Photoplay (Jan - Jun 1926)

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1 8 Photoplay Maaazine — Advertising Section %evel in the VIGOR of lV WINTER but keep the softness of SPRING YOU CAN WITH THIS FAMOUS "TWIN CREAM" TREATMENT IN the wintertime, when the air is so invigorating and social life so gaj when evergreens seem greenest and the joy of life is keenest — when every hour brings its sharp contrasts of heat and cold — that is when you must give your complexion the greatest care. Get out-o'-doors all you can. Revel in the sports of winter. Skate, coast, motor all you please. Butremembet — old JackFrost is a gay deceiver. He will put roses in your cheeks, to be sure. He will make your blood tingle and give you vigorous health. But unless you're on your guard, he will also chafe and coarsen your skin. And, too, he will place you in snowy-white backgrounds that show up sallow cheeks and cruelly enhance lines and defects of every kind. Yes, you want to watch that man, Jack Frost. You want to take extra good care of your complexion now, for winter is the time of social conquests and social joys; the time when beauty means the most. A new way to protect and enhance your beauty Here is a way to outwit the wintry winds and keep your beauty in bloom the whole year 'round — a new way that will enhance and retain your natural loveliness; make even a coarse, unlovely skin gossamer-fine; that will counteract the effect of wind and exposure and keep your skin soft, smooth, and fine-textured. This is the famous Twin Cream Treatment — one cream to build beauty from within ; another to repel enemies that attack from without. Remember that no single cream can give your skin all that it needs. It is not possible, because — Your skin needs nourishment, must have it, if it is to be Try this Famous Twin Cream Method at Our Risk Enjoy the beauties of the great outdoors. Revel in the sports of winter as much as you please, but always keep your complexion basking in the springtime of youth. Stopat your favorite toilet goods counter today and ask for the Princess Pat Twin Creams. See what an improvement even one treatment will bring — how lovely it makes your skin; how soft, plowing, exquisitely fine. And observe how, with each additional Twin Cream treatment, it grows more and more lovely every day. If you are not simply delighted with the results, your money will be refunded cheerfullv. healthy. And naturally all nourishing creams must open the pores in order to feed the underlying tissues. Also, your skin needs protection ; must have it, if it is to be delicate, soft, fine-textured. And for protection the pores must not be left open, but must be normally closed. Your own good judgment will tell you that no single cream can do both. But Princess Pat Twin Creams, acting together, can do what no single cream can — nourish the tissues first, then close the pores, thus preserving jour skin's soft, satin-like texture. You know what this means, for All true beauty must begin with the texture of vour skin." ^ _ f^^5D rr S° that yon may know for yourself! s*J-M\EsJLs thelovelyeffectofPrincessPatTwinl M Cream treatment, we take pleasure] M in sending yon a free trial packet for you to! t^ use on your skin. Just mail the coupon. PIUN'CI'.SS PAT, Ltd., Oept. 1*W 27<>i-!> South Wells street. Chicago Please semi free trial packet of Princess Pat Twin ! Cream treatment. If yon prefer to try this Twin Cream treatment before, purchasing, mail the coupon for generous trial packet FREE. incess Name I Street \ PRINCESS PAT, Ltd., Chicago, U.S.A. „.. , e, . Canadian Address, 107 Duke Street, Toronto. Out. City State : (t'rlnt unit Mid 'dtirosi. plainly) • , «> Every advertisement In I'UOTOri.AY MAGAZINE Is guaranteed.