Photoplay (Jan - Jun 1926)

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Photopi .w Magazine Advertising Sei n<>\ 107 COM I NO to Now Yurie ten years ago, the daughter ol .11 1 ind Kkntj 1. 1 ■ ( 1 new treatment* and prepaxationa lor the rig and bringing bock d youth, soon Ivijme one of the most famous beauty ■pedaliita In the world, nui nong her clientele Korea of the rnca in the international social register. DOROTHY GRAY OCIETY'S MOST FAMOUS FACES 3\j2f>t ilautlijiil Jxi-THjer Gjoolu/ There are three telltale places where age shows first in a woman's face, weak spots. This was Dorothy Gray's conclusion after studying thousands upon thousands of faces during the past eleven years. How to prevent them and to erase them has been her specialty. POME people used to think that the A Double Chin almost magical results obtained by Dorothy Gray were extremely complicated, even surgical treatments. For she is known on two continents as the facial scientist who works marvels for the greatest beauties of society and stage. She first won her fame in counteracting the double chin and sagging throat muscles. To women of the "fading age" she offers facial rejuvenation. To younger women she offers protection against premature age. Her Salon in New York, in the most exclusive Fifth Avenue location, is the mecca of thousands upon thousands of women who oroclaim her their benefactress. Yet her treatments are apparently simple. Nothing severe. Nothing harsh. In fact, now you can duplicate her treatments in your own home. Ycu can consult Dorothy Gray by mail as intimately as if you came to New York for a personal interview. This service she has now developed after ten years of exclusive Salon treatments by appointment. She has prepared printed directions and offers her own preparations. Furthermore, she invites you to write to her in detail and she will answer you personally. Her specialty is the counteracting of facial age. To it she has devoted her life. She can help ycu eliminate a double chin and make Wrinkles and Lines Around Eyes and Mouth your throat lines youthful and charming. She can help you erase those hateful lines around eyes and mouth. She can help you "firm" the relaxed, drooping muscles of the face. A sallow skin can be made to glow. Thousands of women have had almost miraculous results in employing the Dorothy Gray Home Treatments. Years disappear quickly. "You look SO much younger," your friends will say. "Have you been to New York to see Dorothy Gray?" Below is printed a coupon for your convenience. It embraces the three telltale places where age shows first but you may write a letter instead if you wish to state your problems more fully. Miss Gray will study your requirements and make personal recommendations as to the treatments and the proper preparations. This service is gratis. Dorothy Gray's preparations with complete directions for treatments can be obtained at the leading department stores and quality drug stores throughout the country. Thin Face with Flabby Muscles Under the Chin DOROTHY GRAY, 753 Filth Avenue. New York. N. Y. -,( Please tell me how D to treat a double chin. □ to round out a thin face and strengthen muscles under chin. D to erase wrinkles and lines around eyes and mouth. Name Street City State du write to adwrtlsei PHOTOPLAY MAGAZINE.