Photoplay (Jul - Dec 1919)

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I J. PjJOKtriAV M\(.\/IM, Al)\ I HI IMM, ShCIU>N 'I' % W"*^ I V A%'^ / ul. She "Sefo^m Purity Faithfully she reflects the knowledge, skill, and infinite care that go into the making of San-Tox Preparations. But even more, does she betoken purity — the purity which all thoughtful women demand in the powders, creams, and other preparations they use, which have to do with personal beauty and well-being. When in need of any of these preparations — look for the San-Tox Nurse. I>ook for her gracious face in the drug store window. She identifies for you, first of all, the San-Tox druggist. He is the high type of druggist in whom you can have confidence. He serves you cheerfully and with that watchful care for your welfare that the nurse-face si'mbol in his store window implies. And he aloi'k} oi-ay'sell San-Tox Preparations. Fht-y, tooi afeidentified for you by the beautiful nurse-fat"c' symbol of purity. There is a wide, vvid'e range of these San-Tox Preparations— all of perfect purity — and each for some definite need of toilet or hygiene. SAN-TOX FOR PURITY DePree Chicago Eicn a.lvenispnient m IMloTDri.AV MAGAZINK is guaraiitoed.