Photoplay (Jul - Dec 1927)

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Photoplay Magazine — Advertising Section 149 ChmSow Famous Paramount Picture Star Featuring the Beret Style Clara Bow Hat Made of Boyduroy . . . inexpensive . . . durable . . . ultra smart! Newest colors . . . Rayon silk linings. Two head sizes: 7 to 12 years for juniors, 12 to 20 years for misses — both adjustable. Look for Clara Bow's signature on every hat. Ask your dealer. DEALERS — t Success fully Sold Where Shown A Product of the Wm. F. Chiniquy Co. Chicago, Illinois ^BERMUDA^ I Just Pack Up and Go It's like taking a train — Bermuda is only 48 hours from New York. Average temperature 60° to 70". Two sailings weekly on luxurious transatlantic liners : S.S. Fort Victoria S.S. Fort St. George For booklets and reservations write FURNESS BERMUDA LINE. 34 Whitehall St. New York City or any local tourist agent Reduce and Shape Your Limbs with Dr. Walter's Medicated Rubber Stockings and Anklets, Light or dark rubber. For over 20 years they have relieved swelling, varicose veins and rheumatism promptly. Worn next to the skin they induce natural heat, stimulate the circulation and give a neat and trim appearance. They give wonderful support and are a protection against cold and dampness. Anklets $7, extrahigh$9.Stockings$12. Send check or money order — no cash. Write for Booklet. Dr. Jeanne P.H.WaIter,389 Fiflh Avc.N.Y, of The Pathfinder, America*9 live* Heat, most unique, most entertaining weekly magazine. Full of wit, humor, information, news events, pictures, special features, best fiction/ 'Once you read THE PATHFINDER you will never do^ without it. Send your name and 10 cents immediately. THE PATHFINDER. Dept. F-79 WASHINGTON. D. C. ' "Hold the wretch!" she cried, running to the door. "I will be back in a moment." She left, the room, while Don Juan, surrounded by the outraged Club members, vainly tried to make his escape. When Eve returned to the room she held in her hand three sheets. "Help me to tear these into strips," she said. "Then we will show him a trick, they play in Egypt, called the mummy game." A dozen eager hands helped her rip the sheets into narrow bandages. An instant later, in spite of his strrtggles, the unfortunate Don had been wound from head to heels in snowy wrappings, and propped against the wall as helpless as a figure of stone. "Now," Eve cried, with a malicious grin, "we will have Salome do the Dance of the Seven Veils for him. Under the circumstances, I hope he enjoys it." "And if he survives, " added Cleopatra, "we might earn' him out into the garden and let him watch us while we take a dip in the pool." SALOME was magnificent. She had never danced with greater abandon. At the removal of the first veil the tall figure of the Don was seen to quiver slightly; at the second, his face turned the color of a beet; at the third, hegroaned; at the fourth, he tried to speak; at the fifth, his eyes took on a glassy stare; at the sixth, his jaw dropped, and at the seventh he gave a loud gasp and toppled to the floor, unconscious. The excitement of the dance had proved too much for him; he had fainted. Leaving him stretched out like some ridiculous lay figure, the Club members went to supper. "Whenever you are ready," Mrs. Potiphar said to Eve as they took their seats at the table, "I would like to say a few words on the subject of alibis. " " It is a subject, " Eve replied laughing, "in which every married woman is likely to be interested. I'll put you down for our next meeting." Klamath Falls. Visiting hour is over and Miss May has just moved Flora over near my bed, so we can look at PHOTOPLAY. Mother just brought me the July issue. At last Norma is going to Paris . . . Eddie Cantor is leaving the screen to go on the stage . . . My old friends Richard Dix and Louise Fazenda are shining forth from the Gallery . . . Meet my son Fred Thomson, Jr. He surely is a darling . . . Barbara Ann celebrates her first birthday and gives a party for the younger set . . . Tommy Meighan and his wife arrive in California. . . . "Here's your dinner, girls!" And we were just getting ready to solve the Cut Puzzle and Name Contest. So we pass away a few of those long hours with PHOTOPLAY. B.J. Does Your Smile Say "YELLOW // WHAT does "the only man in the world" see — teeth that flash a brilliant white or teeth that are stained an unbecoming yellow? That yellowish tint is the mischief of a " liquid cement" in your saliva. Glues to your teeth — then hardens. Becomes a mask which tobacco, coffee and foods stain yellow. Fortunately that unsightly hue can now be removed. Dental science has discovered how to formulate a tooth paste composed of "Tri-Calcium Phosphate." This is a substance leading dentists use for cleaning teeth, and is about the only one that can do this much-desired job without harm to the softest enamel. The name of this marvelous dentifrice is ORPHOS TOOTH PASTE. As a scientific and safe whitener of teeth it is without equal. Buy a tube and try it. Banish that ugly yellowish hue on which no pair of masculine eyes can look with approval. If your druggist by any chance should not have ORPHOS, mail fifty cents to us or use coupon below which offers a 20-Time Tube FREE. FREE— 20;Time Tube ORPHOS CO., 22 West 32nd St. New York City, Dept. P-5 Name Address City State Winn you write to ailveitiseis please mention PHOTOPLAY MAGAZINE.