The phonoscope (Nov 1896-Dec 1899)

Record Details:

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THE PHONOSCOPE September. 1899 HARMS, KAISER & HAGEN Bands Vocal Solos Orchestras Violin Solos Handolin Vocal Quartettes and Talking Records Special Feature this Month: ZITHER RECORDS Italian, French and Spanish Records SPECIAL CATALOGUE OF NEW RECORDS NOW READY SEND FQIFt NEW LIST HARMS, KAISER AND HAGEN 18 EAST 22d STREET . . NEW YORK, U. S. A. ilAKERS OF ORIGINAL RECORDS OF THE HIGHEST QUALITY A Combination of Volume, Tone and Quality All Records Made on New Process Sole Agents for the Celebrated Kaiser Horn made of paper fibre on correct acoustic principles SEND FOR CATALOGUE AND PRICE LIST Novelties in Talking Machine Supplies, Designed and Manufactured by Hawthorne & Sheble. Send for complete illustrated Catalogue. 12 peg Grand Concert Record Carrying Case, Spindles are all padded to protect Records. Lock and Catches, strongly and substantially made. Price, $7.50 The above cut illustrates the Cabiret fltterl with machine, and also shows our Flnrinir Hell A. Hjuin Hell, Hrnfs Horn. This is the most popular and best Horn tous* with a Concert Machine. We use and recommend our No. 3 Horn Stand as shown in the cut, to suspend a heavy Horn of this Hind. No. 5 B.— Concert Grand Cabinet. Capacity, SO Grand Records, finished in piano finish, handsome Escutcheon handles, Brass Claw feet, heavy French Plate Glass top, mounted on Casters. -Finished in Oak . . . . $50.00 Finished in Mahogany 55-00 B. — Concert Grand Cabinet. Heavy double thick American Glass top, Brass Claw feet, mounted on casters, capacity, 40 Records. -Marie in Oak only $25.00 "A" Brass horn, with fining Spun Bell, 2 scam top, 56 in. long 25.00 No. 3 Horn Stand, full ring ....... 2.00 12 inch all Aluminum Horn, fur Gem Phonographs, ''Q" Grnphophones, light as paper, no stand required . . 1.00 Gem Horn Crane, for 14 or IS inch Horns .... .50 Price No. 6 Price 24 peg Grand Concert Record Carrying Case, two compartments, an excellent Case for traveling exhibitors, and takes ike place of a cabinet for home use. Price $12.50 HAWTHORNE & SHEBLE Manufacturers of Horns, Horn Stands, Carrying Cases, Record and Machine Caoinets, Etc. Estimates given on Special Horns, Cabinets, Etc. 604=606 CHESTNUT STREET, PHILADELPHIA, PA. NEW YORK ADDRESS: 43 BROAD STREET Telephone, 1584 Broad