Photoplay (Jan - Jun 1926)

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Photoplay Magazini Advertising Section This Gives Back the Days Women Used to Lose 87 -~-' **^ i'.\ Ellen J. Buckland GRADUATE NURSE — This remar\ahle HEW way supplants the uncertainty of makeshift hygienic methods with a security that is absolute hy providing 3 unique features unknown before You'll appreciate these 3 factors (D Utter protection — Koter abBOlbs 16 times its own weight in moisture; 5 times that of the ordinary cotton pad. and it deodorizes, thus assuring double protection. A GAY frock to be worn! — a dinner, a dance, perhaps an hour's motoring each way! Yesterday that would have been a problem. Today, to the modern woman, it comes only as an incident. Unlike her predecessors, she no longer spends almost one-sixth of her time under a hygienic handicap. Modern science has discovered a safe hygiene for women. A way which eight in every ten women of the better walks of life have adopted. A way that, once you try, will make a great difference in your life. Three important advantages This new way is Kotex, the scientific sanitary pad. Nurses in war-time France first discovered it. It is made of the superabsorbent Cellucotton, covered with specially processed, soft finished gauze. It absorbs and holds instantly sixteen times its own weight in moisture, five times as absorbent as ordinary cotton pads. Each Kotex pad deodorizes with a new, secret disinfectant. Think of the amazing protection this feature alone gives! There is no bother, no expense, of laundry. Simply discard as you would waste paper — without embarrassment. You can get it anywhere, today If you have not tried Kotex, please do. It will make a great difference in your viewpoint, in your peace of mind and your health. 60% of many ills, according to many leading medical authorities, are traced to the use of unsafe and unsanitary makeshift methods. Thus today, on eminent medical advice, millions are turning to this new way. A fair test will convince you of its advantages beyond all question. No other method will ever satisfy. Kotex comes in germ-proof packages of twelve, in two sizes: the Regular and Kotex-Super. At all better drug and department stores, everywhere. Today begin the Kotex habit. Note the improvements, mental and physical, that it brings. Write today for "Personal Hygiene" booklet. Sample mailed free on request. CELLUCOTTON PRODUCTS CO.. 166 West Jackson Boulevard. Chicago 'Supplied also in personal service cabinets in somen's rest-rooms; by The West Disin/eceing Co. KOT6 xi PROTECTS — DEODORIZES When you write to advertisers please mention PBOTOFLAY MAGAZINE. No laundry. A3 easy to dispose of as a piece of tissue — thus ending the trying problem of disposal. Easy to buy anywhere.* Many stores keep them readywrapped in plain paper — simply help yourself, pay the clerk, that is all. Kotex Regular: 65c per dozen Kotex-Super : 90c per dozen