Photoplay (Jul - Dec 1932)

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~ '• " «•*»* .. ■Jf BkitMw 'imwfgi ■ -f*^ Stagg ' Mabel? Was it right after the big fire or | just before the little one? No, remember Fred got sunburned and peeled all i over everything just after the little fire, so it must have been the medium one. Yes, that's right. It was just after the medium fire. Only seven houses (contents included) burned that time." Where the white stone mansion of Miss Ringe, the owner of Malibu's golden sand, sets high above the movie colony on a nearby hill and looks down. Wondering, wondering, wondering. A good half mile strip of houses. With a tiny three feet between. A Swiss chalet next to a Southern manse. With bell ringers and yodeling in one house and banjo strumming in the i other. A Spanish fandango with a tamale front next door to an up • and down board shack. Like the Mulligan's, across the track. The red and white mansion of Lil Tashman. And a Mexican i adobe shack with a water jar (never touched) and two scandals each season. By Sara Hamilton A suburban type home with green grass in Ike front yard, geraniums, palm trees and shrubs. On a sandy shore. I ask you, ladies and gentlemen of the jury, I ask you. And all this next door to a sand-drifted front yard, with the sand sweeping across a completely hidden fence into the jellied consomme. Chiffon curtains to an ocean-sprayed window. Cretonne, next door. Oriental rugs. With grass ones on the other side. Every house screaming out the personality of the owner. A dead giveaway. "Here am I. A Spanish complex with a slight leaning to Bank of Italy architecture. Look." We look. But no matter the style or period of any house they all have that triangular glass windbreaker on the northwest corner of the fence. There is such a thing as an ocean breeze overdoing it. It began, this Malibu, with Anna Q. Nilsson, a desire to rest, and a tiny board hut. And, year by year, it has grown bigger and bigger, and madder and madder, and gayer and gayer. hi