The phonoscope (Nov 1896-Dec 1899)

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Vol. III. No. 4 THE PHONOSCOPE 21 A Wonderful C Talking Machine J of the Genuine ] Grand Type for 1 Not an Imitation, but the Real Thing ! $100 Reproduces the same records as the Graphophone Grand with the same marvelous effects To meet a demand for a Graphophone of less expensive construction than the Grarchophone Grand, hut embodying the same principles, a new form of Graphophone has been designed, known as The "Home Grand," Price, $100. The farthest step forward ever made in the talking machine art, crossing the threshold of a new world of possibilities, was the discovery, in out laboratory, of the principles applied in the construction of the Graphophone Grand, which, when first publicly exhibited seven months ago, made a tremendous sensation by its marvelously loud and perfect reproductions of sound. Scientists hailed this achievement as a great discovery, for it swept aside the limits that had barred the way to absolutely perfect sound-reproduction. These principles are now applied with equal success in the production of the new "HOME GRAND" which is a machine of the genuine "Grand" type and not an imitation. The "Home Grand" with Columbia Grand records brings, in audible effect, the living singer or musician actually into the presence of the listener. Reproduces music, song or speech as loud and louder than the original, with all the original sweetness and melody. The real music; the actual voice ; not a diminished copy or a "far away" effect. The "Home Grand" is handsome and durable in construction and simple in operation. It is provided with a tandem-spring motor that will run several Grand records at one winding. No talking machine, except the Graphophone Grand, will compare with the new machine in point of volume or smoothness of tone. $2.50 New Prices for Grand Records I June 1st the following prices for Columbia j RECORDS = = = = = $2.50 "Grand" records and blanks go into effect BLANKS = = = = = $1.50 The Five Dollar Graphophone A Graphophone cheap but not a cheap Graphophone This new Graphophone, as marvelous in its performance as in its price, is well-made and reproduces musical and other records brilliantly and perfectly. Clockwork motor. p-RieE $5.00 Including Eeproducer, 10-inch Japanned tin horn PRICE, with recorder added = = = $7.50 When accompanied by a recorder this Graphophone can be used for makiDg records. The $5.00 Graphophone is furnished when desired with a hand cabinet of neat design and a nickeled horn. = = = $10.00 Including — Bent wood hand cabinet, 10-inch Nickeled horn, Reproducer and Recorder. PRICE The Five Dollar Graphophone The Graphophone has been found to be the most satisfactory machine for exhibitors to handle. Outfits are arranged especially to suit the needs of the exhibitor. When a large amplifying horn is used the reproductions of music are loud enough to fill large exhibition halls. This Company's establishment is manufacturing headquarters of the world for all Graphophone and talking machine supplies. COLUMBIA RECORDS have become famous because they are made under the direction of the most expert record makers. Our facilities enable us to supply records unrivalled in quality at less than the cost at which others can make inferior ones. Amplifying Horns, Musical and other Records and Supplies U(n|Tr crxo ^atai nrnc n m of all kinds can be obtained at any of our offices WKI I t rUK LAI ALUbUt B-N DEPARTT1ENT B=N COLUMBIA PHONOGRAPH COMPANY 143=145 Broadway, Corner Liberty Street, New York City Retail Branch : 1 1 55= 11 57= 11 59 Broadway PARIS, 34 Boulevard des Italiens CHICAGO, 211 State Street ST. LOUIS, 720-722 Olive Street SAN FRANCISCO, 723 Market Street PHILADELPHIA, 1032 Chestnut Street WASHINGTON, 919 Pennsvlvania Avenue BALTIMORE, 110 E. Baltimore Street BUFFALO, 313 Main Street BERLIN, 55 Kronenstrasse