Photoplay (Jul - Dec 1919)

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PllOrOPL-W .M\(.\/INE — AUVKUTISING SECTION Questions and Answers '.?.'; Continued J Doug dots anything in which the action «,ei place ouldooB. It docsnt have to be d and woolly, necessarily. Bill Hart is . real western actor, alihoush he dcparis im his beaten path by appianns; in soniejg like "The Foppy Girls Husband." I lUld advise you, down there, to watch oui this one ii you havent already seen it. s new one is "John Petticoats." Doug's, Majesty tne American." Harry Carey, iversal City. Molly Malone. Roscoe Arickle comedy company. V. B., Des Moixts, Iowa. — Why, 1 have > prejudice against nor parlicubr prefer.,jce for red-haired girls. Only— 1 had a Sleno.i;raphcr once whose hair was of that hue; she always looked determined and as I was never able to discover what it is she «»s looking so determined about, 1 tired her. lOlie Burke and Olga Pelrova have hair £iit, while not ri-d, approaches that shade i^yway, that's the safest way of saying it Theda Bara, Fox; Na.jimova. Mitr.): l-ick Warren Kerrigan. Hampton. Beacon Re-vdek. — Vou enclosed a stamp but failed to give me your name and address, so I must answer you here and hope >Tull find it. The best way to get the pic you want in your theatre is to ask ■.heatre manager to show them. 1 am -_ nt will realize the importance of giving n> ns what they like. If he doesn't ■ rent from anv manager I ever M.UiV, LoviSLOCA.— Mar> Pickford was bom in Toronto, but 1 should call her an American as she has alway? lived and \yorked here. She was bom in 1S03 She is just live feet hiuh in her stock— 1 beg her pardon, her heel-less slippers; she tips the scales at exactly one hundred pounds, and her hair is golden and her eyes are hazel. 1 am sure I don't know whether Mar> speaks French; but I believe she plays the piano tuenlly. Her latest to be released. "The Andlum. ' Productions contemplated : HbDyanna" and "Hop o" my Thumb," by V James Barrie. Lily. Nelson, B. C. — Vou will call me Lizard if I like? Well. I don't like. Nazilova spells her first name Alia, without an aitch. You must make your other questions more specific next time. VioL.\ C, WiNTHROP— No — I never said fadge was the only kind of home-made andy I like. 1 like any kind of, home-made <»ndy. What kind is your specialty? Eric von S.r.heim was the hun in "The Heart of Hun.anity," with Dorothy Phillips. He has written and din-cted a new picture for Uni^rsil — "The Pinnacle " — which is ver>' fine. Von Stroheim is married but I hear that Heps arc being Uken to make that marriage Bull and void. He's .\ustrian. Universal City. California, will reach him. RvTH I«MA D., Gentsv — I don'l like to jrr anvonr po^, even ac'nr« — thev should pa-. ■ too Jun. 1 and >u;. ..._.. _ ■'• ' '1 Film studios in Fort Lee. N j F. J. J. ! have been en-/ Well. I thin; —and 1 wi-;; .11 j»i ij(i«f landing, or that Conslancr ried, so I could .-"n-wcr cat for a change L, N. Z. — So you eirl for two years? Joux S., L". S. S. Manzanita. — Write to me between shovebful whenever you feel like it. No, i never get >ore at looli>h cjuestions; it doesn't pay. 1 am about due lor a little ruLse, ami until 1 i;et it I'm not going 10 get sore about anything. Nine dollar? a week diH-sn'i go very far these days. Charles Ray works in Culver City at the Ince studio. He lives in Hollywood. ^' Edna M. F., Monire.\l.— 1 cannot tell you how much good your letter did me. j Vou have the right idea about picture> and ' 1 wish there were more consistent iH-ople like you. With two babii-s and a home and husband to take care of. you still find time to go to the movies three times a week. .Ann Little will not play with Wallie Reid any more; she is co-starring in a western serial. "Lightning Bryce. " Wanda Hawley and other Lasky leading ladies will support Wallie. 