Photoplay (Jan - Jun 1926)

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Photoplay Mu,\/im Advertising Section '5 MAD WHIR1 ,IHI Iveraal. You 11 i Mas M( Vvoi In thltstorj of the evils ol il drinking. Ma) leads the crusade against the September.) MAKING OF O'MALLEY, THE First \. tlonaj. Milton Silli glorifies the New \"ik cop. j Mac k.uii la the ri< h w hool teacher who marries liinx Sepiembtr.) M v\|| \ I I \\ M \l>\l ss ,11 (hlblt lack Dempaey and I -^ t »1 1« Tayloi revive the old Fairbanks success. Who i> going to be silly enough to >.>> anything against the champ? (Sept.) MANICURI GIRL, THE Paramount tries to diggei bul m>. romance wins. Daniels In a pert comedy. {September.) M \N OF IKON. A CI ndwiclc. 1 lone] B ittempts to prove thai r man mas be great In business but a dub with women. He da MAN on THE BOX, THE Warnei Brotl i good evening with S\d Chaplin and get a lot of laughs. (D« ember.) M w who i oi ND HIMSELF, THE rhomas Meighan goes to Sing Sing foi a crime he didn't commit. It's Meighan .it ins most noble. (November.) MARRIAGE WHIRL, THE— Flral National. Another and rather tedious expose ol the evils ol Corinne Griffith is in it. {Sepiembtr.) M vkky Ml" Paramounl lames Cruse does las best with .i slender story. Florence Vidor and Edward Everett Horton do good work. {September.) MERRY WIDOW. THE Metro-Goldwyn.— A brilliant and gorgeous Bcreen version ol the romantic light opera with Mac Murray', John Gilbert and Roy D' Vrcj contributing three ol the fines) performances oi the year. {October.) MinsiiiPM \N. THE — Metro Goldwyn — A rather juvenile story, but it brings back Ramon Novarro, and that's enough for most fans. (Pectmbtr.) MY LADY'S LIPS— B. P. Schulberg.— A crook melodrama that is lively and often amusing. But we dare you to try to believe in the plot. (October.) MYSTIC, THE — Metro-Goldwyn. — Aileen Pringle gives a good performance in this melodrama nl a take fortune-teller. (November.) NEVER THE TWAIN SHALL MEET— -MetroGoldwyn. — Anita Stewart gives a piquant performance of a South Sea Island queen who loves and loses — but wins in the end. A colorful and popular picture. (October.) NEYER WEAKEN— Associated Exhibitors.— A welcome revival of a Harold Lloyd comedy. (Sept.) NEW BROOMS — Paramount. — It won't sweep you off your feet, but it might do to put in an evening. Everybody overacts but Bessie Love. (January.) NEW COMMANDMENT, THE— First National. — It's "Thou shalt not doubt.'' Wealthy boy. artist's model, misunderstanding, war. and the thrillingest love scene in months. (January.) NIGHT LIFE OF NEW YORK— Paramount.— A round of sight-seeing in New York's hotels and night clubs. You are accompanied by Rod La Rocquc. Dorothy Gish and Ernest Torrence. It's lots of fun. (September.) NOT SO LONG AGO — Paramount.— Aside from the work of Betty Bronson and Ricardo Cortez, this is a rather dull story of Manhattan in its Age of Innocence. (October.) OLD CLOTHES— Metro-Goldwyn.— The last time you will have to look at Jackie Coogan without a haircut. Maybe that's worth a quarter. Some laughs in this and a new girl, Joan Crawford. (January.) OLD HOME WEEK— Paramount— A Grade A Meighan picture — his best in a long time. George Ade wrote the story and Lila Lee is in it. (August.) ONE YEAR TO LIVE— First National.— Aileen Pringle hears the sentence of the doctor and then cuts loose in Paris. It all turns out all right. (September.) ON PROBATION— Steiner— The escapades of a rich flapper. It's fair enough if you are not tired of goings-on of the younger set. (August.) OTHER WOMAN'S STORY, THE— Shulberg — A tiresome story that might have been a good mystery melodrama. (January.) PACE THAT THRILLS, THE— First National.— Very bad. with Ben Lyon. Beautiful Mary Astor is wasted in this silly story (December.) PAINT AND POWDER— Chadwick.— The good little chorus girl becomes a star and marries the producer. Fair entertainment if you aren't too fussy. (December.) PARISIAN LOVE — B. P. Schulberg. — Just another one of those things. In case anyone cares, it's the romance of an Apache girl. Not for the children. (October.) PASSIONATE YOUTH— Truart— Now. really, after all. what did you expect from the title? (Sepl ember.) PATHS i<> PAR m>im Parami mond Griffith again proves thai In la a real atai In thfi I : ft \< <>< K M M Ml US 1 \n llit.lli ton "i a in 1 1 kill who man n a i km 'i man; well directed b) Sven Gadi and capabls acted b) Jacqueline Logan and i alien I andla. (Nottmi PI \k OF FATE, TH1 lilllii d in tin Su n \m i< \(.i i hi i hi colleglati ing mi again. 1 he usual iau drama, with t lam Bow and Donald Keith, (i ' rt>\i i jcpri ss. i in Paramounl i hi i great tors ol thi Wi t. w onderful ery, Ri( ardo < ortei and Ernest [orrence. PRETTl I \l>H S Mi tro Goldwyn human interest itorj plus H" Zli gfeld i ollli and an all-Mai i.i-t. A mat fol ll" iw {Stpltm PRICE OF PLEAS! RE, nil i nlvei i In winch Cinderella is high-hatted by tin Prince's family. Some good corned) bj Louis Faxenda and T. Roy Barnes. (August.) PR1\\M AFFAIRS Producei Distributing.