Photoplay (Jan - Jun 1926)

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What the Stars and Directors Are Doing 7s[0W WEST COAST (.Unless otherwise sped/led studios arc at Hollywood) BUSTER KEATON STUDIO, 102.5 Lillian Way Inactive. CHARLES CHAPLIN STUDIO, 1410 La Urea Ave. Production will soon Commence on "The Dandy" with Charlie Chaplin and Georgia Halo. CECIL I!. DE MILLE STUDIO, Culver City, Cal. Alan Hale directing "Braveheart" with Rod I. a Rocque and Lillian Rich. Rupert Julian directing "Three Faces East" with Jetta Coudal, Robert Ames and Clive Brook. Paul Sloane directing "Made for Love" with Edmund Burns and Leatrice Joy. Cecil lie Mllle directing "The Volga Boatman" with Victor Marconi. FILM BOOKIXCi OFFICES, 780 Gower St. Noel Smith directing "So This Is Mexico" with Richard Talmadge and Louise Lorraine. Harmon Weight directing "Flaming Waters" with Malcolm McGregor, Pauline Garon and Mary Carr. Wesley Ruggles directing "Broadway Lady" with Evelyn Brent and Theodore Von Kits. Freeman Cook directing "The Phantom Pilot" with Katliryn McGuire. Robert De Lacy directing "The Wyoming Wildcat" wiih Tumi Tyler. Tom Foreman directing "Midnight Flyer" with Cullen Landis and Dorothy Devore. Harry Garson directing "Between Men" with Lefty Flynn and Helen Lynch. FOX STUDIOS, 1401 X. Western Ave. Rowland V. Lee directing "The Outsider" with Lou Tellegen, Jacqueline Logan and Walter Pidgeon. Frank Borzage directing "The First Year" with Matt Moore, Kathryn Perry and John Patrick. J. G. Blystone has completed "The Best Bad Man" with Tom Mix and Clara Bow. LASKY STUDIO, 1520 Vine St. Raoul Walsh has completed "The Golden Journey" with Ernest Torrence, William Collier, Jr., and Greta Nlssen. Mai St. Clair directing "The Lady of Mystery" With Pola Negri, Holmes Herbert and Charles Enimett Mack. James Cruze directing "The Moving Finger" with ZaSu Pit ts, Alice Joyce and Warner Baxter. Allan Dwan directing "Sea Horses" with Jack Holt. Florence \ Idor and George Bancroft. Willis Goldbeok direotlng "The Ace of Cads" with Adoiphc Menjou. Edward Sutherland directing "Miss Brewster's Millions" with Bebe Daniels. METRO-QOLDWYN-MAYER STUDIO, Culver City. < ':' I Paul Bern directing "Paris" with Charles Ray and Pauline Starke. Toil Browning direotlng "The Mooking Bird" with I. on emmey ami Itcncc Adoree. King \ idor directing "Bardelys the Magniilccnt" with John Gilbert. Victor Seagtrom directing "The Scarlet Letter" with Llllliin Glsh. METROPOLITAN STUDIOS, 0042 Santa Monica Blvd Edward Dillon directing "The Danger (,,rl" with Priscilla Dean. Harold Lloyd Prod. Sam Taylor directing 1 Dl Heavens Sake" with Harold Lloyd and Jobyna Ralston. PICKFORD-FAIRBAVKS STL'DIO. 711 Santo Monica Blvd. William Beaudine directing "Scraps" with Mary Pickford aud Roy Stewart. Albert Parker directing "The Black Pirate" with Douglas Fairbanks and Billie Dove. UNITED STUDIOS, Hollywood, Cal First National Prod. Sylvanla BalbonI directing "The Far Cry" with Blanche Sweet, Jack Mulhall and Myrtle Stedman. "The Savage" with Mary Astor and Lloyd Hughes. "Mademoiselle Modiste" with Corinne Griffith. Eric Von Stroheim directing "East of the Setting Sun" with Constance