1 am glad you like these pages. Please write to me again. My best to the babies. .Anna H,. Boston.— Monte Blue is signed . up with Lasky for a long time to play leads, so you should see him often in the future. If Monte is married you'll die of a broken heart ? Well. I'm not sure whether he is or not — are you. Blue? (Lie to the lady, Monte. I Lasky, Hollywood, Cal. M.\RTHA. Versailles. — Miriam Ncsbitl, who was Queen Elizabeth in the Edison production of "Mary Stuart" years ago — ^lary Fuller was Miss Stuart — is in private life Mrs. Marc McDermolt. She has not been on the screen for a long time but her husband is playing right along. Leona Dobbs, of Danville. — Vou must have stepped right out of an English novel. Here arc your addresses: Jack Mulhall. Lasky; Mary Miles Minter. Realarl ; Ruth Roland. Paihe (western); Norma Talmadge, Talmadge studios, New Vork. I think all of these players will send you pictures of themselves. The first and the last are married. S. L.. N. V. C. — Pauline Bush, who was well known in the early film days with Universal and Reliance, married Alan Dwan. the director, and retired from the screen. She has no children. I heard some time ago that she contemplated a return to pictures, but so far her plans haven't materialized. Ves, I like her vcr>' much indeed. Clxrence. Jr., L.\rchmont. — If I had an office-boy. I'cl name him Clarence. It's fuch a handy name. "Clarence!" you might yell. — and there he would be — not. Vou are. indeed, something of an artist. When I look at the portrait-drawing you made of me. I might say, "something — but not much." Vou are absolutely right : I have a staff of punsters, another of epigrammali-ts, and another of mere answerers who do I nothing but look up questions. My punsters wear a black uniform: they are in mourn i ing for Shakespeare. ' Maroerv Daw Admirer— We have said -omething about Margery Daw. before. We like her ver>' much; she is one of the .Answer Man's favorite scree ni-s-ses. There will he a ;tor>' about her soon. Her real name h Marsiaret House; her latest to be released His Majesty the .American." and she is now a featured member of the Marshall Ncilan company. STflT.l''R 'J/u' «UV>/ ri:/iiii.".i u\'nj 1 Tlie purchase of a piano .sluHikl he the clccisii>n c>t a litctiine. The t-iijoyinciu of its possession should ripen with siicceeclinjj; years. It is to meet this standard the Stej^er Piano is made. Tiulay Ste^er Pianos ot wondrous tonal aiul artistic beauty areliiuiiiig their tulUnteasured destiny in thousands of American homes. Steger Pianos and Player Pianos arc shipped on approval to persons ot responsibility. 5 N^'rite for the StcRcr Stylr Prot Kurc an<l onvcnici^t term*. StCBcr dealers everywhere. STEGER &. SONS Piano ManutacturinR Co. Foundfd by John V. SIrgrr. 1873 StcKcr DuildinK, Chicauo Facrories at Stcger, Illinois iREA )WDERdt/,,r. Madcbij L T VWCWAms France ',?Xi FACE POWDER dc/.... Its Drstinctivo FVagrance Mukcs It Conspicuously SmartIts Delicate Fragranco Makes It Smartly Inconspicuous 15 c«ntl bfinqi o daint/ ■tAinnr aox -4i> ^..«..«, M..J.. ./AruntAr«.ru-b. .Antoinette. — You're right and mother ' -!:id have the wrong dope. Nazimova one picture previous to "Revelation"; .'.as her first Metro, but she did "War Brides." her best -known stage vehicle, for E*n7 »JT«Tti«»iii»ol in PHOTOPI AT MAflAZINK li (uiriiju-ril. CHAS. BAE Z Solo A.3«nt/or U S u W Conodo Dapt "n- "4 Eoit 2Zd Strcat Nc- York City Marvelous CO T7 C ook Sent F Ivlllli