The phonoscope (Nov 1896-Dec 1899)

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THE PHONOSCOPE NEW RECORDS JUST OUT; TWICE AS LOUD AS THE OLD ONES NEW TALKING MACHIN ™e POLYPHONE Polyphone Grand, $140. AS EASILY OPERATED AS ANY TALKING HACHINE HADE The Polyphone Grand is a new talking machine placed on sale for the first time May 1st, 1899. IT IS AS LOUD AND NATURAL AS THE HUMAN VOICE. Can be heard distinctly in the largest theatre in the world. The cylinder used is five inches in diameter which makes the reproduction 2^ times louder than the best results obtained on the other style talking machines. The TWO DIAPHRAGMS again doable the volume of THIS MACHINE FIVE TIMES AS LOUD AS THE OTHER STYLE MACHINES, OR 2£ TIMES LOUDER THAN ANY OTHER GRAND OR CONCERT MACHINES. The Gem Polyphone $15. W \IS M/ \LS \IS \LS -KC TST TST ~3K~ si\ /T\ sr\ Sf\ sr\ sr\ IS GUARANTEED TO BE TWICE AS LOUD AND NATURAL AS ANY OTHER TALKING=MACHINE that sells for less than $35.00. It uses the same record as the Phonograph or Graphophone. The>achine is MADE AT THE EDISON WORKS AND USES TWO OF THE EDISON FAMOUS AUTOMATIC DIAPHRAGMS. The price of the two diaphragms alone is $10.00, which makes the balance of this handsome little machine only $5.00. It is well made, runs by Spring Motor and reproduces two records with one winding. Gladly sent privilege of examination. We are Manufacturers and . . Sell to Dealers Only . . The Polypi\one Co. 107 MADISON STREET, Apply to Nearest Talking-Machine Dealer; He Can Furnish Them CHICAGO, U.S. A Cable Address, ''POLYPHONE, CHICAGO." The Polyphone is the Only Improvement in Talking-Hachine Reproduction in the last twelve years.— LEON F. DOUGLASS.