Photoplay (Jul - Dec 1916)

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Photoplay Magazine — Advertising Section 173 UARANTEED YOU will find in these pages opportunities for profit, education and amusement. The Publishers will refund your money if you do not find every advertisement in Photoplay Magazine exactly as represented. GUARANTEED illow Top FREE To prove the superior quality of our celebrated Embroidery Floss, we will send this beautiful Blue Bird Pillow Top (size 7x21 in.) stamped on White Embroidery Cloth. FREK to ny lady sending only 10c in stamps or silver to pay postage nd material to embroider it. On this remarkable offer you get 'illow Top — Stamped — Ready to Work One Complete Instruction Diagram (4) Two Skeins Collingbourne'g Flos* Send for this free Pillow Top today. If not pleased, your ly\' m Blamps or Mly.r wi 11 l>e ret urnod promptly. A<1. irons ;OLUNGBOURNE MILLS. Dept. 443. Elgin. 111. •>-1'-%j. I will send my 25c Book rp Strong Arms for 10c in stamps or coin ^ Illustrated with twenty full-page half-tone cuts showing exercises that will quickly develop, beautify and gain great strength in your shoulders, arms and hands, without any apparatus. PROF. ANTHONY BARKER For MEN, WOMEN and CHILDREN 205 Barker Building. 110 W 42nd St., NEW YORK Send NOW or NEXT WEEK FOR YOUR MOVIE FAVORITES W> hare then all on pontrards. Send names of eighteen of your own choice and IWWilJ ftril ct-nts or a. dollar for a hundred in splendid poses. 7 poors of Mnrv Pirkford, 3 of Harjrurrh* CUrL. :t of Chaplin, 3 of Thcda Kara, Mnrv MiiM-Mlntrr, Creiphton Hale ami Douglas Fairbanks and an autographed picture of Jack W. Kerrigan. Alen Actual nhoto« «izfl ! SEND A STAMP FOR 5 ? X P"OIOSl S,ze NEW LIST. JUST OUT 8x10, at 50c each I and sample card PORTRAIT CO., 127A 1st Place. Brooklyn, N. Y. CASH PAID for DRAWINGS Prizes offered for best cartoons, jokes or illustrations; students and practicing artists send for trial subscription to Student Illustrator, 3 months, 25 cents ; practical instructions, advice, suggestions, examples and interesting articles on art work in all branches; $1 a year; worth $10. Slndent-IlIus(ratorSc^rmNBGTSN,D^.E Print Your Own Cards, Handbills, Programs, Tickets, Circulars, Etc. With an Excelsior Press. Increases your receipts, cuts your expenses. Easy to use. printed rules sent. Boy can do good work. Small outlay, pays for itself in a short time. Will last for years. Write factory TO-DAY for catalog of presses, type, outfit, samples. It will pay yoo. THE PRESS CO.. Dent 3 MERIDEN. CONN. LEARN RIGHT AT HOME BY MAIL Drawing — Painting Be a Cartoonist. Newspaper. Magazine, or Commercial Illustrator; paint in Water Colors or Oil. Let as develop your talent. Free Scholarship Award. Your name and address brings you free particulars by return mail and our illustrated Art Annual Free. FINE ARTS INSTITUTE, Studio 39Z, OMAHA, NEB. Short -Story Writing 4 Oue Hun. lr« Krown, Corn A 00UH8E -TV form. if fort > leMoni In thehlitory, itructure, anil writing Of Hit* Short -Story taught by l»r J. Bers I M'liw.-in, for yearn editor of LipplnOOtt'ft Ons rtndsnj writs* "Befort completing the ttsstms, rterivtd over tJOOC t ■ manuscripts sold t-> Woman's ll<-t>te < Ttmpanion, Piston i McCalC ,t ml other ie*i<ltttg magajsinss" Uso oonnes in Play Writing, Wrltlns for Vaudeville, Photoplay Writing, VersTflcatiou and Poetics, JonmalianL in all, over \\ Oonraea under profe^son* in Harvard, ■II ami other hading colleges. 250-Page Catalog Free. Please Address The Home Correspondence School Dept. 95, Springfield, Mass. MUSEG TAUGHT In Your Home By the Oldest and Most Reliable School of Music in America — Established 189S Piano, Organ, Violin, Mandolin, Guitar, Banjo, Etc. I m ^S i Bo« com /u-o-oL TlUu-cc l*Mt "tfu, q.aicfc£v, Beginners or advanced players. One lesnon weekly. Illustrations make everythinii plain. Only expense about 2c per day to cover cost of postage and music used. Write for Free booklet which explains everything in full. AMERICAN SCHOOL OF MUSIC, 86 Lakeside Bldg., Chicago NO JOKEfTCT1 beTdeaf — Every Deaf Person Knows That I make myself hear, after beiner deaf for 25 years, with these Artificial Ear Drums. I wear them day ami night. They are perfectly comfortable. No one sees them. Write me and 1 will tell you a true story, how I got deaf and how I make you hear. Address GEO. P. WAY. Artificial Ear Drum Co. (Inc.) eincr deaf for 25 SI Ad.lald, StrocI, DETROIT. MICH. VALLEY GEMS Look and Wear I like Diamonds ft Are being worn by the wealthiest people everywhere.Stand acid and fire diamond test. So hard they scratch a file and cut glass. Brilliancy guaranteed twenty-five years. Will send you these wonderful gems "In any style, 14 K, solid gold, regular diamond mountings —by express — charges prepaid, so you can see and wear them before you buy them. Write/or tig illustrated catalog and Free TrialOffer WHITE VALLEY GEM CO., 813 Wulsin Bldg„ Indianapolis. Indiana FACTORY TO RIDER Saves you big money. Buy direct and save 110 to *20 on a bicycle. RANGER BICYCLES now come In M styles, colors and sizes. Greatly Improved: prices reduced. Other reliable models. $11.96 up. WE DELIVER FREE to you on approval and 30 days trial and riding test. Our big FREE catalog shows everything new In blcyclesand sundries. Writeforlt. TIRES, lamps, wheels, parts and supplies at half usual prices. Do not buy a bicycle, tires or sundries until you yvrlte and learn our wonderful new offers, low prices and liberal terms. A postal brines everything. Write novo. MEAD CYCLE CO. Dept. K-118 CHICAGO "BILLIARDS— The Home Magnet" FREE! A handsomely illustrated book showing all Brunswick Home Carom and Pocket Billiard Tables in actual colors, giving easv terms prices, etc. SENT FREE ! Write for it today. THE BRUNSWICK-BALKE-COLLENDER CO., Dept.33D, Chicago When you write to advertisers please mention PHOTOPLAY MAGAZINE.