Photoplay (Jul - Dec 1932)

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Photoplay Magazine for September, 1932 I I Al New and Amazing Development i inTalking Pictures! For the first time you hear the hidden, unspoken thoughts of people! IN EUGENE O'NEILL'S GREAT DRAMA STRANGE INTERLUDE Something new in talking pictures! And of :ourse, it comes from the magic studios >f Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer, producers of 'Grand Hotel" and so many other important creen entertainments! This Pulitzer prize winlirtg play by Eugene O'Neill has been called the reatest romantic drama of our times. It ran a ear and a half on Broadway. On the talking creen you will find it an unforgettable xperience. Directed by ROBERT Z. LEONARD. rs Together again! Theyjj thrilled the world in "A% Free Soul." And now 'Norma Shearer and Clark Qable enact their most powerful love drama! Eugene O'Neill America's greatest playtvright, reaches the height of his glory in this masterpiece. with ALEXANDER KIRKLAND ROBERT YOUNG • vlAUREEN O'SULLIVAN HENRY B. WALTHALL RALPH MORGAN MAY ROBSON TAD ALEXANDER • MARY ALDEN • Douglas Shearer Chief Sound Engineer of M-G-M, whose amazing invention makes this picture "different."