Photoplay (Jul - Dec 1919)

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PiioToi'i \v M \(.\/im: — Ai)\i:itiisiN(; Siu ikin 99 Eyes are attracffd hr moring ctftas. Eyes follow each motion yomr bands make. People jre appmismt you — apprjtnng yarn by toe appearance of your maHs. Be sure they are *etl groomed Docs It J] lake you ricrcoiis to have people look at j 'oiir nails ? You cannot get through a single hour without being judged by the appearance of your nails. Look at them ! Are they discolored ? Is the cuticle overgrown, cracked or uneven ? If so, you do not understand the proper care of your nails. Busy women the country over are keeping their hands alv\ays well groomed by giving them jujt a fnv minutts cart by the Cutex method once or twice a week. Remember that the most important part of a manicure is the care of the cuticle. AV? vrcut it. Specialists agree that cutting is responsible for a great deal of the ragged, ugly cuticle one sees. Remove the surplus cuticle safely, gently with Cutex. the liquid cuticle remover. Follow the manicuring I'ircctions under the illustrations. You will be surprised to find how charming one Cutex manicure makes your hands. You will be amazed, too, to discover how much it adds to your poise, your ease of manner, to have beautiful nails. A complete little manicure set for twenty cents Vol twenty crntj w>u can give \o\>T,e'A six or mure of the must perfect manicures yiiu hava ever had — can make yuur naiU lovelier than you have ever before seen tliem. .Mail the coupon and two dimes today. After your first Cutex manicure you will realize how caiy it is to add this new charm, h'>w astonishingly it increases your general attractivene»s. Addreti Nottham Warrrn, Dept. 709, 114 West I7tli St., New York City. If you live in Canada, address Northam Warren, Dept. 709, 100 Mountain Street, .Montreal. MAIL THIS COtK)N WITH TWEN TV CENTS TODAY. NOril HAM U ARKl.N Dept. 7i<y, 114 West 17:! 1 Street, New York City Name . StT't . .. State... KK.\H)\ K ()\KK(.R(>\\ N fl MCI.H Gt-ntly nork uround c^i< h ttatl ha^C pinhina l>jik the ciituU uiih an orjntic sluk WTj{*pf(i %tth a htt of cotton and moiitened nith Culex. H^aih the handi fmhinj; back the cuticle as you dry NOW WHIIKN THfc NAII. MPS Apply a little Cutex Nail IVhite directly from the tube underneath each rail. Spread evenly and remoe any Mirplui Sail IVhtie niih the or^ny^c 'tt<l. H) HWL BRILLIANT NAILS Put a little Cutex Nail Poltih on the palm of the hand and rub the natli hntkly over it. H''e tpecidlly recommend our new Voiider Poltyh in the attractive $>tirylike tube ■ r:> \} aJTrrt;»<r* ;Ira-< tii» rH<»T<tiM.AV >!A<; \/im:.