Photoplay (Jul - Dec 1919)

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Photoplay M\(.\zi.Nt:~Ai)VEHTisiNo Section The Cinema of Foo^ ^1 (Concluded) -» ping of maple fon-sts and the whole prioi-^ J of •sutrahnR down." j ~ ■ ^.•.^ But Ihe busy honey bio^ii*»Mt»#il W tiP the most interesting and instructive lilniever screened. For years the Canadian government has been urging farmers to cuiiivato their bees, not merely for the honey but because the honey bee is the greatest plant fertilizer in the world, through the distribution of pollen. This film showed bees singly and in swarms; showed the queen and the workers; how to handle them without danger of a sting; showed hives and colonies, the filling of the combs and every step of the process from the blossom to the table. Ii also emphasized the fact that honey is the most highly concentrated pure natural food in the world. This year Canada will surely export millions of poun(b of honey in e.xcess of the tremendous demand for home consumption. Sugar was conserved for the .Mlied armii-s Canadians are eating more nutritious "sweet" food than formerly. Incomes are bein^ greatly increased, and along with the other elements that helped to win the war and cause Canada to emerge greater than ever. Ihe government cheerfully acclaims the "movies." U3 Wl lere Do AVe Eat? (Concluded from page jj-) a new script with their scenario writer or give general suggestions for the business ahead of them. Mary Pickford's viands are kept hot in a little aluminum heater, in the bottom of which are healed bricks. The Goldwyn studio at Culver City is the only one in the picture colony where waitress« do the serving. Tables in one corner are rescr\cd for the star, directors and leads of the different companies, and one for studio officials. Madge Kennedy in the garb of an oriental dancer, Mabel Xormand in her vilbse cut -up attire. Pauline Frederick and her director chatting and smoking cigarettes. Tom Moore as a tramp dining with Hedda Nova. Sidney Ainsworlh and Owen Moore were before me. Clara Horton, her mother. Cullen Landis. Hal Cooley, Reginald Barker and numerous other celebrities sat at the big U-shaped counter that extends the length of the room from the hitch'en. How to Hold a Baby ' (Concluded from pjgc 68) 1883, exactly, when he first appeared, with his father, in the old English melodrama, "The Streets of London." He was educated ' in Englrnd. In 1006 he came to New York, playing in "Nur«e Marjorie," later in "The , Battle." finally scoring his first real hit in "Alias Jimmie Valentine" — which part he 1 created and which part has been recreated ] by almost every stock actor in the country 1 WamT was appearing in "Sleeping Partners," I a piquant farce from the French, when the 1 camera recalled him to Califomb. It was something over two yeirs ago that his Ince pictures made hrm a film prominence and if you saw "Shell 43" or "The Market of \'ain Desire," or Frohman's "God's Man." not to mention "The Besear." youll probably be watching out for bis further picture appearances. "You're glad to be back in jMctures?" I asked departing. "She ne\er cries." he said as he shook my hand, "ne^•e^. I really think she's an exccptionaOy bright chfld. don't you?" •^<Ai>ii^* Flesh Pink Brunette White —Exquisite Nadine F"ace Powder A complexion powder of cxqtilNitely delicate odor and lextuir which holds its ehurni throughout the day, imparting to the skin thut delicate softness o; d refinement so much admiied. Nadlnc Face Powder Is cooling, refreihlng and harmleis, a potliive protection againtt wind, tan, tun-burn and return of di>colorutlnn>. Leave* the •kin soft and smooth us rose petals. This exquisite preparation, Nadine, beautifies millions of complexions today. Price refunded if not entirely pleased. Sold in Green Boxes Onlu. A t leading toilet cvunten. If they haven 't It, by matt 60c. NATIONAL TOILET COMPANY Department C P. Paris, Tenn. U.S.A. ReduceYour Flesh Dr. Walter's Famous Medicated ReducingRubberGarments For Mtn and Wommn Corer thn entiro body or nn> putt Kiidorsed by feiidiiiit ph>MK'iaDt. Send for illustrated booklet. __ Dr. Jeanne P. H. Waller Bad R«t«r. $5.50 353-5lh Art,. N. Y.(»T.Vr 'ii*-) Oa tthat. S2.00 ' Ent.on 34tii St., 3rd Door t^ast) f f/ FRECKLES W y^ "^ow I.S the Time to Get ^y //, Rid of These Ugly Spots LetCuticuraBe Your Beauty Doctor Ail dmKil.ala: J^-'ap '-•. (lintmrnl '.' i ■ . i ■. ^ irn li.. Sjmi.lo <-.irh fr.-<' of "Catic«r%, l>rf\ B, bof.-.n ' m ■* lonirrr thn illirhtaMt nt>^\ nf tm^nnm y..uT tr^kl^m. u OTMINC 6t>«l>t« __ _ r»iTc»'l torcmora tho»« hutnmlr spwlA. SuDply goC. ma ouoc? of OTHINE braulilu. . ,„,,,.-.,.,. Rr ji^re CO sak lor ihr doublr tircnmh OTHIN'F, ■t IhU !• ■nid under Kujranicr of munry bat.k It II (aiU 111 rrmovr Imklri. IS MISERY DEAFNESS j« I w>i !>•( .tiJ h«J Haad Nolsaa I \*.ri *.*r ]-v,,.y'< A" I'r^'c Ear 1 kn'.» Ir I f ■ ■■■■ I.. ' » i . » ■**«•, 1><(|>«H / . ..i.iiir or Wl...., U.I ,•;;■•■ ■' ' ■ 1 ■■;■<• P^<'«. Clir I... Hi* '-'I Ar. t r.~n (.,i.f.-.U U <i[Ki».» Wi.n !■< Boi;ri .,d nijr swara • tstanietll ol ho* I r««/vtf<-d mi bemnf . A. O. LEON.^RD New York Oiy .Sulit 2^^ 70 5lh A»»nu» There's Only One Way to secure a satin sl(in: "Apply Satin skin cream, then Satin skin powder. " (Ask your druggist for free samples.) UacEZJJ WTieti T rti writ* t'l ■Jf«!rti»'T« j! rir''T'.i'Hv