Photoplay (Jan - Jun 1941)

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KIDNEYS MUST REMOVE EXCESS ACIDS Help 15 Miles of Kidney Tubes Flush Out Poisonous Waste If you have an excess of acids in your blood, your 15 miles of kidney tubes may be over-worked. These tiny filters and tubes are working day and night to help Nature rid your system of excess acids and poisonous waste. When disorder of kidney function permits poisonous matter to remain in your blood, it may cause nagging backache, rheumatic pains, leg pains, loss of pep and energy, getting up nights, swelling, puffiness under the eyes, headaches and dizziness. Frequent or scanty passages with smarting and burning sometimes shows there is something wrong with your kidneys or bladder. Kidneys may need help the same as bowels, so ask your druggist for Doan's Pills, used successfully by millions for over 40 years. They give happy relief and will help the 15 miles of kidney tubes flush out poisonous waste from your blood. Get Doan's Pills. ■■NATURAL TONEBM ENLARGEMENT only 20c plus postage; 2 for 39c. just send this ad with any photo. SEND NO MONEY but pay on delivery Free 6x9" each Oil FRFF unique Art Service, SOI W. 14S St., N Relieve Pain In Few Minutes NEURITIS To relieve the torturing pain of Neuritis, Rheumatism, Neuralgia, or Lumbago in few minutes, get NURITO, the fine formula, used by thousands. No opiates. Does the work quickly — must relieve cruel pain to your satisfaction in a few minutes or your money back. Don't surfer. Ask your druggist today for trustworthy NURITO on this guarantee. Qlnus-CatarrhHead Colds ■ J TRY THIS TO CLEAN THE NASAL CONGESTION V Flood the nasal passage with S I N A S I P T E C. Different, it loosens and flushes out the thick, sticky, mucous secretion that often blocks drainage and causes headache pressure. Promotes easy breathing as it cools and soothes hot, irritated, swollen nasal tissue. Money back if first bottle doesn't convince you. Ask your druggist for SINASIPTEC today sure. SPECIAL INTRODUCTORY 25c MAILOFFER Send only 25c coin with your name, address for demonstration size of the regularly $1 SINASIPTEC plus a 25c value nasal applicator free of all extra charges. Write direct to American Drug Corp., Dept. B-3, 6060 Maple, St. Louis, Mo. GIVEN ABOUT SIZE OF DIME NOTHING TO BUY! GIRLS! LADIES! Send Name and Address. Charming Watch or Big Cash Commission. Send No Money. Given for SIMPLY GIVING AWAY FREE Big Colored Pictures with our famous White Cloverine Salve used for burns, chaps, sores, which you easily sell to friends at 25c a box (with picture FREE) and remitting as explained in catalog. SPECIAL: Choice of 35giftsforreturningonly $3 collected. 44th yr. Send for Salve and pictures, postage paid. WILSON CHEM. CO.. INC.. Dept. 65-32, Tyrone. Pa. prober, i *ea*eT 0tve _ PtlU Pain ' -FinanC lend U. E*Ve*Vl«ttSc&< *£* FEBRUARY, 1941 The Shadow Stage (Continued from page 15) * You'll Find Out (RKO-Radio) It's About: The Kyser band runs afoul of spooks and crooks. KAY KYSER and his band are lifted bodily from their Kollege of Musical Knowledge air shows and set right down in the midst of movies' three worst bogeymen, Boris Karlofr, Bela Lugosi and Peter Lorre. The result is a mild panic with fake yogis and cold-blooded crooks flying in and out of trap doors and collapsible walls with Kyser in reluctant pursuit. It all happens when Kay and his band agree to play at the country home of Helen Parrish and find the place alive with horrible horrors. There are plenty of laughs, of course, with Kay and his boys trying to outwit the baddies. Dennis O'Keefe and Helen Parrish are the romancers. Kay is natural and pleasing on the screen. Your Reviewer Says: Fun, set to music. " Sandy Gets Her Man (Universal) It's About: Baby Sandy plays Cupid. |UST for the good old-fashioned belly •* laughs occasioned by good old-fashioned hokum, we chalk up one check on the credit side of this Universal comedy. The story has Baby Sandy, who grows cuter by the minute, trying to decide whom Mama Una Merkel shall marry — fireman Stuart Erwin or policeman Jack Carson. Mama leaves it entirely up to Sandy to choose and what with the fireman proving himself a hero and the policeman proving himself another hero, both for Sandy's sake, it's riotous. We never saw anyone who could get out of more trouble and into more burning buildings than Sandy. Who won? Oh, we'll leave that for you to find out. Your Reviewer Says: It's plain funny. " Little Nellie Kelly (M-G-M) It's About: A rambunctious old man who is "agin" romance. IUDY GARLAND grows up right beJ fore our eyes on the screen and what a charming young lady she makes. In this appealing and "darlin' " little Irish tale, Judy, over in old Erin, marries George Murphy against the wishes of her idling old father, Charles Winninger, comes to America with George and her father, has a daughter, and dies. Judy then plays the daughter who grows up with father and grandfather (still unforgiving) and meets romance when handsome young Douglas McPhail comes a'courting. But Grandfather Winninger is still stubborn and bitter against love in the family and almost wrecks little Nellie Kelly's romance. Every member of the cast gathers round to turn in a grand little show. Your Reviewer Says: A love of a picture. ^ The Mark of Zorro (20th Century-Fox) It's About: An adventurous young man who exchanges chaos for order. (Continued on page 101) ^s*COASTTOC Mm m The Goth; The Drake TheElachstone .* »"c* Jfelleuieuiifiltmore A. S< KIRKEBY, Managing Director KIRKEBy HOTELS patented and un mmw a IkTrtPiri Y> patented. Write us, if you \Hr >* Ri J Mi«M.P have a practical, useful ww *^*^ » «U*^ idea for sa]e Chartered Institute, Dept. 101, Washington, D. C. Amazing 3-in-l household inveD:_n— Brush. Broom. Mop all in one. Makes housework play. Incredibly light— easy tohandle— CLEANS NEW WAY! Sweeps carpets, rugs without »ing dust; Brushes upholstered furniture. iors. linoleum without scratching. Ennds! Approved by Gnod Hnusekeepiva „_d. Housewives wild about it. AGENTS WANTED EVERYWHERE. Hustlers cleaning tip! C AMDI C ACCrp Samples Bent on trial to all who write obligation. Get details. Be first— send in your name TODAY! THE KR1STEE PRODUCTS CO.. 435 BAR ST.. AKRON, OHIO No cTe^NYLONVw^/ With Tcunotvi VovUttt-Wza/t SNAG-PROOFED CHIFFON SILK HOSIERY \ Thrilling news! Now you can sell amazing Nylon hosiery with famous, long wearing Snag-Proofed Silk Chiffon Hosiery which i RESISTS snags and runs, and is tested \ for DOUBLE WEAR. Cuts hosiery bills \ in half. Individual lengths. Low prices. Exceptional opportunity to earn cash and your personal hosiery by taking orders from friends, neighbors, others. Complete Outfit Free! Write fully today for complete outfit which contains sample of NYLON HOSIERY FABRIC and actual silk stocking. No experience needed. You can earn welcome cash even in spare time. Write fully today. AMERICAN SILK HOSIERY MILLS Dept. U-18, Indianapolis, Indiana 99 Write Fully For SAMPLE SILK STOCKING