Photoplay (Jul - Dec 1919)

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132 Photoplay Magazine — Advertising Section Vr^lIvL2We(jUk;i9Na >tr^ 'OSPS Apply LILA on the nose, and it will remain naturally white without the use of powder. Your nose will not get "shiny" YOU can own bewitching beauty, the beautiful skin of a babe — soft, white and irresistibly attractive, by using pure and exquisite The Secret of a Soft. White Skin LILA whitens and beautifies the skin marvellously and instantly. ^CK and $1. oo per bottle ANSEHL PHARMACAL COMPANY 17 Preston Place ST. LOUIS, MO. Don't Swelter STROKGFOHT Th* p*rf«ct Man Most of your discomfort in hot weather comes from your body, not from the high temperature, .'-^ome people don't mind the heat. Their systems are free from iml)urities, their pores open, their bodies cool instead of blazing furnaces. Put yourself in Shape so you'll be cool inside, and you won't notice the heat and humidity. Constipation, indigestion, biliousness and other ailments are doubly dangerous in hot weather, as well as constant internal heat producers. Get rid of them. Start your organism to functioning naturally. You can't be comfortable, or even SAFE, during a hot spell, unless you make yourself FIT. I Will Show You How To Keep Cool Strongfortism will show you how to get rid of the waste that clogs up your system, producing all ailments that make your life miserable ; that keep you uncomfortable in any kind of weather and make you unfit either for work or play. Strongfortism will strengthen your vital organs, help make your blood red and rich, develop your muscles, clear your mind and put you in a conditioB to enjoy life. Strongfortism is simply Nature's way of living life as it ought to be lived and getting the greatest pleasure out of it. SEND FOR MY FREE BOOK I have spent a lifetime studying the human organism, learning Nature's own way of restoring health and vigor to rundown, weak and ailing man, and have embodied the results of my research and practical experiments in a book which is everywhere acknowledged a classic in its lield. "Promotion and Conservation ol Health, Strength and Mental Eneroy" will give you these results in straightforward, man-to-man language. It will t^'ll you how thousands of other men and women, mrtn.v of whom cnme to me veritnble humnn wrorkts have retenined the healtli nnd viriiiiv the.v halt loMt. It will show yon how YOU can <Io as the.v Hi"i. withotit in any way interferinc with >our pre.sent oeenpation— no matter what your prenent condition or wliat ('anH4-d it. and withont patent medicineB or driig Htore dope of any kind. ]>(in*t <ielay— voti rnn't afford to prooraBtinnte in a matter of thi» kind. Write TODAY. The Hook i.i FHP'K. Knrli>«e three 'Ic »<tanipR for packinK and I><tf*tiit:e and I will mail \ on a copv at onre. LIONEL STRONGFORT /fii/.i,.,; ,„„l llriilth .S;.rr,„;,.( 990 StroRKfort Institute Newark, N. J. The Twelve Oddest Uses of Motion Pictures (Concluded from page yz) films that the exhibitors of Madison were giving the city. So he went to the powers that be and asked permission to open a movie show right in the capitol building. Legislators, Governor and all thought he was a little looney. Wisconsin has a beautiful capitol building. It has many fine rooms in it. Blumenfeld finally got the use of the finest room, moved a standard projector in one Monday morning, covered the windows, put up his screen and began business. His audiences average 8oo people. He has to turn 'em away. The shows are given on Saturdays — two frolics daily. He shows slapstick comedies, five-reel features, educational pictures and travelogs. He also has used the room for boosting liberty loan sales and in teaching Madison's foreign element the dangers of Bolshevism and the values of Americanism. CHINAMEN in China are great movie fans. There are few picture houses in China worthy of the name. Many millions of Chinese never saw a movie theater; many millions more never saw a movie show. Only a small percentage of the population can read Chinese and scarcely any read English. "When the Community Motion Picture Bureau was commissioned to send several hundred reels of American industrial films to China recently it was realized that something must be done with the titles so that the Chinese might grasp the full meaning of being enabled to read "between the pictures." So, a Chinese student was engaged to translate the titles into Chinese. Then it was realized that the same films would serve in other parts of Asia, once shipped over, where a larger percentage of the population can read English too. So, the titles were filmed in