Photoplay (Jan - Jun 1926)

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Photoplay M\t.\/i\i Advertising Section 95 We have found the only way ever known — that removes Cold Cream thoroughly — that removes it safely — that removes all dirt with it Vill you accept a 7-day supply to try? rHIS offers you a test of a beauty means that, in justice, must be nued a great discovery. The first and only way ever town that removes cold cream lely . . . that ends the annoyance old ways and their dangers to e skin. We want to send you a supply ithout charge. Then to get your nnion. It is not a cloth, but an entirely w kind of material. A scientific discovery Are 'e are makers of absorbents orld authorities in this field. On the urge of a noted dermatol,'ist, we perfected this scientifically ght material for removing cold earn. For removing it as it must be .'moved to keep the skin flawless. It is the only product made solely for .is purpose. It represents several years scientific research. There is no other ■ce it Ends oily noses and dark skins stops oily nose and skin conditions nazingly. For these come from overden pores . . . cold creams and oils left •r nature to expel. That is why you jwder now so often. comes in exquisite t handkerchief boxes, to fit ur dressing table drawer . in two sizes. Boudoir size, sheets 6 by 7 inches . . . Professional, sheets g h» io inches . . . No more oily skins Your "make-up" holds hours longer than before Instead of towels, cloths, harsh fibre, or paper makeshifts, you use this deliciously soft new material — 27 times as absorbent! First Remove every bit of germladen matter, every particle of dirt, simply by wiping off face. Then — pay particular attention to the nose, so that it will be white and without shine. Then Tou discard the used sheets — no more soiling of towels. It combats skin eruptions. 1 or they're mvited by germ accumulations left in the skin, breeding pi lor bacteria. Old methods, towels, cloths and fibre substitutes failed in absorbeney. Infectious dirt accumulations were rubbed back intn your skin. That is why tiny imperfections often appear. Why your skin may look disti ingly dark at times. Multiplied skin benefits Now in Kleenex those failures arc corrected. Soft as clown and while as snow, it contrasts the harshness of cloth or fibre makeshifts with a softness that you'll love. It is 27 times as absorbent as the ordinary towel. 25 times that of paper and fibre substitutes. You use it, then discard it. It does what no other method yet has done . . . removes ALL the cleansing cream, all dirt and pore accumulations gently from the skin. And that means much to you. Send the coupon Upon receipt of it a full 7-day supply will be sent without charge. Or . . . obtain a packet at any drug or department store. Put up as exquisitely as fine handkerchiefs, in two sizes: the Professional, QxlO-inch sheets — and the Boudoir, size 6x7 inches. Boxes that fit into flat drawers of vanity tables ... a month's supply in each. Costs only a few cents. KL66N6X Sanitary Cold Cream Remover 7-Day Supply — FREE KLEENEX CO.. P.H.I 167 Quincy St., Chicago, 111. :e send without expense to me a sample packet of KLEENEX as offered. Name Address.. When you write to advertisers please mention rilOTOri.AT MAGAZINE.