Photoplay (Jul - Dec 1927)

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144 Photoplay Magazine — Advertising Section ree to every girl Brilliantly Lustrous Hair SEND THE COUPON BELOW IT costs you nothing! Yet it makes your home shampoo awaken in your hair a living, sparkling, natutal lustre that yout friends will marvel at! Mail thecoupon today! You will receive a carefullypacked bottle containing a clear liquid — a superbly beautifying shampoo. In the liquid — blended with cleansing vegetable oils— is a touch of henna. It isjust the right touch to bring out all the marvelous natural lustre of every shade of hair, without affectingits color! This shampoo will not destroy the permanent wave. Itcleansesand invigorates the hair as no cake of soap can ! It creates a dazzling effect of brilliant charm that no hairdresser can achieve!Sendnow! Shampoo . -CLIP HERE . Hennafoam Corp., 5 1 1 W. 42d St. , New York, N. Y. Please send me absolutely free a bottle of Hennafoam Shampoo. Name . Address Here's the Latest! Mew Skin Jri3j>ays Amiz\ne, //e<rv JJjjcovery Sltmishti All GONE.' Brief Reviews of Current Pictures [continued from page 15 ] STOLEN BRIDE, THE — Fim National — A young countess, a sti rn parent, a marriageable officer — there you have it. It's a light farce with Billie Dove as its star. (.August.) SUNSET DERBY, THE — First National. — A jockey, a girl, a horse and a race. Not very original nor vi ry exciting. With Buster Collier and Mary Astor. (August.) SURRENDER — Universal. — An interesting and sincere portrayal of racial conflict in Russia between Christians and Jews. Mary Philbin does some fine acting. (August.) TARZAN AND THE GOLDEN LION— FBO. — The original "Tarzan" stories were good. This is one of the biRKcst pieces of nonsense ever fed to a suffering camera. (May.) TAXI DANCER.THE— Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer.— An unsavory story of an ambitious girl's adventures in Manhattan. Joan Crawford manages to triumph over inferior material. (April.) TAXI, TAXI — Universal. — The sort of pleasant comedy that usually finds appreciative audiences. Edward Everett Horton and Marion Nixon are in it. (April.) TELEPHONE GIRL, THE — Paramount.— An engrossing drama, directed with fine intelligence by Herbert Brenon. May Allison gives one of her best performances and Madge Bellamy, Holbrook Blynn and Warner Baxter are also excellent. See it. (June.) TEN MODERN COMMANDMENTS — Paramount.— A back-stage story of chorus girls and suchlike, made better than it really is by the presence of Esther Ralston. (September.) TENDER HOUR, THE— First National.— Gorgeous setting, that means nothing, and a plot that means less. One of those "you must marry the Duke" stories. With Billie Dove. (August.) THREE HOURS— First National.— Underacting by Corinne Griffith; overacting by the rest of the cast. A slow and unpleasant story. Too harrowing for sensitive nerves. (Slay.) TILLIE THE TOILER— Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer. — Marisa Davivs pla a t;': t oewriung geld diggei 181 an amusing film adapted from the popular comic strip. (August.) TIME TO LOVE— Paramount.— Raymond GrKfilh trying to prove how silly he can be — and proving it, too. Of course, if you have a lot.of time to wast. — (September.) TOO MANY CROOKS— Paramount— Mildred Davis tries a comeback in a silly story. It is not a success. Sorry. (June.) TOPSY AND EVA— United Artists.— Broad burlesque of the old story with Rosetta Duncan snatching most of the footage. Funny in a way and slightly vulgar. (September.) TRACKED BY THE POLICE— Warner Bros.— Rin-Tin-Tin deserves an extra helping of dog biscuits for making this picture good entertainment. (July.) TWELVE MILES OUT— Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer. — Rum-running off our dry' coasts. A highly popular film with Jack Gilbert giving a sound and interesting performance. (September.) UNDERSTANDING HEART, THE— MetroGoldwyn-Mayer. — If it weren't for a thrilling forest fire, this would be one of the dullest pictures of the year, in spite of the work of Joan Crawford and Francis X. Bushman, Jr. (July.) *UNDER WORLD — Paramount. —Great story, great direction, great acting. A raw, red drama of the seamy side of life. George Bancroft. Evelyn Brent and Clive Brook are credited with hits. Not for the children. (September.) Any Part of Face, Neck, Arms, Hands or Body! READ FREE OFFER BELOW: Here is the most astonishing, yet simple discovery in the history of beauty culture for women and men, young and old, who wish to get rid of disfiguring facial blemishes and have a new soft, smooth skin and a beautiful complexion. It is different from anything you have ever tried or heard of. Harmless, easy and quick! All explained in a new FREE treatise on skin imper[ectionsand how to have "Beautiful New Skin in 3 Days." Learn this Becret method yourself, at home. Come forth with an amazing new skin, beautiful. youth-like complexion and astonish and captivate friends. Send no money — just name and address — and FREE treatise will be sent to you by return mail — postpaid Address: Marvo Lab.. Dept. 31-K. No. 1700 Broadway, New York, N. Y. Jeannette Loff preferred being a grease paint lady to a stained glass saint. Hers were the pedal extremities that launched a thousand hymns. In other words, Jeannette played the one and only church organ in Wadena, Canada. But she left home to win, with perfect form, a contract at De Mille's Ererjr advertisement In photoplay MAGAZINE is guaranteed.