Photoplay (Jul - Dec 1919)

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Photoplay Magazine — Advehhsinu Slciion "He Deposits $500 a Month !" "See that man at the Receiving Teller's window r That's Billy King, Manager for Browning Company. Every month he comes in and deposits $500. I've been watching Billy for a long time — take almost as much interest in him as I do in my own boy. '*Three years ago he started at Browning's at $15 a week. Married, had one child, couldn't save a cent. One day he came in here desperate — wanted to borrow a hundred dollars — wife was sick. "I said, Billy, I'm going to give you something worth more than a loan — some good advice — and if you'll follow it I'll let you have the hundred, too. You don't want to work for $15 a week all your life, do you?' Of course he didn't. '\\ el!,' I said, 'there's a way to climb out of your job to something better. Take up a course with the International Correspondence Schools in the work you want to advance in, and put in some of your evenings getting special training. The Schools will do wonders for you — I knov,-, we've got several 1. C. S. boys right here in the bank.' 'That very night Billy wrote to Scranton and a few days later he had started studying at home. Why, in a few months he had doubled his salary ! Next thing I knew he was put in charge of his department, and two months ago they made him Manager. And he's making real money. Owns his own home, has quite a little property beside, and he's a regular at that window every month. It just shows what a man can do in a little spare time." Employers are begging for men with ambition, men who really want to get ahead in the world and are willing to prove it by training themselves in spare time to do some one thing well. Prove that you are that kind of a man ! The International Conespondence Schools are ready and anxious to help you prepare for somethmg better if you'll simply give them the chance. More than two milhon men and women in the last 28 years have taken the I. C. S. route to more money. Over 100,000 others are getting ready in the same way right now. It there any reaaon mhy fou should let otheri climb o»er you when you have the tame chanre thfv Kn-..' Surely the leatt you can do it to find out just nhat there is in I it'ion tut you. Here it all Me ask : Without cost, without Gbli;jati: : in any way, •.imi/y iiiaik and mail ihi» Loiipon. -Tc»i« OUT Henc. riNTERNATIONAL CORRESPONDENCE SCHOOLS BOX 6503, SCRANTON. PA. Explain, without obllentine nie, how I can quality for tbo position, or In the subject, brjurr which 1 mark X. KLECTRirAL Elccuic LiKhtingandRailwsys Electric Wiring TeleffTvptl EnRinccr Telephone \\ork ■ EniA.MCAL ENr.lNF.FR Mechanical DmftMnan Machine Shop I^raclico Too I maker Gas Enfrinc Opcratinff CIVIL E.NGINEFIt Surveying and Mapping QUINE KOKI'MlN OK P.VCI.^EEB CSTiTIONJIir E>(;i.>EtU r~ Marino r.nftncer PShip Draftsman r ARCHn tCT t Conlracior and Builder Archileclural Drafuman Concrete Builder Structural Unaineer PLl'HHIXi INUHF.lTIXa Sheet Metal Worker Textile Ovcraccr or SupL CHEMIST SALESMANSHIP n Al>VtRTISIN<; □ Window IVifnmer □ show Card Writer QSign Painter "jRailroad Trainman ^ILLU SIR AUNG ijCartoontnsE C BOOK KEEPER Stenographer and Typlat "ic Accountant MANAGER ccountant Commercial l.atv COOU ENGLISH Teacher Common School Suhiecti n .\tath emaiica ■CIVIL StRVICE _ Rail" ay Mail Clerk rlilTOIlOlULE OPFKnlSO MAalA Repalrlor n ItailraOoo I C '^P'"'"'' □ iORIttl.TfnE IQ tr.nrli Q PaaltfT ll*UUc l;_ llajlao SCerl. Publii TRAFFIC ^^ Railway Ac Name Pr»renl Occupation. Street and No. I Ctty. iirjTOPIJir MAGAZTKE.