Photoplay (Jul - Dec 1919)

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Photoplay Magazine — Advertising Section ERE IT IS ! 5:30. Dad's home. And, of course, gets the important news first. The Paramount-Artcraft Motion Picture Theatre Program for the week is here. No wonder wholesome, sticktogether families welcome that little program. Paramount-Artcraft Motion Pictures are the whole family's Playtime Schedule — five or six million families all over America. Dad's just a big boy himself — enjoys those seat-gripping, breath catching pictures as much as the children. So does Mother. It's a daily invitation to forget Center Street — and live joyous, carefree lives of adventure and romance — together. Behind Paramount-Artcraft Motion Pictures is the ideal of Famous Players-Lasky Corporation—BETTER PICTURES! T/iat's why the programs of the better theatres are welcome everywhere. That's why the better theatres send them out. That's why they go into the library table drawer where everybody can find them. Cparcunouni '^ OricraJ^ jHotion Cpiciures ^ These two trade-marks are the sure way of identifying Paramount' cArtaaft Pictures — and the theatres that show them. Paramount and Artcraft Stars' Latest Productions Listed Alphabetically, released up to July 31st. Save the List! And see the pictures! Paramount John BaiTsmore ;;; "The Test of Honor" Biliie Burke u; "Good Gracious Annabelle" Marguerite Clark in "GIRLS" Ethel Clayton i„ "TheSporting Chance" Dorothy Gish in "Xlgget >;ell" "JilTtf '",,, "Rose of the River" Oh ! You \\ omen" A John Emerson .,. . ,, . Anita Loos Prodiiclion Vivian Martin ,;, "LOUISIANA" Shirley Mason ,„ "The Final CloseUp" \\ allace Reid ,„ "The LoVE BURGLAR" Bryant Washburn in "A Very Good Young Man" Thomas H. Ince-Paramount Enid Bennett m „ . „ , "The Haunted Bedroom" Dorothy Dalton ;>/ "Other MensWivks" Charles Ray in "Hay Foot, Straw Foot" Paramount-Artcraft Specials "Little Women" ( J-r,„n Lmiisa M. Alcotfs /.jnU'lis boot) ,, . ^ A William A. Brady Production Maunce Tourneur's Production •■-i-i, ci ^. ,. "Sporting Life" The Silver King ' .._ , _ .. starring William Faversham False Faces ■ A Thomas H. Incc Production 1 he Firing Line" ,ia,nne Irene Castle I he Woman Thou Gavest Me" ..Ji"'^'i.'''"''''^ Production of Hall Caine's Novel I he Career of Katherine Bush" .,c r . .. ^f'i^'-ing Catherine Calvert Secret Service M„rr,„g Robert Warwick Maurice Tourneur's Production .-T-i, n> I £. „ "The White Heat er" The Dark Star" A Cosmopolitan Production Artcraft Cecil B. de Mille's Production „ , ^ . .^ "I^OH uetter. For Worse" Douglas Fairbanks tn , ^"The Knickerbocker Buckaroo" Hsie Ferguson ,., "THE AVALANCHE" D. W. Griffith s Production .„, „„ "True Heart Susie" \\ m.S Hart.., "Wagon Tracks" Mary Pickford .« CafiainKidd Tr " Fred Stone :n "Johnny Get Vouk cVn " •Supervision of Thomas H. Ince Paramount Comedies Pammount-Arbuckle Comedy „ ., "A Desert Hero" Paramount-Mack Sennett Comedies "Trying to Girr Along" "Among Those Present" Paramount-Flagg Comedy "The Immovable Guest" , _ Paramount-Drew Comedy ^^*j;9„ "Bunkered" ,^Cr^y^^^ H>pery advertisement In PHOTOPI,AT MAGAZINE is guaranteed.