Photoplay (Jul - Dec 1927)

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Gossip of All the Studios [ I ONTINUED FROM I'M.E 45 ] friends drove attendants nearly frantic. Then Louise Dresser decided to have her appendix removed and Viola Dana went beneath the knife, and Jeanie MacPherson suffered a nervous breakdown, the result of her arduous work in the preparation of "King of Kii . They arc all quite recovered now. DISTRESSING note to tourists. The sight of stars pursuing the elusive bean about restaurant plates is soon to be rare to the point of extinction. I have it on reliable information thai because "I the length of time necessary to prepare delicious concoctions in public inns, they are installing tiny kitchenettes and iceless refrigerators in t heir dressing rooms. where Hilda or Hannah or Hortensc prepares the viands. Bebe Daniels is one of the first to inaugurate the plan on the Lasky lot. And many more are following suit. TX7HEN Chester Conklin heard v v that Mrs. George Bancroft, wife of the Lasky comedian, purchased a shoe shop in Los Angeles, he gazed at his co-star sadly. "Some men have all the luck," Chester sighed. "Now George can take any girl for a ride and when she starts walking home he can always say, 'I did it for the wife and business.' " Trained for fifteen years by his father to be a Western star, Bob Steele is signed up by F. B. O. for a series. His father, Robert North Bradbury, is supervisor of Western units and he knows that there's gold in them thar mountaings wonder if she ever sighs for the old regular, reliable pay check. MAXY a star has dyed for her art but the doggonest sight I ever saw — and I saw it at F. B. O. on a day when naught but a few drops of water had passed my lips — was a police pup who came calling with his master on a casting director. Just to be original the owner had bleached the dog and touched up his eves witli mascara. Try that on your nightmare. " TD IP VAN WINKLE" is scheduled -^•for the next year's P. D. C. program. Off-hand, Bill Boyd says he can think of at least twelve actors well qualified for the role of the sleeping beauty. And they wouldn't even have to wake up. Which has all the earmarks of a somnolent wisecrack. FOUR invalids this month, but all nicely recovered now, thank you, so save the flowers and continue to send only the kind thoughts. Renee Adoree was the first. A brave little trouper, she refused proper medical attention when an influenza germ bit her, pleading that she must finish the picture in which she was in the midst. Pictures 'J? meant nothing to George K. Germ and he sent Renee to the hospital, where quantities of flowers and messages from ADD to the wrecked matrimonial barques that of Kathleen Collins and Guinn Williams, both engaged in the manufacture of Western motion picture^. Kathleen is a leading lady and Guinn is known as "Big Boy," a two-gun actor. She wants her freedom. "Big Boy" wants it, too. It's up to the judge. [ CONTINUED OX PAGE 106 ] All sit tight and we'll tell you a true story. The gentleman in the mask is the strangest technical adviser ever employed in a studio. He is an ex-highjacker and he is hired to instruct Jack Gilbert and Director Jack Conway in rum-running technic for "Twelve Miles Out." He has now reformed — hallelujah! — but he doesn't want to be recognized, so he never appears without the mask. On the level !