Talmadge, Walter Pidgeon and Lric Von Stroheim. Production will soon start on "Kiki" with Norma Talmadge and Ronald Colman. United Artists Prod. Henry King directing "Partners Again" witli George Sidney and Alexander Carr. UNIVERSAL STUDIO. Universal City, Cal. Al Rogell directing "The Overland Trail" with Jack Iloxie and Ena Gregory. Harry Pollard directing "Poker Faces" with Edward Everett Horton. King Baggott directing "The Perch of the Devil." Cast not announced. WARNER BROS. STUDIO, 5S42 Sunset Blvd. Erie C. Kenton directing "The Love Toy" with Lowell Sherman and Helen Costello. Herman Haymaker directing "His Jazz Bride" with Marie Prevost and Matt Moore. Henry I.ehrman directing "The Fighting Edge" with Kenneth Harlan and Patsy Ruth Miller. J. S. BlaoktOD directing "The Gilded Highway" with Johnny Harron and Dorothy Devore. EAST COAST BIOGRAPII STUDIO. <07 East 175th St., New York City. "Men of Steel" with Milton Sills. Anna Q. Nilsson and May Allison. COSMOPOLITAN STUDIO, 127th St. and Second \\c , Now York City. Fred Newmeyer directing "Lunatic at Large" with Leon i'.riol. Dorothy Mackalll and Jack Mulhall. JACKSON STUDIO, Jackson and Westchester Avcs . Bronx, N ^ Charles Hines directing •The Brown Derby" with Johnny Mines. Elmer Clifton directing "Wives al Auction" with Edna Murphy and Gaston Glass. PARAMOUNT STUDIO, Pierce Ave. and Sixth St., Long Lsland City. N. X. Herbert Brenon directing "Dancing Mother-' with Betty Bronsou. Alice Joyce and Conwa. Tearie. D. W. Griffith directing "Sorrows of Satan" with Carol Dempster and Lowell Sherman. CHANGES IN TITLES FAMOUS PI.AYERS-I.ASKY CORP "The Tatooed Countess" will be released as "The Won. an of Mystery." "Mannequin" will be released as "The Moving Finger." "Hassan" win be released as "The Golden Journey." "Magpie" will be released as "Help Yourself." UNIVERSAL PICTURES. "His People" will be released as "Proud Heart." BUSINESS OFFICES Associated Exhibitors, Inc., 35 West 45th St.. New Y'ork City. Associated First National Pictures. 3S3 Madison Ave. New Y'ork City. Richard Barthelmess Prod.. Inspiration Pictures, 505 Filth Ave.. New York Cit> . Distinctive Pictures Corporation. 3G6 Madison Ave.. New Y'ork City. Educational Film Corporation. 370 Seventh Ave.. New Y'ork City. Famous PlayersLasky Corporation (Paramount) 4S5 Fifth Ave., New York City. Film Booking Offices of Amer.. Inc.. 723 Seventh Ave.. New York City. Fox Film Company. 10th Ave. <fc 55th St.. New Y'ork City. Metro-C.oldwyn. 1540 Broadway. New Y'ork City. Palmer Photoplay Corporation. Palmer Bldg., Hollywood. Calif. Pathe Exchange. 35 West 45th St.. New Y'ork City. Principal Pictures Corporation. 1540 Broadway. New Y'ork City. Producers Distributing Corporation. 469 Fifth Ave, New Y'ork City. Rothacker Film Mfg. Company. 1339 Dlversey Parkway. Chicago. HI. B. P. Schulberg Prod., 117 W 45th St.. New York City. United Artists Corporation, 729 Seventh Ave.. New Y'ork City. D. W. Grifflth Prod.. 1476 Broadway. New York City. Universal Film Mfg. Company. Heckscher Building. 5th Ave. and 57th St.. New Y'ork City. Vttagraph Company of America. 1600 Broadway New Y'ork City. Warner Brothers. 1600 Broadway, New Y'ork City. io :