Photoplay (Jul - Dec 1927)

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Photoplay Magazine — Advertising Section *WE'RE IN THE NAVY NOW— Paramount — Another genuinely amusing comedy of the life of the underdogs in the Great War, with Wallace Beery and Raymond Hatton offering two amusing character sketches. (.January.) WHAT EVERY GIRL SHOULD KNOW— Warner Bros. — The title has nothing to do with the story. Patsy Ruth Miller does an imitation of Mary Pickford. Fancy that! (May.) ♦WHAT PRICE GLORY— Fox.— The war drama that started all the fun. A fine screen version of a great play, with excellent acting ana sincere direction. Victor McLaglen, Edmund Lowe and Dolores Del Rio deserve high praise. (February.) *WHEN A MAN LOVES— Warner Bros.— The scented story of Manon and Des Grieux made into a hectic movie melodrama. Dolores Costello is a lovely heroine and John Barrymore does his stuff with uneven success. (April.) WHILE LONDON SLEEPS— Warner Brothers.— Not a great picture but a great star — none other than Rin-Tin-Tin. He puts over the film. (February.) WHISPERING SAGE — Fox.— A Western, of course, but above average. The likable Buck Jones is in it. (June.) WHITE BLACK SHEEP, THE— First National. — Richard Barthelmess again plays the wandering boy who fights his way back for dear old England, this time. Hokum. (February.) WHITE FLANNELS — Warner Bros. — The struggle of a poor mother to give her boy a college education. A human story, well acted by Louise Dresser and Warner Richmond. (June.) WHITE GOLD— Producers Dist. Corp.— A fine, exciting narrative, told in masterly style by William K. Howard. Crowded out of the "six best" of the month. But don't miss it. (May.) WINGS OF THE STORM— Fox.— A new canine star — Thunder — makes his appearance. The story has a real appeal for children. It's the autobiography of a dog. (February.) WINNERS OF THE WILDERNESS— Metro Goldwyn-Mayer. — Three cheers for Colonel Tim McCoy, the new western star! He knows the ropes and he has a great personality. Unfortunately, Roy D'Arcy is also in the cast. (March.) WOLVES' CLOTHING — Warner Brothers.— A feeble attempt at comedy. It is more likely to annoy you than make you laugh. (March.) YANKEE CLIPPER, THE— Six reels of boat race and nautical atmosphere is a little too much. William Boyd is the hero. Just so-so. (June.) Brickbats & Bouquets [ CONTINUED FROM PAGE 10 ] " I read Photoplay because I am interested in the people it writes about. Stories of hardship — bravery — patience — sacrifice — success — great sorrows and great joys. Suppose the spotlight of the World were turned on our little town, and each individual's private life held up for the whole world to see. Would it show the beauty, talent and achievement that these people show? Scandals they have — but what town doesn't? But our scandals are local affairs, while theirs are scattered to the four winds. Instead of reading all about the Chaplin scandal I have been reading about the wonderful marriage of Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Fairbanks. An inspiration to any one who reads the article. Can you name a couple of your acquaintance who is perfectly happy?" "I give up," laughed my friend." May I take this number home to read?" And after reading it, she admitted that the movies held a different meaning for her. Lynne E. Hanson. The Man Who Made Buster Allentown, Pa. Once I heard a story concerning Langdon and Keaton. Buster was making a picture and Harry walked on the set with his simple facial expression. Buster laughed and that part had to be re-shot — when Langdon wasn't around. Lehman H. Klf.ppinger. [ continued on page 82 ] ARE YOU SPIKED A TO YOUR JOB • Take inventory of yourself. Are you getting anywhere? What is the outlook for your future? Don't let yourself get stale on the job. There are thousands of men and women right now in offices, factories, or working at trades literally spiked to their jobs. Success is not just simply a matter of luck. There is a real reason why some people of seemingly less ability step ahead of the fellows who really know. Whatever you have, your success depends on your ability to put over your ideas with others, in short, your ability to sell. And what is there so mysterious about this business of selling? Like every other seemingly difficult problem, it is very simple after you have once solved it. You are cheating yourself of your greatest success if you don't know and practice Salesmanship. Our new book, SALESMANSHIP SIMPLIFIED THE SHORT CUT TO SUCCESS Contains 300 pages of proven methods that will Double Your Income It's the greatest book ever published on Salesmanship, containing page after page of snappy, to-the-point paragraphs in plain, understandable English, which you will be quick to absorb, showing you just how to handle each individual situation. This information is supplemented by over 100 specially posed photographs, carefully selected to bring out the finer points in Salesmanship. These photographs in themselves are virtually a course in selling. This 300-page volume is printed on high quality paper, in clearcut, legible type, handsomely bound in beautiful dark blue embossed fabricord. It is a book you will be proud to own. Think what this great book will mean to you. It will train you to earn bigger money than you have ever earned before. It will equip you to meet competition; break down barriers that have heretofore seemed impassable; show you how to go out and accomplish the things you have always wanted to accomplish. Others are doing it! You can, and owe it to yourself to take advantage of the unusual opportunity this great book offers. This remarkable book will be sent you Absolutely Free with a one year's subscription to OPPORTUNITY MAGAZINE, the leading and most interesting salesman's magazine published. Every issue chock-full of interesting articles on selling and hundreds of new ideas for Making Money. In its columns you will also find attractive offers from large, responsible business houses, who are looking for men and women who know how to produce. rSz-k ri '# can#l A n%. M.nou Just fill out and mail the coupon. Pav VOn I &enU Mny money the postman S2.00 when this book arrives and your subscription will start at once. If not more than satisfied, return the book within five days and get your money back. Address: OPPORTUNITY MAGAZINE Desk 142-D 7SO N. Michigan Avenue CHICAGO Gentlemen: Please enter my subscription for Opportunity Magazine for one year (12 issues'); also send me my copy of your 300-page book entitled "Salesmanship Simplified," in accordance with your special offer. I agree to pay postman S2.00 on receipt of the book and my subscription is to start at once. If I am not more than satisfied with my bargain, I will return the book in five days and you will refund my S2.00. Name.. Address...-. City State. When you write to advertisers please mention PHOTOPLAY MAGAZINE.