Photoplay (Jul - Dec 1934)

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Home to This? Here's the incentive for fine screen work Photos by Wm. Phillips Just a little over a year old, but he promises to be an a 1 1 A m e r i c a n football back, rugged and rangy, like his dad. He's John Lachlan Brown, the heir of the Johnny Mack Browns Here he is, as usual, stealing the picture, and from his father, too ! Richard Ralston (Call me Ricky) Arlen, Jr.'s the name The center of attraction at the Hamiltons is Patricia Louise, Neil's three-year-old pride and joy. Neil says she is as active as an adagio team Bruno Charming Virginia Bruce's attention is concentrated on one-year-old Susan Ann Gilbert, and it is a very, very important engagement indeed that can take mama away from baby -47