Photoplay (Jul - Dec 1916)

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70 Photoplay Magazine "Poisoned!" says Timothy W. "Poi tion of knockin Mary Pickford, when up soned ! How interestin!" Den he swal dashes the P. A. again, lowed hard. "Say," he says, "dere is a company goin "Sure," I says, "some of dese hams get to Bear Walley tomorrow on location, to chewin de scenery in dere emotional Dere is a great chance to get some real scenes an get painters' colic," I says. "Dese stuff. If you want to go along I'll fix it. kid doctors hangs aroun de door waitin for I'll send Pete along for a chaparoney. em," I says. "Dat's all right aroun How about it?" here," I says, "but of course if we are out "Delighted," says Timothy W. "I'll get on location, we leave em lay," I says, ready at onct." "unless, of course, dere remains is in de De P. A. beat it, and Timothy W. turned way." to me and said, "How interestin! And Dis guy must a'been a bum novelist cause why, may I ask, do dey call it Bear Wal all he could do was ask fool questions an ley?" say "How interestin!" " 'Cause dere is so many nude rocks," I I was a'tellin him about de private ceme says, tery we had for our own troupe an was Right dere I could see dat I was goin to just gettin ready to show him our flock of have a fine time wid Timothy W. on-gee-news at work on dere daily occupa Yes, sir — comin. 'Scuse me. Can you imagine a tenderfoot novelist being chaperoned by "Pete*' through the wilds of Bear Valley, the "Alaska" and the "Canadian Northwest" of movie-land? It will be far more exciting than Roosevelt's trip to Africa, plus forty gun-bearers. This nobby travelogue will be found exclusively in October Photoplay, out September 1. A Too Real Drama This was the plot as the author conceived it : A dashing young Lochinvar seizing his bride, And galloping off on a perilous ride With a leap so stupendous you'd scarce have believed it ! And next, in the moonlight, a shooting affray In which the girl brought their pursuers to bay ; Then, weary and worn, but undaunted by strife. By a goat-bearded justice she was made Mrs. Wife. But here's what remained when the censors were through : They cut out the leap, for the S. P. C. A. Considered it crool — and the shooting affray Was bad form for a bride, so they cut that out too. And then — the example of those two alone Eloping on horseback, with no chaperohe ! So they cancelled the ride, and they canned the poor moon. And the time of the wedding was changed to high noon ! Jcucll Parish.