Photoplay (Jul - Dec 1927)

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Photoplay Magazine — Advertising Section Misty Summer Things Wear Them Now Without Hesitancy Under Most Trying of Hygienic Conditions 91 This Remarkable NEW Way Provides Utter Protection Regardless of Circumstances, and Offers Besides Freedom Forever from the Embarrassing Problem of Disposal B;y Ellen J. Buckland, Registered Nurse THESE adorably, dangerously light things women used to fear — wear them now in full security; dance, motor, go about for hou ; in them without an instant's doubt or fear! The hazards and uncertainties of the oldtime "sanitary pad" have been supplanted with scientific and positive protection. Once you try this new way, you'll never again invoke the embarrassments of the old. Kotex — what it does Unknown a few years ago, 8 in every 10 women in the better walks of life have discarded the insecure "sanitary pads" of yesterday and adopted Kotex. 'Supplied also through i ending cabinets in Test-rooms by West Disinfecting Co. ©Disposed of as easily as tissue. No laundry. Filled with Cellucotton wadding, the world's super-absorbent, Kotex absorbs 16 times its own weight in moisture. It is 5 times as absorbent as the ordinary cotton pad. It discards easily as tissue. No laundry — no embarrassment of disposal. It also thoroughly deodorizes, and thus ends all fear of offending. Only Kotex itself is "like" Kotex See that you get the genuine Kotex. It is the only sanitary napkin embodying the superabsorbent Cellucotton wadding. It is the only napkin made by this company. Only Kotex itself is "like" Kotex. You can obtain Kotex at better drug and department stores everywhere, without hesitancy, simply by saying "Kotex." Comes in sanitary sealed packages of 12 in two sizes, the Regular and KotexSuper. Kotex Company, 180 North Michigan Ave., Chicago, 111. Easy Disposal and 2 other important factors ©True protection — 5 times as absorbent as ordinary cotton. Obtain without embarrassment, any store.' simply saying "Kotex." "Ask for them by name" KOTGX PROTECTS— DEODORIZES Kotex Regular: 65c per dozen Kotex-Super: 90c per dozen No laundry — discards as easily as a piece of tissue When you write to advertisers iilease mention PHOTOPLAY MAGAZINE.