Photoplay (Jan - Jun 1926)

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io6 Photoplay Magazine — Advertising Section The HAND that holds all eyes You see them now and then — those exquisite hands that hold you en' tranced with their sheer loveliness — hands that speak so eloquently of breeding and refinement! They're all too few, those well groomed hands to which every cuh tured woman should aspire. And yet how easy to attain if one takes the Glazo way to lovely nails ! A second's application with the dainty Glazo brush, a moment's dry ing — and behold/ your nails are glowing with the shelhpink lustre that Fashion and good taste dc mand! There's no waste of time, no tedious buffing, no ridging or peel' ing of nails — and your manicure lasts a week. Separate Remover for Perfect Results Glazo — the original Liquid Polish — comes complete with separate re mover, which prevents waste and insures better results. Stop at your favorite toilet goods counter today and get the Glazo package. It will mean lovely nails always, with the minimum of exertion and expense. 50c at all counters. The Glazo Company, 28 Blair Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. ^VWWH Nails Stay Polished Longer — No Buffing Necessary Try QLAZO Cuticle Massage Cream It shapes the cuticle and keeps it even and healthy Questions and Answers nNl ED 1 SOU PAGE 89 ] Mrs. I . P., Reno, Nevada.— You must be able to !_rct the low-down on everybody living in your town. Ik-re arc the statists s on Irene Rich and Anna Q. Nillson. Irene i> 5 feet, (> inches above the ground and weighs 138 pounds. Anna Q. is an inch taller than [n ni and three pounds lighter. Her hair is blonde and her eyes arc blue and she is Swedish through and through. Dorothy Lee. — So many girls call me daddy, particularly those girls down at the Follies. Still, you're welcome to join my family. You want to know how old Corinne Griffith is. Well, Corinne. says she's 24. They couldn't put Corinne and Ronald Colman in a love scene together unless they used fire-proof film. I as wise as a tree full of owls? Child, compared to me an owl is in the first grade. A. S. Elmhtjrs . 1. I— This Griffith girl seems to be < rowding the mails this month. The beautiful Corinne is American-born, having lifted her petal like eyelids to the sun in the old city of New Orleans. La., during the year of 1901. After a sentence like that, don't tell me I couldn't write sub-titles. I know I couldn't. Miss G. P,.. Pana, In.. — When you want a star's picture, write to him at the studio w here he is working and send him a quarter. Harry, the Bronx, New York. — Harry. you've lost your bet. Your boy friend. Malcolm McGregor, did see the light of this world from Xewark. New Jersey, during the month of October, 1896. One thing to be said for Mac. however. He went west. Getting Laughs Out of Sticks CONTINUED FROM PAG1 J$ ' Doug, on the other hand, knows exactly what every ingredient is and where it goes before he starts his production. Pie reverses the practical scheme of the effi cient studio by spending six weeks on the plans and four weeks on the shooting, thus economizing in the salaries of players who are not engaged until even' phase of the picture has been visualized and plotted. He has that faculty which constitutes geniu> in the collaborative scheme of the motion picture— the ability to organize a staff and work it harmoniously as one man. That's the secret of great motion pictures. It's the secret fewpossess. MacLean is not an actor. He's a master builder. I mean that as a compliment. He works like an architect, a scientist, a man of sanity. Thought rather than action is his mode. His mind holds the image complete before he tries to perform it. Result : he is the greatest exponent of comedy-drama in the business. He differs from Lloyd and Chaplin in that he tells a serious story humorously. That is, he keeps within the realm of reality. He's the supreme farceur. In such independent young intellects is the hope of the motion picture. The harmony and enthusia-m of Doug MacLean's studio makes me want to delve into the picture industry. A wilder comment I cannot make, for most studios send me forth with a feeling of having escaped something worse than the lower regions. There is no pose to MacLean. He doesn't theorize of life and women and art. He talks his own stuff, and talks it so much more intelligently than the "commercial'' producer and the ''genius" star that you don't care a hoot for his ideas on other subjects. Herein you behold the plausible harmony of art and commerce. It is plausible, though it doesn't seem so until you meet with a man of applied mentality who is equipped for the medium in which he works. The Jew is considered the finest business man in the world. But here's an instance where I think a Scotchman has him licked. Growing Old Gracefully [ CONTIMICD FROM PACE 45 men say, men of the world, that there inothing so beautiful as a sweet old lady. There you have it — "Grow old along with me. The best is vet to be, The last of life Lor which the first was planned." Build. Build nobly. Build character. Build happiness. Build a warm heart and a serene countenance. Get ready lor the joys of maturity. Look forward to the harvest time and give thanks. Think about others ami not about yourself. Slay vanity as early as you can. the vanity of things that perish, and must perish, and that act of your or mine can keep from terisbing. Serve. Keep busy. Develop interests that will last, I know an old ladj of nearly seventy who is the chosen friend and confidante ofmanyofthe young writers ami beauties of Hollywood. Into her lap are poured the loves and laughs, and heartaches and romances, of our little city. Why, her life is fuller than most young Brerj advertisement in PHOTOPLAY magazine is guaranteed. women's could ever be. Vet she is only a little old lady in a gingham apron and a woolly while shawl. Why? Why does youth go to her and keep her eternally young? Because -lie has the wisdom, the stored wisdom of a long, hard life, the deep understanding of a heart that has loved and suffered, the keen vision of age with the well-spring of eternal youth that always understands youth. That's why. And 1 tell you she wouldn't change place with anybody on earth today. Do you all forget Ninon de 1. 'Kudos, who ruled the Paris of art and letter from her salon until she was ninety? She was a beauty in her youth, and she had her heydey as a conqueror of hearts. But she had taste and wisdom, and foresight and intuition, and they revealed to her what was beyond the horizon of youth. She saw the sun of her beauty set without a tear, and gradually substituted for her affairs du couer, her flirtations and her toilets, her dances and her adorers, a wit and a charm that was mind triumphant over the