Photoplay (Jan - Jun 1926)

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Photopi \\ Magazine Advertising su rioN 105 Stars of the Photoplay Special Edition 250 Art Portraits of Leading Moving Picture Stars Beautiful Art Portraits reproduced in Rotogravure from the latest and best photographs, on Primoplate paper. Handsome dark blue book binding with gold ettering. The portraits are alphabetically arranged, and below each is printed a clear and comprehensive sketch of the career of each star presented. Altogether, the volume constitutes a combined art gallery and brief biography of all the leading players. An Ideal Christmas Gift Just fill out the coupon below, enclose your check or money orderforonly $1.25 and a copy will be mailed to you to any part of the United States or Canada. Will mail C. O. D. if desired. If it does not come up to your expectations or if you are not more than satisfied with it, return it and your money will be cheerfully refunded. Now Only $1.25 Fill out the coupon and mail it today Address Dept. M. P. PHOTOPLAY MAGAZINE 750 N. Michigan Ave., CHICAGO, ILL. THIS COUPON IS FOR YOUR CONVENIENCE PHOTOPLAY MAGAZINE Dept. M. P., 750 N. Michigan Ave., Chicago, 111. Enclosed find $1.25, for which please send one copy of "Stars cf the Photoplay" to the name and address below: Street . ^ Remittance enclosed State. □ Send C. O. D. J When you write to advertisers please mention PHOTOPLAY MAGAZINE.