Photoplay (Jul - Dec 1934)

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"LISTERINE FOR YOU, YOUNG MAN" Safe antiseptic quickly relieves Sore Throat AT the first sign of a cold or simple sore throat, start gargling with Listerine. You will be delighted to find how often it gives quick relief. Millions rely on Listerine for this purpose. The moment this pleasant tasting antiseptic enters the mouth it begins to kill the dangerous germs associated with these maladies. If painful irritation is present as in the case of sore throat, Listerine relieves it promptly There is no doubt, authorities say, that sore throat is of "bacterial origin. The wisdom of using every day, an antiseptic to kill such germs is apparent. And Listerine is the outstanding mouth wash which combines germ killing power with complete safety. Ask for Listerine — and use no imitations which may lack antiseptic power or be harmful to tissue. LISTERINE attacks mouth bacteria