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body. She made the exchange of one kind <>i leadership For another, made it graceful!] and beautifully, and in her age was worshipped liy more than in her youth
In Hollywood, youth i verj precious. 1 have seen many stais fade from the screen because they insisted on remaining the eternal ingenue, and when the little sag in the chin and the little looseness undei th< eiu arrived, they had nothing else to offer. 1 have Been others gracefully accept the change and bring their enlarged talenl and gracious lovelini paiis suited to their years, and long remain favorites with good producers and fans.
Look for youth in the hearl Make the change from youth to age, as you would make it from one country to another
And I tell you that you «ill lay up for youi selves treasures where moth and rust doth not corrupt and where thieves cannot break throif'h nor steal
How to Be Merry on Christmas Day
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leggers, chanting, "We Shall Meet At 1 lie River."
Or, then again, a dinner for press folk whose scrimmaging ability in the presence of food is such that, unless you're in practice, you'll come up black and blue with nothing but the neck or, at best, a wing.
Tony and 1 >aisy Moreno have a castle on the top of a hill thai looks like Caesar's fortifications in their prime and is harder to scale The house is so enormous that whole legions can have dinner there and make their getaway without being noticed.
Usually so many courses are passed in the drawing room that by the time dinner is served you don"t feel you can eat another drop.
As soon as the last dret; has vanished from your goblet a Japanese genii appears in a puff of smokeand you find another one in your hand.
Little Japs swarm suddenly from everywhere. I don't know whether they get in through the plumbing or come out from under the rugs. Wherever they come from it's across the bonier.
Before the end of an evening at the Moreno's you feel like an angel, and unless you're stopped will probably' soar off one of the battlements and be picked up in the morning with both wings broken.
The place I go the mo>t often unasked is the Malcolm McGregors'. It's one of those joints where you can yell as loud as you like for ice and then go get it yourself. If you want to crab all the way through dinner you can. and afterwards you can l;o to sleep on the floor without being annoyed by the host and hostess, who. as like as not, have been asleep for hours on the only comfortable divans.
When Alice Terry is in town you may count on her being there with her ukulele, singing, "That's all there is. there isn'l any more; stop. stop knocking at my front door, I'm through, I'm through with you — 00."
Alice has invited mc to spend Christmas in Nice ou the French Riviera, knowing very well that I owe everybody in town and couldn't make my getaway in anything less than a Lon Chancy make-up.
Another reason for not accepting is that Alice has the amusing habit of eating off other people's plates, and as I'd be the guest of honor sitting on her right hand, about the only thing I'd eat would be potato, that being the«only thing she doesn't.
When she was in London she was invited to lunch with the Prince of Wales, and the night before Rex had a horrible dream that she was eating off the prince's plate. She probably did, but if so there were no complaints from the prime.
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