Earl Foxe, and 1 wish there was some way of giving him credil ior it. besides telling the theatre manager." Well, you might tell the Vnswer Man and he might run a line in bis Department ! Try it. A. F., Cleveland, and G. T., Chicago. — "Do you think W'ally Reid would answer a letter?" We don't ihiuk anything about it. Try it and see for yourself: (."are 1 asky studio. Mae Murray was Miss Kitty in "Sweet Kitty Bellairs ;" Sir Jasper and Kitty's friend Lady Julia were Joseph King and Belle Bennett ; Kitty's lover and the net of his regiment were Tom Forman and lames Neil; Lady Barbara and Capt. Spicer were Lucille Young and Horace B. Carpenter. "Anybody would fall for Murray : 1 don't see how she ever got away from the 'Follies.' hut we'll praise I. asky that she did and let it go at that." No, Miss Murray is not married. K. D., Berkeley, Calif. — '"Peggy" was the Billie Burke picture that was produced and directed by Tom Ince for Triangle, while "Gloria's Romance" is being produced by George Kleine under the direction of Walter F.dwin. We will gi\ e you one guess as to whether there will be a Billie Burke interview very soon, and if you guess wrong you must stay away from the movies for a year. Isn't that fair? Miss Burke may be addressed at the Kleine studio, which you will find in the Directory. C. X. B.. Nashville, and F. A., New York. — Henry Walthall, Elizabeth Burbridge, John Junior and Ernest Maupain were the four important players in Essanay's "Blind Justice." No, Betty Nansen does not appear in the big Fox picture which Brenon directed in Jamaica : Miss Nansen returned to Europe several months ago. H. L. F., Huntington Sta., N. Y., and M. S., Pittsburg, Kan. — So far as we know Gretchen Dale, the wife of Howard Estabrook, has never appeared in films. Mr. Estabrook and Miss Dale were married in December of 1907. Little Marie Osborne is with Balboa at their Long Beach studio, and her company may be willing to send you a photograph. We do not have Wellington Playter's present address. C. B. F., Little Falls, Minn. — -Harold Lockwood played opposite Mary Pickford in "Tess of the Storm Country.'' Write the Metro companyregarding photographs of Lockwcod and May Allison. Anna Nilsson may be addressed in care of Pathe. Hank Mann is playing with Keystone and aside from doing the leads in his own plays he seems to have formed the habit of appearing entirely unannounced in the midst of some other Keystone doing some deep stuff for our amusement. H. K. T., Alton, III. — You have a pretty good memory for faces, for the night watchman in "Acquitted," Fine Arts-Triangle, is the same person who portrays the soldier guarding the hospital entrance in "The Birth of a Nation" — W. J. Freeman. He plays the role of the bell-hop in "Sunshine Dad," and, under the name of Harry Le Blanc, the role of the condemned Apache in "A Child of the Paris Streets." life "ALL my lite every magazine *» I've looked into has had a picture of a man's leg with a certain kind of garter on it — Boston! So when I go into a store to buy a pair of garters I just naturally say 'Boston.' So do you ! " — AMBROSE PEALE in the delightful play "IT PAYS TO ADVERTISE" By Roi Cooper Megrue and Walter Hackett now in its third successful year. Boston Garter SILK 50c LISLE 25C feZ&h^fai, GEO. FROSTCO. MAKERS, BOSTON CROCHET BOOK GIVEN &»««!*% sir ~P VV3\Hh c COLL3NGBOURNE M Contains 84 rare and beautiful desJRns for EdeintrH and Insertions. To introduce TEXASILK m new hard twisted, mercerized coijonev (best for tattinK. t-dKin* and initials), we will madthi* Crochet Book Free and postpaid to any lady sending only 10c in silver or Stamps for two full size sample balls. TEXASILK comes in size 70 only, in white, black, medium green, pink, rose, scarlet, light blue, defph, light yellow. Crochet Book i3 clearly illustrated eo designs may be copied bv any needleworker. Send at once _ and get this valuable book.FRRE. ILLS, Dept. 1143. ELGIN. ILLINOIS ■ Oh, You Skinny! Why stay thin as a rail? You don' t have to ! And you don't have to go through life with a chest that the tailor gives you; with arms of childish strength; with legs you can hardly stand on. And what about that stomach that flinches every time you try a square meal? Are you a pill-feeder? Do you expect Health and Strength in tabloid form — through pills, potions and other exploited piffle ? You can't do it ; it can't be done. The only way to be well is to buildup >our body — all of it — through nature's methods — not by parm er* ing the stomach. It is not y.tte that is making you a failure: it's that poor, emaciated body of yours: your half-sickness shows plain in your face and the world loves healthy people. So be Stealthy— strong — vital. That's living: Don't think too long; send 4 cents in stamps to cover mailing of my book. " INTELLIGENCE IN PHYSICAL AM) II I Will CI'LTl'RE,"written by the strongest physical culture instructor in the world. LIONEL STRONGFORT PHYSICAL CULTURE EXPERT Dept. B8B • Atlantic City. N. J. When you write to advertisers please mention I'liOTOl'I.AY MAGAZINE.