Photoplay (Jul - Dec 1919)

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l^noroPLAY Mac.a/.ine— Advkhtising Si-ction A Well Paid Profession Quickly Learned at Home at Small Cost Typewriting Now Pays Better Than Ever — Easy to Learn at Home on the Oliver — Now Offered at $43 Saving! Since tlie close of the war there has been a ii^eat c-\v>ansion in hnsi iiess. This has created a demand for typists that far exceeds the supply Business houses everywhere are shorthanded. Industries of all kind^ •ire advertising widely for typists, the >horta};e is so ureat! N'ow is the time to learn typini;. s" you can i;et a fine pi>sition at excel lent salary. Even a hejiinner can now command jjood pay. typists are so Marce. You Can Learn at Home In an amazinglv short time yon may Karn to he a first-class typist, qualitied to step right into a good payin-r positioiu .\nd you don't have to go to school for instruction. You don't have to take a minute from your regular dail> work. You can learn how to typewrite by yourself in your own home. >imply by practicing in your sparimoments. The Oliver makes this easy. Vou learn faster on the Oliver bec.tuse it is so much simpler in design ;iiul construction. You get the knack of running the machine right away. And you can pick up speed faster on the Oliver because the key-, ro-pond quickly to the touch. The Oliver is one-third lighter ill touch and the type bars print downward — the easj way. Thus the Oliver is capable of a speed of fift> per cent faster than human hands. It is because the Oliver is so simplified in design and easy to operate that you can so quickly teach yourself to operate it with accuracy. Free Lessons The O 1 i '. c r Typewriter Company is anxious to aid every man and woman who is ambitious to become an expert typist, and to this end we offer free instruction book of the famous \'an Sant .^y^tcm of Touch Typewriting to every purchaser of an Oliver who requests it whei^ ordering the machine. I* >\onld cost appio.\imately $40 to t.ike ^uch a course at a school. The Oliver typewriter is particu larly adaptable to "touch" typewriting .ind with the aid of these free lessons >ou should soon acquire the ability I hat will secure for you the premium l«ay of a "touch" operator. $100 Oliver Now Only $57 I'or $57 you now obtain the identical Oliver formerly priced at $100. We are able to save you nearly half because of our radically new and economical method of distribution. During the war we learned many lessons. We found that it was unnecessary to have such a vast number of traveling salesmen and so many expensive branch houses ihroughout the country. We were able to discontinue many other superfluous methods. The result — we can afford to sell at $57 the verv same Oliver formerly priced ..t $100.' Free Trial — Send No Money Our new plan is simple. It permits you to be vour own salesman. You may order a frce-irial Oliver directly irom this advertisement, via coupon. Xole that the coupon brings either an Oliver or further inforinatioh. \\'\\c\\ you receive the Oliver, use it as if it were your own. (iive it every test. Compare it. If you agree that it is the finest lyiicwnler at any price, and wish to keep It. then pay us at the rate of $.5 per month. If you want to return it, ship it back, express collect. We even refund the out-going transportation charges. During the fr< c trial, you can be your own judt;e. no one need influence you. You need not feel under the slightest obligation to buy. Let merit decide. No Need to Wait \\ ith such a liberal ofTcr. made by a .-^2,000,000 concern, no one need be without a typewriter now. The low ))rice removes the old-time barrier. And our easy payment plan makes it I)ossible to have an Oliver while paying. Mail the coupon now for KITHER a free trial Oliver or further information, including illustrated cataloir. Canadian Price, $72 The Oliver Typewriter G)inpany 14 78 OliverTypewriter Bids' Chicago, III. ;,.,,„ Tin: oLivi.R 1 VPLWRITER COMPANY 47801iverTypowritirBldK.. Cbicatio. HI. * I IShip nila new Oliver Nine I I (or five d.-iys" fn-e insprc lion. If I kc<p II. I will p:iy .iS?:!! Ilic-r.-ilfof .*J piT inonlh Tlielili"o rcni.'iin in you until fully paid (or. Name Ml !-liippini; point Ik... This dcM-s not place me under ,iny oblikation I" buy. If I cboofce to return the Oliver. I«ill ^hip It back at yourckixiiiie at the end o( fiv<. d.o s. □ Do not send a ni.icbine until I order it. Mail nir your book ' Thi lliifh Co»t of Typewrit •• — The n-iison Hnd the Keniedy," your de luxe lot; ;ind furllx r infotinilKiii Strwmt Addrtua Slalr '0 Occupation or Buiintu liiraM Bkniuou I'lHlTOfJ^ V >l AC . A/.l.SK.