Photoplay (Jul - Dec 1919)

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n J^i: ;->;/; .,-v Kr(Utrml (r s. P.tnil Ijffl.c "THE NATIOXAI. MC)\ IK PUBLICATION" PHOTOPLAY MAGAZINE James K. Qlirk. A<A/«;/<r Juuan Johnson. £Ji/o/ Vol. XVI C No. 4 o n t e 11 t s September, 191'^ Mary Thurman 19 Cover Design From the Pastel Portrait by C. Allan Gilbert. Duotone Art Section .Adrienne Done, Tallulah Bankhead, Agnes Ayres. John and Lionel Barr>more, June Caprice, Elaine Hammerstein and Martha Mansfield. Shakespeare Today Would Be a Photoplaywright Editorial The Hidden Glory of California (Pictures) The Franciscan Missions — Relic of a Picturesque Era. Plymouth Rock Chicken Julian Johnson .■\n .\ncestral Synonym for Miss Constance Binney. Billie Burke at Burkeley Crest (Picture) .Mrs. Flo Ziegfeld in Her Estate at Hastings-on-Hudson. Here Glomes the Groom! Adela Rogers-St. Johns William Desmond was a Long Time Getting Home, However. The Midnight Man (Fiction) Betty Shannon First Chapter of the Great James J. Corbett Serial Story. Turpinizing Uncle Tom (Pictures) Sennett Has Burlesqued the Great American Classic. Fat Boy (Ring-bearer )— Tight Pants Robert M. Yost, Jr. How Dave Butler Held Up a Wedding. Long Ago. Peculiarities Charles McMurdy Aren't Players the Oddest People? Let There Be Light! Julian Johnson The Methodist Church Adopts the Motion Picture. A Bebe Grown Up You Must Call Her "Miss Daniels" Now. He Rolled Up His Sleeves Rex Beach Unites Labor and Literature. 7:30 P. M. In a Neighborhood Movie Before the Show Starts. (Contents continued on next page) (Pictures) Delight Evans R. L. (}oldberg 27 28 32 35 36 38 42 43 44 46 49 50 52 Published monthly by the Photoplay Publishing Cc J50 N. Clark St.. Chicaso. III. Edwin M. Colvtn. Pre». James R. Quiioc. Vice Pres. R. M. Eastman. Sec.-Trea». W. .M. Hart. Adv. Mgr. Alfseu A. Coh.v. Pacific Coast Representative. YPARl,y SUBSCSimoN : C 00 in the United State*, iu dependencies. Mexico and Cuba; S25ij Canada: $3 00 to foreiim coontries. Remittances should be nude by check, or postal or express mooey order. Caatiaa— Do not subscribe through pervons unknown to you. F.^locd a> (ic^Md-clMi ■mir Apr. U. ItU. u Ih? ro»^*:r al Cklcaci. I".. ••<l«r tSt Ad el Mm«» 1. ll»». ACERT.ALN staff writer promin-d to have a story ready for this issue intilled, "How the Playt-r Will Spend Next Christmas" — (Kreat mid-sumnur thoui;ht and all). But her mind turned to oihir ihinns, it seems, for here is what we found in her typewriter as she lay sound asleep at her desk, anai-slhetised by a sini:in« lake breeze that p!a\s havoc with workaila> ambitions: Wha— where the players will spend next Christmas — how they will spend — he said to write a story about ChrL*tmas and what— gee I hope I pet away next month all right for my vacation' I wonder wonder — write something he said about Christmas and how the players will spend their vacation — I mean Christmas and fi hinc and playing tennis and swimming oh how silly I must concentrate must must — I'd like to go for a bus ride today into the park to see Christmas trees — trees — I mean animals at the zoo zoo grass and trees and boat riding — I must write something— Christmas he said to write about the players and what — aaa darn darn darnnnnn hhjdksilk bosh-.S — OHO— WISE guardians of public welfare are to ask Congress it is reported, for an appropriation to combat a possible revLsilation of the influenza this winter. Which reminds us of the statement made during the epidemic las' year by a person of censorious ambition: "So screen player," he said, "shouKi Ix permitted to snitze in picturr. Kpisodes shewing sneezing shouM Ixrut out of the film.. Sneezing spn.p: disease and who can say posiin.K that the practice docs not endanger th« patrons of the theatre!*" — OHO— SO many readers are asking wh.nt ' r I ;tiii of the girl who fril in th. . m .\Ii- I'ickford's "Daddy Long I. that it certainly ought to chrcr i,M I'll'. >., it» |>H<'>T"n AT !*<'■■ ■•HI w. C'lHrAHV rM.,,..