Photoplay (Jul - Dec 1927)

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The World's Leading Motion Picture Publication PHOTOPLAY MAGAZINE JAMES R. QUIRK Editor and Publisher FREDERICK JAMES SMITH MANAGING EDITOR Vol. XXXII Contents, November, 1927 The High' Lights of This Issue No. 6 Cover Design Jetta Goudal — Painted from Life Charles Sheldon Close-Ups and Long Shots James R. Quirk 27 The Editor Tells You What's What and Who Without Fear or Favor Judge Ben Lindsey Defends Flapper Movies Ruth Biery 29 The Eminent Jurist Contends There Is No Sin in Sex Risking Life and Limb for $25 True Tales of Movie "Stunt" Men and Women Will Rogers Says The Famous Humorist Joins the Photoplay Family Dick Hylan 30 Will Rogers 35 Why Can't They Stay Married? Dr. Louis E. Bisch 38 An Analysis of the Emotional Barrier That Often Shuts Off the Actor or Actress from a Happy Marriage Scrap Pillows Lois Shirley 40 Tells You How to Make the Kind You See in the Movies How They Look to De Bru, the Great Spanish Caricaturist 48 Introducing a New Artist to Photoplay Readers Intimate Visits to the Homes of Famous Film Magnates Terry Ramsaye 50 A Picture Story of Richard Rowland Ladies in Hades Mrs. Potiphar Discusses Alibis Peter's Wife (Fiction Story) He Faced Murder to Keep Her Frederic Arnold Kummer 56 Dana Burnet 66 76 Photoplay's Star Recipes You'll Want This Cook Book to Prepare Dainty Dishes Photoplays Reviewed in the Shadow Stage This Issue Save this magazine — refer to the criticisms before you pick out your evening's entertainment. Make this your reference list. PAGE Angel of Broadway, The — Pathe-De Mille 55 Back Stage — Tiffany 138 Boy Rider, The— FBO 137 Bush Leaguer, The — -Warner Bros 138 Chain Lightning — Fox 138 College — United Artists 55 Coward, The— FBO 138 Drop Kick, The — First National 55 Figures Don't Lie — Paramount. 54 Gardenof Allah, The— M.-G.-M. 54 Gav Retreat, The — Fox 138 Girl from Rio, The — Gotham . . 55 Ham and Eggs — Warner Bros. . 137 High School Hero, The — Fox ... 54 Joy Girl, The — Fox 54 Les Miserables — -Universal 137 Love— M.-G.-M 52 Mile-a-Minute Love — Universal 53 One Woman to Another — Paramount 54 Perfect Gentleman, A— Pathe..l38 Reno Divorce — Warner Bros. . . 138 Rose of the Golden West — First National 52 Sailor Izzy Murphy — Warner Bros 137 Shanghied— FBO 137 Shootin' Irons — Paramount. . . .137 Sinews of Steel — Gotham 138 Soft Cushions — Paramount .... 54 Student Prince, The— M.-G.-M. 53 Tea for Three— M.-G.-M Tell ft to Sweeney — Paramount. Two Arabian Knights — United Artists 53 Wind, The— M.-G.-M 52 54 55 Exclusive Monthly Photoplay Features As We Go to Press 6 Brief Reviews of Current Pictures . . 8 Brickbats and Bouquets 10 Gossip of All the Studios 42 Reviews of Newest Pictures .... 52 Amateur Movies 65 Shopping Service 74 Friendly Advice on Girls' Problems . . 81 Questions and Answers 93 Casts of Current Photoplays .... 159 Published monthly by the Photoplay Publishing Co. Editorial Offices, 221 W. 57th St., New York City Publishing Office, 750 N. Michigan Ave., Chicago, 111. The International News Company. Ltd., Distributing Agents. 5 Bream's Building, London, England James R. Quirk, President Robert M. Eastman, Vice-President and Treasurer Kathryn Dougherty. Secretary and Assistant Treasurer Yearly Subscription : $2.50 in the United States, its dependencies, Mexico and Cuba ; $3.00 Canada ; $3.50 to foreign countries. Remittances should be made by check, or postal or express money order. Caution — Do not subscribe through persons unknown to you. Entered as second-class matter April 24, 1912, at the Postoffice at Chicago, III., under the Act oi March 3, 1879. Copyright, 1927, by the Photoplay Publishing Company, Chicago.