Chinese and English, side by side. The appearance of the titles on the screen look like "words and music." As these films are designed to sell American lamp oil, American pants and threshing machines to the slowly awakening Chinaman everything had to be made clear. THE motion picture has now been utilized to show the boss just how lazy the workman happens to be. His laziness or his energy, as the case may be, is indicated by the projection of a motion picture film in a darkened room. A large iron works in Chicago recently commissioned Essanay to film hundreds o! workmen at their daily tasks of making shell casings for Uncle Sam. As the Government could use all the shell cases as fast as they could be turned out, the problem of this mammoth iron works was to speed up — to find out why one man could do twice as much work in an hour as another man on the same job. Twelve thousand feet of films now depict every movement made by the workmen in turning out shell cases. A time clock arrangement, operated in conjunction with the projection of the films, indicates the amount of time it takes a laborer to lift a case to the turning lathe, adjust it and trim it down to size. Efficiency engineers directed the work. The films are run over and over and each motion is studied. The workmen are then called in and shown how they can savj seconds and reduce labor by following certain movements of the body in certain actions necessary to their work. The exact speed of each worker in a set task is exposed on the screen and the unfit are thus weeded nut. These films were =o made that they will serve under peace conditions. Tke Cinema Drama of Food (Continued from page gs) inland carrying fish fresh from the ocean. Special freight rates were established also from the Pacific coast eastward. Fish recipe books were prepared in both English and French and widely distributed. A strong appeal was made through the newspapers. But the most potent appeal was made through the medium of the film. Taken aboard a steam trawler on the Pacific coast, a moving picture operator filmed the hauling of tremendous nets, gathering hundreds of thousands of fish. This in itself was most interesting, but it was only the beginning. Continuing, the film showed the cleaning, icing, packing and shipping of the fish ; traced the whole operation through a clean, sanitary display case to the kitchen; its preparation there untD finally the family assembled around the dining table and proceeded with gusto to devour a mighty appetizing looking fish. Another operator was taken aboard a trawler on the Atlantic coast, and a similar film prcp:ired. Both were circulated very widely throughout the Dominion, being shown in many hundreds of theatres to audiences of thousands. People began to eat fish and recipe books were in demand. Result? From March to November, ipi8, 3,542,000 pounds of flat fish, and about 1,000,000 pounds of cod from the Pacific fisheries were marketed in the western provinces alone. Previously there had been no demand whatever. October 31 was assigned as National Fish Day, and on that one day 2,<;oo,ooo pounds of fish were consumed throughout the Dominion. Now the demand for fish in Canada is established and growing. A new and valuable industry has been established on the Pacific coast and that of the Atlantic has been very greatly stimulated. Tremendous quantities of meat and animal fats were conserved for the fighters abroad, and the government openly states that the films produced most excellent results. The film got in its punch also in the matter of war gardens. Especially in Ontario films were made and distributed, showing back yards, one yard undisturbed, and another with the householder digging and planting. Step by step, the film followed the growing season. The one yard was still bare, the other showed green sprouts swinging through the earth. Finally at the end of the season the one yard was still bare. From the other were being gathered tomatoes, corn, peas, beans, potatoes, and the climax showed the first yard branded with the word "Slacker," while the other bore the proud title of "Patriot." What's that? You bet it got across, and the war gardens of Canada in 1918 not only brought thousands of idle acres under cultivation and greatly increased the food supply, but also had a very distinct effect upon the health of the people who worked them. Again there was a desperate shortage in sugar. It had to be conserved at home. Well, why not use maple sugar and honey? Again the aid of the silent drama was invoked, and films prepared showing the tap Erery advertisement In PHOTOPUIY MAGAZINE is guaranteed.