Photoplay (Jul - Dec 1932)

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iS Photoplay Magazine for September, 1932 Li WAKE UP REALSILK ci nd hear what's happening in Hollywood/' SAYS o-& jeSi^? ADVa^ce oe rnTsroT UP AND TA« ■ ADELA ROGERS ST. JOHNS HOLLYWOOD, CAL. REALSILK SUCCESS NOT BASED ON MISSING BETS TELL US MORE ABOUT IDEA WILL PAY AT REGULAR RATES REALSILK * * * Adela Rogers St. Johns was right and we are printing some of the interesting points of her letter to form this advertisement. ./ "There are many women in Hollywood," she writes, "who invest thousands a year in their wardrobes as part of their business. They want the best at any price. Realsilk stockings are brought to them right in their homes and studios. "One of the best dressed actresses on the screen buys most everything she wears in Paris, except her stockings. She told me she sees no reason to go to Paris for her hosiery when Realsilk brings such exquisite stockings right to her. "There are many other girls who must look well, but haven't a lot of money to spend on it. I find most of them wear Realsilk stockings, too. "A certain very temperamental star was always flying into tantrums about runs in her stockings. When she complained to me one day I told her the way to cure those runs was to try the fresh silk kind — the ones that haven't lain around shelves getting older and older and weaker and weaker. That's why she switched to Fresh Realsilk. "One day I called at the beautiful home of one of our favorite actresses to interview her for a screen magazine. What do you think I found her doing? Washing stockings in the bathroom and hanging them up on the shower rod, even as you and I ! "One actress when she first entered themovies, absolutely refused to wear stockings. The directors insisted and she got her hosiery baptism with Realsilk. Stars of Hollywood! Who knows more about them than Adela Rogers St. Johns? In books, magazines and newspapers she has reported Hollywood People and Hollywood Happenings since the movies were young. She is also a prominent fiction writer, scenarist, and the mother of three children! Her most recent film story is RKO's "What Price Hollywood," starring Constance Bennett. "Another famous star making a triumphant personal appearance tour found she was running low on stockings and ordered them from Realsilk to be delivered in another city 1000 miles away. They were waiting for her when she arrived. "Getting down to my own case, I seemed to be haunted by hosiery bad luck until a couple of years ago, when an exuberant young man came bursting into my office. I didn't believe a word he said. What difference did it make if the stockings were fresh because they were 'direct from the mills.' As for the idea that they would actually wear — that they'd keep their shape and a straight seam up the back — I simply pooh-poohed the suggestion. "Because I was desperate about stockings — because 1 know you can't climb the ladder of success with runs in your hosiery — because it was a timesaver not to have to go down-town — because he showed me many orders of motion picture friends of mine who had both good taste and sound business sense — I ordered some. "Everything that salesman told me was true. I like fresh silk stockings and I like those seven Realsilk features. Realsilk put elegance and comfotton my feet and took a load off my mind. They make the going a lot smoother — which is mighty important in our busy lives out here." Of course we've been asleep It took Adela Rogers St. Johns to open our eyes to our own stockings! But we sense a great advertising campaign in the bits of gossip she's given us. So ue're going to tell you of the adventures of Realsilk 's Fresh Silk stockings in Hollywood. Fresh Silk stockings are made possible only because Realsilk, by sending hosiery direct-from-the-mills, saves so much time over the ordinary method. And Fresh Silk is only one of Realsilk 's seven exclusive features of extra beauty and extra uear. REALSILK HOSIERY MILLS, INDIANAPOLIS, IND. World's largest manufacturer of silk hosiery. Branches in 200 cities— look in your 'phone book. The /icj/i Silk Stockings H E AJr^>L K ith y Exclusive Features