Photoplay (Jul - Dec 1927)

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JJo you cherish beautiful teeth and coral gums then heed this warning Mouth beauty is so important these days! Not only for the charm of a pleasing smile — but also because decayed teeth and infected gums will often poison the entire system. But how are you to protect your teeth and gums? Look through your favorite publications. You will find a dozen theories on what causes tooth decay and gum infections Look at your druggist's counter. You will find 25 or 50 dentifrices competing for your favor. That the dangerous situation caused by this confusion might be brought to an end, E. R. Squibb 6? Sons decided to get a verdict from the only authoritative source — the dental profession. A research institution, world famous for its high standard and impartiality, asked 50,000 practicing dentists certain questions on mouth hygiene. The replies received show that the dental profession agrees almost unanimously on what is the principal cause of tooth decay and gum infections and its safeguard. 95% °f the answers agreed that acids are the most frequent cause of tooth decay and irritated gums. 95% agreed that the most serious trouble occurs at the place where teeth and gums meet — \nown as The Danger Line. 85% agreed that the best product known to neutralize acids in the mouth is Mil\ of Magnesia. Squibb's Dental Cream contains more than 50% Squibb's Milk of Magnesia in a most convenient and effective form. When you brush your teeth with it, tiny particles of Milk of Magnesia are forced into every pit and crevice where acids can form. There they remain to safeguard your teeth and gums for a long time after use. See your dentist twice a year and use Squibb's Dental Cream regularly. You will be doing everything possible to safeguard your teeth and gums. Squibb's Dental Cream cleanses thoroughly, it soothes and strengthens the gums, it relieves sensitive teeth. It is pleasant to use and safe. At all druggists — 40c a large tube. E. R. Squibb 6? Sons, New York, Manufacturing Chemists to the Medical Profession since 1858. © 1927 THE "PRICELESS INGREDIENT" OF EVERY PRODUCT IS THE HONOR AND INTEGRITY OF ITS MAKER