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Photoplay Magazine — Advertising Section
I 21
Friendly Advice on Girls' Problems
Patricia Anne:
Another wise and time-worn remark applies to you — "There is safety in numbers." As long as you keep interested in four boys instead of one, you are safe from an immature step into matrimony. I think you will soon tire of promiscuous love-making. Your own common sense will be more helpful in that direction than any advice I can give you.
B. H.:
Inferiority complex, my dear, is something we all possess in one form or another. It simply means that we have a lurking ideal about ourselves, and somehow we feel that we don't quite measure up to it. You are too self-conscious about your shortcomings. Weigh your good qualities, and the bad, if there, will smoothen out in the ironing. Really everybody is too absorbed in his own ego to be bothered much about the other fellow. Look out of yourself for your interest, and not at yourself as the sole center of interest. Cultivate a sense of humor. It is life's salvation. "Laugh and the world laughs with you," etc. You will learn that it works, and pays, so do not hesitate to practice it.
Why do you want to be a type? If you will be just your natural self you will get along much better. Your light brown coloring ought to stand out very well in golden brown. Blue, gray and pale pink are your colors, too. I think the perfume you are using is particularly suited to you. If I were you I would not try to imitate anyone. You seem to have a charming personality of your own and just being yourself will have its advantages.
Don't be silly. Go and apologize to your boy friend at once. Explain your apparent snubbing of him. Matters of this sort are never helped by keeping quiet. The hurt only grows worse and worse, until there is no repairing the damage wounded feelings have started. Since you are a "Spanish type," here are your best colors: Ivory and cream whites, mahogany brown, dark blue, dark green, warm reds, pink in pale shades. Since your skin is so dark, don't wear black, gray or purple.
Your mother is right. You can safely let your reducing go for another year. In the meantime, however, I see no objection to your going on a simple diet. Stop eating candy and pastries, white bread, starchy foods of all kinds and substitute green vegetables in their places. This will contribute to your general health and cut down the calories. For colors wear black with white relief; cream and ivory white; all shades of brown; sapphire blue; orchid, burgundy and dark red, canary yellow and all pinks.
Certainly, sitting makes one fat. That combined with candy and sweets will soon cause anyone to become overweight. You are young to be worrying about this problem, but you can overcomeitby right eating and proper exercise. My booklet has a sane set of reducing exercises, which you will find to be very practical and worth while, if you care to send for it.
O to the younger crowd if you want the right word on what to wear or drive or smoke. And notice, please, that the particular cigarette they call their own today is one that you've known very well for a very long time.
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Skin Troubles
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