— A i hai ming stoi j ol im -n tow n Hfi , ai i m iti senti d and WI II Bl I PROl'D HEART (title changed from HIS PEOPLE) — Universal, Oni ol thi finest plcl Jewish emigrant life we've Been. 'Schildkraut, pere, contributes a great performan reen, Don't miss it. (December.) RANGER OF THE BIG PINES— Vltagraph.— The usual Western with the usual fight, and performance by Eulalie Jensen to recommend it. (October.) RED HOT TIRES— Warner Brothers.— Just a mix-up of good, bad and indifferent comedy, played by Monte Blue and Patsy Ruth Miller. (November.) REGULAR FELLOW, A— Paramount.— (Reviewed under the original title, "He'sa Prince"). A gay burlesque of royalty with Raymond Griffith as a prince with democratic ideas. (November.) RIDIN' THE WIND— F. B. O.— Fred Thomson disappoints. A trite story. He rescues his brother from bandits, returns the stolen money and wins the girl. {December.) ROAD TO YESTERDAY, THE— Producer Dist, — Catch this picture for the gorgeous train wreck, The story is a little muddled but fairly entertaining due to the reincarnation theme. (January.) ROSE OF THE WORLD— Warners.— Sincere performances by a good cast, but an unconvincing story. Not very worthwhile. (January.) RUGGED WATERS— Paramount.— Outside of a few good storms and some rousing sea stuff, it's just an old-fashioned melodrama. (October.) SALLY OF THE SAWDUST— United Artists. D. W. Griffith proves that he can make great comedy. It's his gayest and most light-hearted picture. Wonderful acting by W. C. Fields and Carol Dempster. Everyone should see it. (August.) SATAN IN SABLES— Warner Brothers.— Lowell Sherman is a bad Russian grand duke. Pauline Garon is a little rose from Montmartre. Pretty good. (December.) SCANDAL PROOF— Fox.— The story of one of those good but misunderstood girls. Sympathetically acted by Shirley Mason. (August.) SCANDAL STREET— Arrow.— An interesting picture because of movie studio atmosphere. Story of a movie actress and her husband who are both starred at the same studio. (January.) — ' SEVEN CHANCES— Metro-Goldwyn.— Another amusing one from Buster Keaton. (June.) SEVEN DAYS — Producers Distributing. — The famous farce is given splendid production and it is well acted. Eddie Gribbon is very amusing. (A'ovember.) SEVEN KEYS TO BALDPATE— ParamountLeave the dishes in the sink. If you miss the first of this, you're lost. A corking comedy-melodrama with Douglas MacLean and Edith Roberts. (January). SHORE LEAVE— First National.— A genuinelyfunny comedy, a charming love story and Richard Bartiielmess at his best as a tough gob. (September.) SIEGE — Universal. Mary Alden and Virginia Valli in a powerful drama of two generations. Highly recommended. (August.) SIEGFRIED— Ufa.— Perhaps the most ambitious undertaking of the screen. A spectacularly beautiful and slightly dull version of the Niebelungen legend. Made in Germany. (August.) [ CONTINUED ON PAGE 1 6 ] WANTED Me n.»nd Women to Earn Money At Home .this new easy way . WEEK Art Director $20 TO $50 A Spare or Full Time A limited number <>f openings are now available to men and women who would like to earn money ni home in spare hours or lull time. The work is wonder fully interesting and pays unusually well. There is no canvassing, no monotonous drudgery. No Special Ability or Experience Needed Could any other kind of work be so pleasant as applying beaujk'^k tiful designs in colors to such 3*SC0r^gt artistic objects as candlesticks, . 9 wooden toys, parchment lamp shades, wall plaques, picture frames, sewing tables, gate-leg tables? Then there are greeting cards to be colored, and cushion tops and other textile articles to be decorated in Batik, and fascinating objects of copper and brass to be etched in beautiful designs. This is the wonderfully interesting field of work that it is now possible for you to enter through the national organization of Fireside Industries. You can do the work in your home wherever you live, and under the new and exclusive system of instruction devised by Mr. Gabriel Andre Petit after twenty years of experience, the work is made so easy that anyone can do it. Earnings Assured Fireside Industries guarantee to each of its members that there will he no difficulty in earning money if a conscientious effort is made. Think of earning $2 in just one hour, for example, by decorating a pair of candlesticks! Do you wonder that members of Fireside Industries are so enthusiastic about the work? Illustrated Book FREE The beautiful Book of Fireside Industries, illustrated in color, which explains all about this new way to earn mi ney at home, will be sent to you on request absolutely FREE and .without obligation. Simply mail the coupon or write, enclosing two-cent stamp to help pay postage. But do this at once, while openings for new members are available. FIRESIDE INDUSTRIES, Depl. 41-B, Adrian, Mich. FIRESIDE INDUSTRIES. Dcpt. 41-B Adrian. Michigan Please send me absolutely FREE, the beautiful ■ Illustrated Book of Fireside Industries, explaining I how 1 may earn money at home by decorating Art Novelties. I enclose two-cent stamp. Name . Address City State. J When you write to advertisers please menticn rilOTOPI.AY MAGAZINE.