Photoplay (Jan - Jun 1933)

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Photoplay Magazine for March, 1933 99 O/2/5 -bovelij ^Jllhi ^jrock . . . Of utollijwooo ^fashion for ^narck, FROM THE ORIGINAL WORN BY KAY FRANCIS IN "THE KEYHOLE" SELECTED EY — ^eyaoijt' In none but genuine "Hollywood Fashions" will you find the distinctive label with its tiny lady -of fashion, reproduced above . . . It proves their authentic origin, sponsored by PHOTOPLAY MAGAZINE, in the style show of the films/ Out of the thrilling new Warner Brothers-First National picture, not yet on the screen, steps this charming costume . . . one of ten clever "Hollywood Fashions" for March, each an exact copy of a film favorite's frock! Styled for famous stars are "Hollywood Fashions" by the skilled designers for the motion picture studios . . . smart, dramatic, individual ! And from these exclusive originals come true reproductions, now offered at moderate prices by leading stores in many principal cities (see Page 122) . . . colorful clothes worn by featured players in latest motion picture plays! Regularly Seymour, stylist for PHOTOPLAY, picks ten outstanding film costumes for the Fashion pages of this magazine (See Pages 64-69). IP H O T O IP LAY M\ AG AZ II N I A&A 919 N. Michigan Ave., Chicago, 111. In Association With WAKEFIELD * O'CONNOR, INC. DALE NORTON, Director "Hollywood Fashions," Photoplay Magazine, 919 N. Michigan Ave., Chicago, Illinois I am interested in "Hollywood Fashions," but know no store in my city where they can be bought. Please bring them to the attention of (name store you prefer). Each month you may read about them in PHOTOPLAY, see them on the screen . . . and add their clever counterparts to your own wardrobe! My name and address:.