Photoplay (Jul - Dec 1927)

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Photoplay Magazine — -Advertising Section ioi is your nose perceptive to the sensuous joy of agreeable scent ? Do flowers delight only your eyes, or do your nostrils vibrate with ecstasy at a breeze bearing a breath of violet or rich perfume of budding hyacinth ? J. here are people to whom scent makes no appeal, just as there are the "color-blind" and "tonedeaf." And there are others— you may be one of these — who ate acutely sensitive to fragrance— just as the artist is to color or the musician is to sound. If you have a nose for delicate odors, you will take a keen delight in perceiving a delicate essence in everything you use intimately — a delight that others less finely conscious will never know. Scent-conscious people declare that books have aromas subtly their own — that homespun smells different from broadcloth — that a letter written in pencil can be told blindfold from one written with ink — and that they would as soon walk in a garden of paper flowers as bathe with a soap that carried no message to the nostrils. By that they do not mean that This free sample cake will please you — or leave you indifferent To help you test your responsiveness to the allure of agreeable odor, we will send you free a generous sample cake of Cashmere Bouquet Soap, and a book of beauty secrets, "Nature's Way to Lovely Skin. "The advice in this book is endorsed by a famous skin specialist. A large cake of Cashmere Bouquet is 25c at drug and depaitment stores. books, or flowers, or soap should be artificially scented. The distinguished fragrance known as Cashmere Bouquet is more than a fragrance. The flower essences that make this fragrance also increase the cleansing action of Cashmere Bouquet Soap. It is a very happy coincidence that the flower essences in Cashmere Bouquet that impart this delicate, dainty freshness also serve to make a lather that removes from the pores the clogging dirt and surplus oils that stand in the way of a soft and lovely skin. If you are scent-conscious — if you have been favored by Nature with the gift of high perception to agreeable scent— you will find in the fragrance of Cashmere Bouquet Soap a satisfaction that will be unknown to those whose noses are insensitive to the magical charms of scent. (G Est. 1S06 FREE SAMPLE OFFER Colgate & Company (Dept. 32-H), 595 Fifth Ave., New York In Canada. Colgate & Co.. Ltd., 72 St. Ambroise Street, Montreal Please send me, free, a sample-size cake of Cashmere Bouquet Soap and a copy of "Nature's Way to Lovely Skin." Name AddressCity State When yuu mite to advertisers please mention PnOTOPT.AY MAGAZINE.