Photoplay (Jul - Dec 1927)

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i48 Photoplay Magazine — ADVERTISING Section il tss Grace HaytS If you could try them all! IF you could try every lipstick made, you would discover why thousands of smart women are now using TANGEE. You would find TANGEE a lipstick that's different from all the rest— that changes color, as you put it on , from orange to blushrose— and blends with your complexion . . . A lipstick that gives you the envied Loveliness of Youth's own glow — and is permanent and waterproof! Try them all, if you wish . . . but try TANGEE today! Tangee Lipstick St. Tangee Crime Rouge SI, ami Tangee Rouge Compact 7'iC.the same color majicforthechecks. PriccsZoc higher inCanada. Dept. 86 i he George W. Luft Co. 417 Fifth Ave., New York Please send me the Trial 'Tangee Beauty Set," including Lipstick, Crf^mc Rouge. Rouge Compact, Day Cream, Night Cream, and Face Powder. 1 enclose 20 cents to cover cost of mailing. T^N^S 'Same Addres NED*AYBURN America's Foremost Dance Expert. Who Staged the Best Editions of the Follies and over 600 Successful Revues. Musical Comedies. Headline Vaudeville Attractions and Motion Picture Presentations, will prepare You to Win Stage or Screen Career thru Stage Dancing — vV\ AfR. WAYBURV. thru A his Genius and c\pe rience has worked out _^^^ wonderful modern metiiod ~B& of training beginners [or ■jm^^ Stage or Screen Careers in less than half the time required by the old fashioned systems — It is the short cut to .Success. Marilyn Miller. Marion Davles, Bessie Love. Ann Pennington. (Jilda (•ray, Al Jolson. Will Rogers and iCddle Cantor are among the many stars who have benefited by Mr. Wayburn's inspirational guidance and training OPPORTUNITIES The casts of Mr. Wayburn's four BensaUonal, record-breaking attrao iis are composed of Protegees and pupils direct from I he Studios, to whom he gave the opportunity to start their professional careers, livery pupil In the Studios has the chance to qualify for a place In the new productions he Is scheduled to produce, start your training at once. EN'KOLL NOW! FREE BOOKLET Call at Studios or write for free, beautl Ladies in Hades [ CONTINUED FROM I>A(.E 50 ] Ann Pennington fully Illustrated booklet Mil. NED WAVBURN Studios oF Stage Dancing Inc. 1 84 1 Broadway, (Ent . on60th St .)StudioUM, At Columbus Circle. New York. Open all year round •» A. M. to 10 P. M. Kxcept Sundays. (Closed Saturdays at 6 P. M.) Phone Columbus 3500 laughed. "No man could be expected to show much pep, trying to live up to a card-index system." " I suppose not. But I couldn't see why he should treat me like one of his wives. I thought I'd start something. "Are you fond of games, Solomon dear?' I asked. HE said he wasn't sure, and what kind of a game was it? If it was a ring game, lie wasn't interested. "This is something new,' I told him, 'which has been quite the rage in my home town all winter, and it is a question game called ask me another.' " I have never heard of that particular game.' he admitted, 'but it sounds pretty safe, and they tell me I am a wizard at answering questions so I will take a chance. How do you play it?' "Well, I said, 'you have a book with a lot of difficult questions in it, like Who Invented Ford Cars.-' and Where is Cairo, Illinois? and you ask your friends what are the answers. And whenever one of them happens to make a good guess, he is so pleased with himself that he says right out, ask me another. I have not got the book with me having left it in my trunk, but there are three questions I have been saving up in my mind to ask you because I know you are the wisest man in the world and can answer any question no matter how hard it may be. So I will now ask you these three questions and you can tell me the answers. Each question has a very interesting point to it, and before we get through I am sure you will not fail to see the point. The first question is. What is God's greatest gift to woman?' SOLOMON looked rather puzzled, when I asked him this, and I was afraid he was going to muff it. But he didn't. "'A man.' he said, acting as though he suspected there was a catch in it. "'Right,' I told him, 'and you certainly show a lot of ability at this game. Now I shall ask you the second question, which is. What is God's greatest gift to man?' ' ' A woman,' he exclaimed, right off the bat. "'Correct again,' I said, 'and I think it is wonderful the way you answer these questions so quickly.' "'They do not seem such hard questions to me.' he mumbled, 'and in spite of what you say I do not see any point to them.' '•'Why, Solomon,' I laughed. 'Thati> very simple. The point of the first question is a man. of course. And the point of the second question is a woman. Now, since you are so good at numbers. perhaps you can tell me what is the shortest distance between two points." "If he missed that one." Sappho exclaimed, "he should have been taken out and given a shot in the arm." "My dears." the Queen of Sheba went on. "I thought he was going to, at first, but all of a sudden he must have got it, for he leaned over and kissed me. After that, what with the ice being broken, we had a very enjoyable evening. "I stayed at the palace a month. The Superintendent of the Royal Wives took a vacation and went fishing. When I left for home Solomon gave me back all my presents and a lot of new ones, to show how much he enjoyed my visit. I was rather glad to leave. He was a nice fatherly old gentleman, but as one of his wives — Number 642 I think it was said to me — he certainly did owe a lot to his press agent. Delilah, who had been following Queen Sheba's story closely, laughed. "Samson was like that, too," she said. "Always bragging about himself, showing his muscle and everything, bin to tell the truth — " Jl'ST what the truth was about Samson the Club did not hear, at least not at that time. There was a sudden commotion at the rear of the hall and one of the under demons came in, pushing a somewhat dishevelled figure ahead of him with his pitchfork. "Just caught this bird climbing in th( cellar window, ma'am. " he said. " What'll I do with him?" The members of the Club all gathered about, smiling. "If it isn't my old friend Don Juan," Lucrezia Borgia exclaimed, gazingthrough her lorgnette. "Greetings, Don. Didn't you make a mistake in the house? Men are not admitted — " "I throw myself on your mercy, ladies." the Don said, executing a graceful bow. "The odds are a trifle against me. but I have always been of a hopeful disposition." In spite of the coal dust upon his small-clothes, he looked very handsome, and all the members began to make eyes at him. Eve rapped on the table for order. "It's all right, officer." she said, smiling. "We don't care to prefer chai You can leave him to us." "God help him," the demon grinned, and went out. ALTHOUGH it is strictly against our rules." Eve went on, "we have decided Don, since the discussion of the evening is over, to permit you to remain for supper on one condition. You must disclose the name of the particular member whose charms have brought you here tonight. Don't be afraid. We're all good friends, and promise not to be jealous." The Don looked very uncomfortable. His face grew red. "You want the truth, I suppose?" he asked. "Certainly. What a question!" "Very well. Since you insist, I may as well tell you that I was crawling through the coal hole, while you ladies were engaged upon your philosophical discussions, in the hope of making the acquaintance of your very pretty French maid." Twelve members of the Club gasped in chorus. Eve was the first to speak. Every advertisement in rUOTOl'LAY MAGAZINE is guaranteed.